6 research outputs found

    Declarative GUI descriptions for device-independent applications

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    Internet of services-based business model: a case study in the livestock industry

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    Purpose – Considering the relevance of innovative business models in the digitally transformed market andthe lack of clarity on the internet of services (IoS) contribution for a business model deployment in currentliterature, this study aims to fill this gap by evaluating a business model that converges to an IoS adoption ina direct sale of free-range eggs from farmers to consumers.Design/methodology/approach – From the bibliographical research regarding the IoS and businessmodel, the authors developed an IoS-based model framework. The framework has been evaluated in a realbusiness scenario by using a single case study through an interview with the entrepreneur and documentalanalysis.Findings – As the main result, a framework with the attributes can be considered a tool for an IoS-basedbusiness model deployment. The case study concluded that the business is aligned with the IoS adoption, andthe framework presents adherence to it.Research limitations/implications – The case study was limited to only one company owing to theIoS’s novelty and the lack of correlated business models. Although the case study limits to the agriculturefield, the proposed framework may be broadly applied.Originality/value – Considering that the lack of a comprehensive business model causes newbusinesses to face challenges, it is relevant bringing up the present case study of the IoS-based businessmodel, which correlates these two subjects, still poorly explored in the scientific literature: IoS andbusiness models

    The Development of an Automated Testing Framework for Data-Driven Testing Utilizing the UML Testing Profile

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    The development of increasingly-complex Web 2.0 applications, along with a rise in end-user expectations, have not only made the testing and quality assurance processes of web application development an increasingly-important part of the SDLC, but have also made these processes more complex and resource-intensive. One way to effectively test these applications is by implementing an automated testing solution along with manual testing, as automation solutions have been shown to increase the total amount of testing that can be performed, and help testing team achieve consistency in their testing efforts. The difficulty, though, lies in how to best go about developing such a solution. The use of a framework is shown to help, by decreasing the amount of duplicate code and maintenance required, and increasing the amount of separation among the various elements of the testing solution. This research examines the use of the UML Testing Profile (UTP), including the use of UML diagrams, in the creation of such a framework. Using an Action Design Research methodology, a framework is developed for an automated testing solution that utilizes the Selenium Webdriver with a data-driven methodology, used in an organizational context, and evaluated, over the course of multiple iterations. Design principles, including the use of a test architecture and test context, the use of UML diagrams for the creation of Page Objects, and the identification and implementation of workflows are distilled from these iterations, and their impact on the larger context, the delivery of a robust application that meets end-user expectations, is examined

    Основи перекладацького анотування та реферування текстів різних типів і жанрів

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    Посібник пропонує теоретичні засади та практичні рекомендації з анотування та реферування й виконання анотаційного та реферативного перекладу текстів різних типів і жанрів, що є необхідною складовою формування професійної компетенції майбутніх перекладачів-референтів. Навчальний посібник призначено для студентів 4 курсу освітньо-кваліфікаційного рівня «бакалавр» денної форми навчання факультету іноземних мов