3,639 research outputs found

    Zwischen Morphem und Paradigma : zur polnischen Substantivflexion

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    In meinem Vortrag möchte ich Ihnen einige Überlegungen zu Fragen der vergleichenden Flexionsmorphologie vortragen und dabei wiederum speziell zur Kasusmarkierung an Substantiven. Ich werde mich dabei besonders auf das Polnische beziehen – eine Sprache, deren Kasusbildungen teils Charakteristika des fusionierenden oder flektierenden Typus zeigen, teils aber eher dem agglutinierenden Typ nahe kommen. Diese Mischung stellt, wie ich zeigen möchte, eine besondere Herausforderung fĂŒr die morphologische Kasusanalyse dar. Ich werde dies im ersten Abschnitt meines Beitrags erlĂ€utern. Im zweiten Abschnitt greife ich einige bekannte Beobachtungen zu Kasussynkretismen auf, die fĂŒr eine Analyse des polnischen Systems nĂŒtzlich sind. Im dritten Abschnitt gebe ich fĂŒr einen Ausschnitt des polnischen Deklinationssystems eine detaillierte Analyse

    Mutual Impact - On the Relationship of Technology and Language Learning and Teaching

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    Transkulturelle Kompetenz als Prozess und Ziel des Spracherwerbs

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    The paper sketches out the framework of a transcultural model of language learning and teaching. In doing so it illuminates linguistic, psycholinguistic, hermeneutical und didactic aspects of the complex field of language learning rather than limiting itself to discussing mere methodological phenomena. The paper argues that the language learning and teaching profession can only advance by taking transcultural concepts of language acquisition, of linguistic systems, of language processing and of media use into account and by integrating them into a coherent system of language didactics

    Modern Foreign Languages Get a Voice: The Role of Journals in the Reform Movement

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    This chapter investigates the significance of specialized journals for the development of modern language teaching. It begins by explaining the development of language journals up to the point at which language teaching reform really took off with the emergence of the so-called Reform Movement in the 1880s. The principal journal for this movement was Phonetische studien [Phonetic Studies] founded in 1888 and renamed Die neueren Sprachen [Modern languages] in 1894. The style of the early issues of this journal allows modern readers an insight into the discourse practices of that community of language scholars and teachers, the opportunity to hear its characteristic ‘voice’ and recreate the means by which modern foreign language teaching became an independent discipline

    Formale Axiome als Attribute:Folgerungen aus einer unbeachteten Hilbert-These

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    In Reaktion auf die Grundlagenkrise entwickelte D. Hilbert neben der „inhaltlichen“ eine „formale“ Axiomatik. „Formale Axiome“ sind danach rein syntaktische „Formeln“. Erst eine Interpretation auf ein „Modell“ stellt einen Weltbezug her. Nach einer Kritik dieser Lösung stellen wir eine andere vor. Danach sind formale Axiome nicht Formeln, sondern Attribute: Inhaltliche Axiome der Mathematik sind singulĂ€re Urteile ĂŒber Relationen, formale Axiome die Attribute solcher Urteile, d.h. Relationsattribute. Die Formalisierung bezieht sich nicht auf Interpretation, sondern auf Attribution. So ist die Attributionstheorie auf Axiome anzuwenden und damit ein Kriterium fĂŒr inhaltliche und formale Axiome zu gewinnen und die Widerspruchsfreiheit von Axiomensystemen auf die KontrarietĂ€t von Attributen zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren. Inhalt der Mathematik sind nicht Formeln und deren Interpretation, sondern deren Voraussetzung, die Relationseigenschaften, die eine strukturerhaltende Interpretation ermöglichen. Die inhaltliche Mathematik untersucht die Strukturen einzelner Relationen und ĂŒbergeht deren (gegenstĂ€ndliche) Argumente; die formale Mathematik untersucht den Aufbau und das VerhĂ€ltnis der Strukturen und ĂŒbergeht die sie tragenden Relationen

    “Our Children are the Rock on Which our Future will be Built, our Greatest Asset as a Nation”: Maximen, Sprichwörtliches und Zitate in der Rhetorik Nelson Mandelas

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    The article intends to examine Nelson Mandela’s individual style and rhetoric in his autobiography Long Walk to Freedom (1994) and in the volume of his collected speeches, Nelson Mandela in His Own Words. From Freedom to the Future (2003). The personality of Nelson Mandela, the first non-white South African president, was moulded by the native tradition of his Xhosa tribe, by the complex English culture which he interiorized in his adult life, and by the profound knowledge of Afrikaans language, history and politics which he acquired during his 27 years in prison. The repercussions of this varied cultural background may be found in Mandela’s use of proverbs, proverbial sayings, slogans, self-coined maxims and aphorisms, allusions to English and American literature, to antiquity and the Bible. On the whole, Nelson Mandela distrusted the ‘rhetoric’ of the former representatives of the Apartheid system. Instead, in his own political speeches in the light of ‘nation building’ he applied structural devices and figures of speech from ancient rhetoric. Moreover, a rich imagery and well-chosen phraseological units add to Nelson Mandela’s linguistic/stylistic portrait

    “Our Children are the Rock on Which our Future will be Built, our Greatest Asset as a Nation”: Maximen, Sprichwörtliches und Zitate in der Rhetorik Nelson Mandelas

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    The article intends to examine Nelson Mandela’s individual style and rhetoric in his autobiography Long Walk to Freedom (1994) and in the volume of his collected speeches, Nelson Mandela in His Own Words. From Freedom to the Future (2003). The personality of Nelson Mandela, the first non-white South African president, was moulded by the native tradition of his Xhosa tribe, by the complex English culture which he interiorized in his adult life, and by the profound knowledge of Afrikaans language, history and politics which he acquired during his 27 years in prison. The repercussions of this varied cultural background may be found in Mandela’s use of proverbs, proverbial sayings, slogans, self-coined maxims and aphorisms, allusions to English and American literature, to antiquity and the Bible. On the whole, Nelson Mandela distrusted the ‘rhetoric’ of the former representatives of the Apartheid system. Instead, in his own political speeches in the light of ‘nation building’ he applied structural devices and figures of speech from ancient rhetoric. Moreover, a rich imagery and well-chosen phraseological units add to Nelson Mandela’s linguistic/stylistic portrait

    Die EuropĂ€ische BĂŒrgerinitiative

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