33 research outputs found

    A New Charging and Billing Model and Architecture for the Ubiquitous Consumer Wireless World

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    In a Ubiquitous Consumer Wireless World (UCWW) environment the provision, administration and management of the authentication, authorization and accounting (AAA) policies and business services are provided by third-party AAA service providers (3P-AAA-SPs) who are independent of the wireless access network providers (ANPs). In this environment the consumer can freely choose any suitable ANP, based on his/her own preferences. This new AAA infrastructural arrangement necessitates assessing the impact and re-thinking the design, structure and location of ‘charging and billing’ (C&B) functions and services. This paper addresses C&B issues in UCWW, proposing potential architectural solutions for C&B realization. Implementation approaches of these novel solutions together with a software testbed for validation and performance evaluation are addressed

    Charging in IP multimedia networks

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    ArticleIMS charging can be performed at various planes of the IMS architecture. Different charging schemes may be utilized. The optimal charging scheme would be service dependent, but may also be influenced by user expectations. The 3GPP has standardized charging mechanisms, protocols and interfaces for IMS charging control; online and offline charging have been standardized. However, the design and development of charging systems is operator dependent. This paper presents an IMS charging prototype developed and implemented in C, in line with Open IMS research. The testbed supports flow level, subsystem level and content level charging for IPTV and VoIP. The testbed supports online and offline charging; it has been tested with the UCT IMS client and the Fokus Open IMS system. Testbed proof of concept and performance results are presented.IMS charging can be performed at various planes of the IMS architecture. Different charging schemes may be utilized. The optimal charging scheme would be service dependent, but may also be influenced by user expectations. The 3GPP has standardized charging mechanisms, protocols and interfaces for IMS charging control; online and offline charging have been standardized. However, the design and development of charging systems is operator dependent. This paper presents an IMS charging prototype developed and implemented in C, in line with Open IMS research. The testbed supports flow level, subsystem level and content level charging for IPTV and VoIP. The testbed supports online and offline charging; it has been tested with the UCT IMS client and the Fokus Open IMS system. Testbed proof of concept and performance results are presented

    Plataforma de serviços em redes de próxima geração (IMS)

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e TelemáticaNuma tentativa de atrair novos clientes e manter os actuais, os operadores de telecomunicações procuram novas plataformas e tecnologias que lhes permitam o desenvolvimento rápido e eficiente de novos serviços. A arquitectura IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) normalizada pelo Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), inclui a capacidade de adicionar, modificar e remover sessões durante uma sessão multimédia, abrindo um novo leque de serviços combinando simultaneamente componentes de voz e dados entre outros componentes de Media. O IMS define uma arquitectura independente da rede de acesso, separando claramente o nível de transporte, o nível de controlo e o nível de serviços. No nível de serviços residem as Plataformas de Serviço (Service Delivery Platforms – (SDPs)), que controlam toda a lógica de execução de serviços. SDPs são uma nova aproximação arquitectural que tem como finalidade garantir o rápido desenvolvimento e execução de novos serviços multimédia, de um modo económico e simples. Tipicamente, as SDPs deverão fornecer um ambiente de criação, execução e gestão de serviços permitindo uma abstracção do ambiente de acesso ao serviço. A indústria das telecomunicações reconheceu a necessidade das SDPs, principalmente se estiverem de acordo com especificações industriais e construídas no topo de arquitecturas normalizadas (como é o caso do IMS). Um dos problemas inerentes às SDPs consiste em perceber como tirar proveito de serviços distribuídos pelas várias plataformas (tradicionais/legadas, SIP/IMS, etc.), de uma forma dinâmica, de modo a construir um serviço composto (Service Bundling) de maior valor para o utilizador final. O trabalho apresentado nesta dissertação de mestrado, foi o resultado de um estudo de toda a envolvente em torno das redes de próxima geração, analisando ainda detalhadamente a camada superior de serviços (plataforma de serviços) que irá, num futuro próximo, ter um papel fundamental na obtenção de receitas por parte do operador, dando ainda destaque aos elementos de taxação da arquitectura IMS. Para demonstrador, foi desenvolvido um Enabler de Charging e um conector Diameter experimentais para tarifar um serviço de Vídeo Portal numa rede IMS e um serviço de chamadas de utilizadores IMS-PSTN com tarifação em tempo real, isto é, elaboração de um serviço pré-pago. ABSTRACT: In an attempt to attract new customers and keeping the current ones, telecommunication operators are now searching new platforms and technologies for enabling fast and efficient new services development. The IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) architecture, standardize by Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), includes capabilities to add, modify and remove sessions during an ongoing multimedia session, opening the opportunity for creating new services that allow combining voice, data and other media types simultaneously. IMS defines an access independent architecture, composed by three separated layers: the transport layer, the control layer and the service layer. In the service layer we can find the Service Delivery Platforms (SDPs), which contains all the service execution logic. SDPs are a new architectural approach intended to enable the rapid development and deployment of new converged multimedia services. SDPs should typically provide a service creation, execution and management environment, and a network abstraction layer. The telecommunications industry has recognized the need for an SDP, particularly, one that conforms to industry standards and are built on top of a standard architecture (IMS case). The problem lies on how to profit with the different services distributed by different platforms (legacy, SIP/IMS, etc.) in a dynamic way, allowing the creation of value added compose service for the end user. The work here presented on was the result of a detailed study about new next generation networks, in particular the application layer, which in a near future, will produce high revenues for the operators at the 3GPP environment. This will be based on the well defined 3GPP Charging Framework for the IMS architecture. A demonstrator was developed using an experimental Charging Enabler and a Diameter Resource Adaptor to allow charging an IMS Video Portal service and IMS user calls to PSTN – PC2Phone service, allowing online (real time) charging, more concretely pre-paid services

