61 research outputs found

    Diamond-free Families

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    Given a finite poset P, we consider the largest size La(n,P) of a family of subsets of [n]:={1,...,n}[n]:=\{1,...,n\} that contains no subposet P. This problem has been studied intensively in recent years, and it is conjectured that π(P):=limnLa(n,P)/nchoosen/2\pi(P):= \lim_{n\rightarrow\infty} La(n,P)/{n choose n/2} exists for general posets P, and, moreover, it is an integer. For k2k\ge2 let \D_k denote the kk-diamond poset {A<B1,...,Bk<C}\{A< B_1,...,B_k < C\}. We study the average number of times a random full chain meets a PP-free family, called the Lubell function, and use it for P=\D_k to determine \pi(\D_k) for infinitely many values kk. A stubborn open problem is to show that \pi(\D_2)=2; here we make progress by proving \pi(\D_2)\le 2 3/11 (if it exists).Comment: 16 page

    An upper bound on the size of diamond-free families of sets

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    Let La(n,P)La(n,P) be the maximum size of a family of subsets of [n]={1,2,...,n}[n]=\{1,2,...,n\} not containing PP as a (weak) subposet. The diamond poset, denoted B2B_{2}, is defined on four elements x,y,z,wx,y,z,w with the relations x<y,zx<y,z and y,z<wy,z<w. La(n,P)La(n,P) has been studied for many posets; one of the major open problems is determining La(n,B2)La(n,B_{2}). Studying the average number of sets from a family of subsets of [n][n] on a maximal chain in the Boolean lattice 2[n]2^{[n]} has been a fruitful method. We use a partitioning of the maximal chains and introduce an induction method to show that La(n,B2)(2.20711+o(1))(nn2)La(n,B_{2})\leq(2.20711+o(1))\binom{n}{\left\lfloor \frac{n}{2}\right\rfloor }, improving on the earlier bound of (2.25+o(1))(nn2)(2.25+o(1))\binom{n}{\left\lfloor \frac{n}{2}\right\rfloor } by Kramer, Martin and Young.Comment: Accepted by JCTA. Writing is improved based on the suggestions of referee

    Rainbow Ramsey problems for the Boolean lattice

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    We address the following rainbow Ramsey problem: For posets P,QP,Q what is the smallest number nn such that any coloring of the elements of the Boolean lattice BnB_n either admits a monochromatic copy of PP or a rainbow copy of QQ. We consider both weak and strong (non-induced and induced) versions of this problem. We also investigate related problems on (partial) kk-colorings of BnB_n that do not admit rainbow antichains of size kk

    Boolean algebras and Lubell functions

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    Let 2[n]2^{[n]} denote the power set of [n]:={1,2,...,n}[n]:=\{1,2,..., n\}. A collection \B\subset 2^{[n]} forms a dd-dimensional {\em Boolean algebra} if there exist pairwise disjoint sets X0,X1,...,Xd[n]X_0, X_1,..., X_d \subseteq [n], all non-empty with perhaps the exception of X0X_0, so that \B={X_0\cup \bigcup_{i\in I} X_i\colon I\subseteq [d]}. Let b(n,d)b(n,d) be the maximum cardinality of a family \F\subset 2^X that does not contain a dd-dimensional Boolean algebra. Gunderson, R\"odl, and Sidorenko proved that b(n,d)cdn1/2d2nb(n,d) \leq c_d n^{-1/2^d} \cdot 2^n where cd=10d221ddd2dc_d= 10^d 2^{-2^{1-d}}d^{d-2^{-d}}. In this paper, we use the Lubell function as a new measurement for large families instead of cardinality. The Lubell value of a family of sets \F with \F\subseteq \tsupn is defined by h_n(\F):=\sum_{F\in \F}1/{{n\choose |F|}}. We prove the following Tur\'an type theorem. If \F\subseteq 2^{[n]} contains no dd-dimensional Boolean algebra, then h_n(\F)\leq 2(n+1)^{1-2^{1-d}} for sufficiently large nn. This results implies b(n,d)Cn1/2d2nb(n,d) \leq C n^{-1/2^d} \cdot 2^n, where CC is an absolute constant independent of nn and dd. As a consequence, we improve several Ramsey-type bounds on Boolean algebras. We also prove a canonical Ramsey theorem for Boolean algebras.Comment: 10 page