75 research outputs found

    Device Grouping for Fast and Efficient Channel Access in IEEE 802.11ah based IoT Networks

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    The recent advances in Internet of Things (IoT) have led to numerous emerging applications ranging from eHealthcare to industrial control, which often demand stringent Quality of Service (QoS) requirements such as low-latency and high system reliability. However, the ever-increasing number of connected devices in ultra-dense IoT networks and the dynamic traffic patterns increase the channel access delay and packet collision rate. In this regard, this paper proposes a sector-based device grouping scheme for fast and efficient channel access in IEEE 802.11ah based IoT networks such that the total number of the connected devices within each sector is dramatically reduced. In the proposed framework, the Access Point (AP) divides its coverage area into different sectors, and then each sector is further divided into distinct groups based on the number of devices and their location information available from the cloud-center. Subsequently, individual groups within a sector are assigned to specific Random Access Window (RAW) slots, and the devices within distinct groups in different sectors access the allocated RAW slots by employing a spatial orthogonal access mechanism. The performance of the proposed sectorized device grouping scheme has been analyzed in terms of system delay and network throughput. Our simulation results show that the proposed scheme can significantly enhance the network throughput while simultaneously decreasing the system delay as compared to the conventional Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) and IEEE 802.11ah grouping scheme

    Sub-GHz LPWAN network coexistence, management and virtualization : an overview and open research challenges

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    The IoT domain is characterized by many applications that require low-bandwidth communications over a long range, at a low cost and at low power. Low power wide area networks (LPWANs) fulfill these requirements by using sub-GHz radio frequencies (typically 433 or 868 MHz) with typical transmission ranges in the order of 1 up to 50 km. As a result, a single base station can cover large areas and can support high numbers of connected devices (> 1000 per base station). Notorious initiatives in this domain are LoRa, Sigfox and the upcoming IEEE 802.11ah (or "HaLow") standard. Although these new technologies have the potential to significantly impact many IoT deployments, the current market is very fragmented and many challenges exists related to deployment, scalability, management and coexistence aspects, making adoption of these technologies difficult for many companies. To remedy this, this paper proposes a conceptual framework to improve the performance of LPWAN networks through in-network optimization, cross-technology coexistence and cooperation and virtualization of management functions. In addition, the paper gives an overview of state of the art solutions and identifies open challenges for each of these aspects

