2,142 research outputs found

    Fast Dictionary Learning for Sparse Representations of Speech Signals

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    © 2011 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. Published version: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 5(5): 1025-1031, Sep 2011. DOI: 10.1109/JSTSP.2011.2157892

    Decoding the Encoding of Functional Brain Networks: an fMRI Classification Comparison of Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF), Independent Component Analysis (ICA), and Sparse Coding Algorithms

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    Brain networks in fMRI are typically identified using spatial independent component analysis (ICA), yet mathematical constraints such as sparse coding and positivity both provide alternate biologically-plausible frameworks for generating brain networks. Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) would suppress negative BOLD signal by enforcing positivity. Spatial sparse coding algorithms (L1L1 Regularized Learning and K-SVD) would impose local specialization and a discouragement of multitasking, where the total observed activity in a single voxel originates from a restricted number of possible brain networks. The assumptions of independence, positivity, and sparsity to encode task-related brain networks are compared; the resulting brain networks for different constraints are used as basis functions to encode the observed functional activity at a given time point. These encodings are decoded using machine learning to compare both the algorithms and their assumptions, using the time series weights to predict whether a subject is viewing a video, listening to an audio cue, or at rest, in 304 fMRI scans from 51 subjects. For classifying cognitive activity, the sparse coding algorithm of L1L1 Regularized Learning consistently outperformed 4 variations of ICA across different numbers of networks and noise levels (p<<0.001). The NMF algorithms, which suppressed negative BOLD signal, had the poorest accuracy. Within each algorithm, encodings using sparser spatial networks (containing more zero-valued voxels) had higher classification accuracy (p<<0.001). The success of sparse coding algorithms may suggest that algorithms which enforce sparse coding, discourage multitasking, and promote local specialization may capture better the underlying source processes than those which allow inexhaustible local processes such as ICA

    Task-Driven Dictionary Learning

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    Modeling data with linear combinations of a few elements from a learned dictionary has been the focus of much recent research in machine learning, neuroscience and signal processing. For signals such as natural images that admit such sparse representations, it is now well established that these models are well suited to restoration tasks. In this context, learning the dictionary amounts to solving a large-scale matrix factorization problem, which can be done efficiently with classical optimization tools. The same approach has also been used for learning features from data for other purposes, e.g., image classification, but tuning the dictionary in a supervised way for these tasks has proven to be more difficult. In this paper, we present a general formulation for supervised dictionary learning adapted to a wide variety of tasks, and present an efficient algorithm for solving the corresponding optimization problem. Experiments on handwritten digit classification, digital art identification, nonlinear inverse image problems, and compressed sensing demonstrate that our approach is effective in large-scale settings, and is well suited to supervised and semi-supervised classification, as well as regression tasks for data that admit sparse representations.Comment: final draft post-refereein

    Exploiting Low-dimensional Structures to Enhance DNN Based Acoustic Modeling in Speech Recognition

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    We propose to model the acoustic space of deep neural network (DNN) class-conditional posterior probabilities as a union of low-dimensional subspaces. To that end, the training posteriors are used for dictionary learning and sparse coding. Sparse representation of the test posteriors using this dictionary enables projection to the space of training data. Relying on the fact that the intrinsic dimensions of the posterior subspaces are indeed very small and the matrix of all posteriors belonging to a class has a very low rank, we demonstrate how low-dimensional structures enable further enhancement of the posteriors and rectify the spurious errors due to mismatch conditions. The enhanced acoustic modeling method leads to improvements in continuous speech recognition task using hybrid DNN-HMM (hidden Markov model) framework in both clean and noisy conditions, where upto 15.4% relative reduction in word error rate (WER) is achieved
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