10 research outputs found

    The Buddhist Tradition of Prosimetric Oral Narrative in Chinese Literature

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    AbstractVictor H. Mair (University of Pennsylvania) specializes in Chinese literature; among his recent books are Tun-huang Popular Narratives (1983) and T'ang Transformation Texts (1988)


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    The publication of Malay literary works in English translation: problems of translating from a language of limited diffusion (LLD)

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    This thesis addresses the issue of the publication of translations, specifically the under-representation of literary works in one language of limited diffusion (LLD), the Malay language, in English translation. It sets out to examine the role of two parties which are thought to play a vital role in the publication of Malay literary works in English translation for international consumption: publishers in the United Kingdom and the translation organisation in Malaysia. The aim of the research, more specifically, is to investigate how both parties bear upon the translation of Malay literary works into English. Some of the questions which are central to the issue of the publication of Malay literary works in English translation include: To what extent are the two parties involved in the publication of Malay literary works in English translation for international consumption? What are the policies of these organisations where the translation of Malay literary works and other literary works in LLD are concerned? Who decides what to translate? What factors are taken into account in deciding what to publish in English translation? Given that this thesis sets out to examine the role of the two parties mentioned above, two main strategies have been employed: surveys and case studies. Drawing on responses from individuals from publishing companies, translation organisations, and other organisations which support translation, I have been able to show that the problem in the publication of Malay literary works in English translation is not merely a translation problem but also a problem of image and promotion. This study thus details the different forces working against the translation of Malay literary works into English for international consumption

    中國當代故事新編小說研究 (神話傳說類)

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    魯迅《故事新編》開創了現當代故事新編小說的先河,亦為後世有關此文類的創作奠下了穩固的基礎,在文學史上形成了重要的流派,其重要性與獨立創作一樣應得到重視。 本論文以神話與文學的研究方式為基礎,研究神話傳說類故事新編小說在 當代作家的創作下如何表現出創新意義。本論文共分為六章,第一章主要探討神話傳說類故事新編小說的特質,以釐定本文的研究範圍;第二章是對神話傳 說類故事新編小說在現當代的發展作概觀式介紹,以及顯示個別作家在故事新編創作上的貢獻;第三章是神話類故事新編小說研究,本文選取五個有關神話人物的改編文本(馬彬〈神農〉、劉以鬯〈盤古與黑〉、董啟章《少年神農》、李 碧華〈嫦娥〉和葉兆言《后羿》),探討作家如何改變神話人物的形象,以達到新編的效果;第四章是白蛇傳故事的故事新編研究,本文以人妖戀的角度,研究不同文本(劉以鬯〈蛇〉、孔慧怡〈雷峰塔〉、李碧華《青蛇》、和李銳及蔣韻 《人間》)對傳說的新編方式,如何表現出故事新編獨特的一面;第五章是梁山伯與祝英台的故事新編研究,本文疏理出傳說忠貞愛情形象,並以此為基礎, 比較不同文本(張恨水《梁山伯與祝英台》、李碧華〈梁山伯自白書〉及〈祝英 台自白書〉、孔慧怡〈梁祝無恨〉和李馮〈梁〉及〈祝〉)對愛情主題的重新演繹;第六章則以文體討論的形式為基礎肯定故事新編小說的價值作結

    Baloch nationalism: Its origin and development up to 1980.

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    This dissertation is a case study in nationalism. It examines the theoretical writings on the subject and concludes that nationalism is the sense of identity shared by a group of people who are linked by either a civic-territorial or by a linguistic-ethnic bond and by the belief that their corporate interests can best be protected by control of their own state. The central theme of the dissertation revolves around two basic questions: 1. Is there a Baloch nationality with a sufficiently developed national consciousness and distinctive characteristics shared by the members of this nationality? 2. If so, is the national consciousness of the Baloch, their determination to maintain their national identity, and their desire for political self-government, strong enough to say that there is a Baloch national movement. The dissertation serves several purposes. It fills a gap in our knowledge of Baloch nationalism in Pakistan and Iran and explores in detail its development in the 1920-80 period. By adopting a comparative approach it contributes to a better understanding of sub-national movements in both countries. The main approach to the study is historical; using primary and secondary sources, it describes and analyses the foundations, evolution, dynamics and implications of Baloch nationalism

    Dictionary of Oriental Literatures

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    Dictionary of Oriental Literatures

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