    A framework to provide charging for third party composite services

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    Includes synopsis.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 81-87).Over the past few years the trend in the telecommunications industry has been geared towards offering new and innovative services to end users. A decade ago network operators were content with offering simple services such as voice and text messaging. However, they began to notice that these services were generating lower revenues even while the number of subscribers increased. This was a direct result of the market saturation and network operators were forced to rapidly deploy services with minimum capital investment and while maximising revenue from service usage by end users. Network operators can achieve this by exposing the network to external content and service providers. They would create interfaces that would allow these 3rd party service and content providers to offer their applications and services to users. Composing and bundling of these services will essentially create new services for the user and achieve rapid deployment of enhanced services. The concept of offering a wide range of services that are coordinated in such a way that they deliver a unique experience has sparked interest and numerous research on Service Delivery Platforms (SDP). SDP‟s will enable network operators to be able to develop and offer a wide-variety service set. Given this interest on SDP standardisation bodies such as International Telecommunications Union – Telecommunications (ITU-T), Telecoms and Internet converged Servicers and Protocols for Advanced Networks) (TISPAN), 3rd Generations Partnership Project (3GPP) and Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) are leading efforts into standardising functions and protocols to enhance service delivery by network operators. Obtaining revenue from these services requires effective accounting of service usage and requires mechanisms for billing and charging of these services. The IP Multimedia subsystem(IMS) is a Next Generation Network (NGN) architecture that provides a platform for which multimedia services can be developed and deployed by network operators. The IMS provides network operators, both fixed or mobile, with a control layer that allows them to offer services that will enable them to remain key role players within the industry. Achieving this in an environment where the network operator interacts directly with the 3rd party service providers may become complicated

    Parâmetros de qualidade em redes LTE

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    O artigo apresenta uma forma de extrair os indicadores de qualidade de banda larga em redes 4G (LTE) por usuário, localidade e região. Isso pode abranger 100% da base de clientes da operadora, com coletas centralizadas e baseadas no CDR - Call Detail Record de dados. O CDR aqui apresentado é no formato diameter, porém a extração pode ser feita nos formatos da SGW ou PGW

    Security Policy Management for a Cooperative Firewall

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    Increasing popularity of the Internet service and increased number of connected devices along with the introduction of IoT are making the society ever more dependent on the Internet services availability. Therefore, we need to ensure the minimum level of security and reliability of services. Ultra-Reliable Communication (URC) refers to the availability of life and business critical services nearly 100 percent of the time. These requirements are an integral part of upcoming 5th generation (5G) mobile networks. 5G is the future mobile network, which at the same time is part of the future Internet. As an extension to the conventional communication architecture, 5G needs to provide ultra-high reliability of services where; it needs to perform better than the currently available solutions in terms of security, confidentiality, integrity and reliability and it should mitigate the risks of Internet attack and malicious activities. To achieve such requirements, Customer Edge Switching (CES) architecture is presented. It proposes that the Internet user’s agent in the network provider needs to have prior information about the expected traffic of users to mitigate maximum attacks and only allow expected communication between hosts. CES executes communication security policies of each user or device acting as the user’s agent. The policy describes with fine granularity what traffic is expected by the device. The policies are sourced as automatically as possible but can also be modified by the user. Stored policies will follow the mobile user and will be executed at the network edge node executing Customer Edge Switch functions to stop all unexpected traffic from entering the mobile network. State-of-the-art in mobile network architectures utilizes the Quality of Service (QoS) policies of users. This thesis motivates the extension of current architecture to accommodate security and communication policy of end-users. The thesis presents an experimental implementation of a policy management system which is termed as Security Policy Management (SPM) to handle above-mentioned policies of users. We describe the architecture, implementation and integration of SPM with the Customer Edge Switching. Additionally, SPM has been evaluated in terms of performance, scalability, reliability and security offered via 5G customer edge nodes. Finally, the system has been analyzed for feasibility in the 5G architecture

    Extração de parâmetros da qualidade em rede LTE fazendo uso do CDR (Call Detail Record)

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    Esse tutorial apresenta uma forma de extrair indicadores de qualidade banda larga em redes 4G (LTE) por usuário, localidade e região. A extração dos indicadores pode abranger 100% da base de clientes do operador, com coletas centralizadas e baseadas no CDR (Call Detail Record) de dados. O CDR apresentado nesse tutorial é no formato DIAMETER, porém a extração também pode ser feita no CDR nos formatos da SGW ou PGW

    Network sharing through service outsourcing in inter-domain IMS frameworks

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 161-167).Resource sharing can be used as a short-term solution to the imbalance between the supply and demand of network resources. Resources sharing enables operators to provide services to their subscribers using networks belonging to other operators. Resource sharing in mobile networks is increasingly becoming an option for operators to provide service to their subscribers. In this thesis we explore a mechanism for sharing access network resources that utilises negotiable short-term Service Level Agreements (SLA) that can easily adapt to changing network conditions. Through this mechanism operators of resource constrained networks may use near real time dynamic SLAs to negotiate network access services for their subscribers. We refer to this form of resource sharing as 'Service Outsourcing'

    Desenvolvimento do sistema de cobrança OCS na plataforma NGIN

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    O consecutivo aumento da diversidade e heterogeneidade de clientes e serviços disponibilizados conduzem a um maior grau de exigência pelo operador, destacando-se a necessidade de disponibilizar mecanismos de cobrança e tarifação rigorosos e mais flexíveis que possibilitem a integração com novos sistemas ou a evolução dos mesmos. O controlo preciso e em tempo-real destes mecanismos são benéficos para ambas as partes, quer pelo aumento das receitas do operador quer pela satisfação dos clientes. O Online Charging System (OCS) é uma solução de cobrança que tem por base os princípios propostos pelo organismo 3GPP. Pretende-se que esta solução substitua o sistema de cobrança já existente na plataforma Next Generation Intelligent Network (NGIN) da PT-Inovação e colmatar alguns dos problemas actuais, nomeadamente a inflexibilidade na disponibilização da solução isolada da plataforma e a ausência de normalização com base em entidades internacionalmente conhecidas. A superação destas limitações facilitará a integração com sistemas externos, permitindo ofertas híbridas entre todo o tipo de serviços e clientes. Após análise, desenho e especificação da arquitectura da solução, foi feita a implementação, tendo em consideração o enquadramento normativo proposto pelo organismo 3GPP e o enquadramento à plataforma do fornecedor na qual a solução se integrou. Os resultados obtidos demonstram a viabilidade e desempenho da solução implementada bem como a superação das limitações enunciadas