    Contributions to IEEE 802.11-based long range communications

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    The most essential part of the Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure is the wireless communication system that acts as a bridge for the delivery of data and control messages between the connected things and the Internet. Since the conception of the IoT, a large number of promising applications and technologies have been developed, which will change different aspects in our daily life. However, the existing wireless technologies lack the ability to support a huge amount of data exchange from many battery-driven devices, spread over a wide area. In order to support the IoT paradigm, IEEE 802.11ah is an Internet of Things enabling technology, where the efficient management of thousands of devices is a key function. This is one of the most promising and appealing standards, which aims to bridge the gap between traditional mobile networks and the demands of the IoT. To this aim, IEEE 802.11ah provides the Restricted Access Window (RAW) mechanism, which reduces contention by enabling transmissions for small groups of stations. Optimal grouping of RAW stations requires an evaluation of many possible configurations. In this thesis, we first discuss the main PHY and MAC layer amendments proposed for IEEE 802.11ah. Furthermore, we investigate the operability of IEEE 802.11ah as a backhaul link to connect devices over possibly long distances. Additionally, we compare the aforementioned standard with previous notable IEEE 802.11 amendments (i.e. IEEE 802.11n and IEEE 802.11ac) in terms of throughput (with and without frame aggregation) by utilizing the most robust modulation schemes. The results show an improved performance of IEEE 802.11ah (in terms of power received at long range while experiencing different packet error rates) as compared to previous IEEE 802.11 standards. Additionally, we expose the capabilities of future IEEE 802.11ah in supporting different IoT applications. In addition, we provide a brief overview of the technology contenders that are competing to cover the IoT communications framework. Numerical results are presented showing how the future IEEE 802.11ah specification offers the features required by IoT communications, thus putting forward IEEE 802.11ah as a technology to cater the needs of the Internet of Things paradigm. Finally, we propose an analytical model (named e-model) that provides an evaluation of the RAW onfiguration performance, allowing a fast adaptation of RAW grouping policies, in accordance to varying channel conditions. We base the e-model in known saturation models, which we adapted to include the IEEE 802.11ah’s PHY and MAC layer modifications and to support different bit rate and packet sizes. As a proof of concept, we use the proposed model to compare the performance of different grouping strategies,showing that the e-model is a useful analysis tool in RAW-enabled scenarios. We validate the model with existing IEEE 802.11ah implementation for ns-3.La clave del concepto Internet de las cosas (IoT) es que utiliza un sistema de comunicación inalámbrica, el cual actúa como puente para la entrega de datos y mensajes de control entre las "cosas" conectadas y el Internet. Desde la concepción del IoT, se han desarrollado gran cantidad de aplicaciones y tecnologías prometedoras que cambiarán distintos aspectos de nuestra vida diaria.Sin embargo, las tecnologías de redes computacionales inalámbricas existentes carecen de la capacidad de soportar las características del IoT, como las grandes cantidades de envío y recepción de datos desde múltiples dispositivos distribuidos en un área amplia, donde los dispositivos IoT funcionan con baterías. Para respaldar el paradigma del IoT, IEEE 802.11ah, la cual es una tecnología habilitadora del Internet de las cosas, para el cual la gestión eficiente de miles de dispositivos es una función clave. IEEE 802.11ah es uno de los estándares más prometedores y atractivos, desde su concepción orientada para IoT, su objetivo principal es cerrar la brecha entre las redes móviles tradicionales y la demandada por el IoT. Con este objetivo en mente, IEEE 802.11ah incluye entre sus características especificas el mecanismo de ventana de acceso restringido (RAW, por sus siglas en ingles), el cual define un nuevo período de acceso al canal libre de contención, reduciendo la misma al permitir transmisiones para pequeños grupos de estaciones. Nótese que para obtener una agrupación óptima de estaciones RAW, se requiere una evaluación de las distintas configuraciones posibles. En esta tesis, primero discutimos las principales mejoras de las capas PHY y MAC propuestas para IEEE 802.11ah. Además, investigamos la operatividad de IEEE 802.11ah como enlace de backhaul para conectar dispositivos a distancias largas. También, comparamos el estándar antes mencionado con las notables especificaciones IEEE 802.11 anteriores (es decir, IEEE 802.11n y IEEE 802.11ac), en términos de rendimiento (incluyendo y excluyendo la agregación de tramas de datos) y utilizando los esquemas de modulación más robustos. Los resultados muestran mejores resultados en cuanto al rendimiento de IEEE 802.11ah (en términos de potencia recibida a largo alcance, mientras se experimentan diferentes tasas de error de paquetes de datos) en comparación con los estándares IEEE 802.11 anteriores.Además, exponemos las capacidades de IEEE 802.11ah para admitir diferentes aplicaciones de IoT. A su vez, proporcionamos una descripción general de los competidores tecnológicos, los cuales contienden para cubrir el marco de comunicaciones IoT. También se presentan resultados numéricos que muestran cómo la especificación IEEE 802.11ah ofrece las características requeridas por las comunicaciones IoT, presentando así a IEEE 802.11ah como una tecnología que puede satisfacer las necesidades del paradigma de Internet de las cosas.Finalmente, proponemos un modelo analítico (denominado e-model) que proporciona una evaluación del rendimiento utilizando la característica RAW con múltiples configuraciones, el cual permite una rápida adaptación de las políticas de agrupación RAW, de acuerdo con las diferentes condiciones del canal de comunicación. Basamos el e-model en modelos de saturación conocidos, que adaptamos para incluir las modificaciones de la capa MAC y PHY de IEEE 802.11ah y para poder admitir diferentes velocidades de transmisión de datos y tamaños de paquetes. Como prueba de concepto, utilizamos el modelo propuesto para comparar el desempeño de diferentes estrategias de agrupación, mostrando que el e-model es una herramienta de análisis útil en escenarios habilitados para RAW. Cabe mencionar que también validamos el modelo con la implementación IEEE 802.11ah existente para ns-3

    Survey on wireless technology trade-offs for the industrial internet of things

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    Aside from vast deployment cost reduction, Industrial Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (IWSAN) introduce a new level of industrial connectivity. Wireless connection of sensors and actuators in industrial environments not only enables wireless monitoring and actuation, it also enables coordination of production stages, connecting mobile robots and autonomous transport vehicles, as well as localization and tracking of assets. All these opportunities already inspired the development of many wireless technologies in an effort to fully enable Industry 4.0. However, different technologies significantly differ in performance and capabilities, none being capable of supporting all industrial use cases. When designing a network solution, one must be aware of the capabilities and the trade-offs that prospective technologies have. This paper evaluates the technologies potentially suitable for IWSAN solutions covering an entire industrial site with limited infrastructure cost and discusses their trade-offs in an effort to provide information for choosing the most suitable technology for the use case of interest. The comparative discussion presented in this paper aims to enable engineers to choose the most suitable wireless technology for their specific IWSAN deployment

    Enabling wireless closed loop communication : optimal scheduling over IEEE 802.11ah networks

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    Industry 4.0 is being enabled by a number of new wireless technologies that emerged in the last decade, aiming to ultimately alleviate the need for wires in industrial use cases. However, wireless solutions are still neither as reliable nor as fast as their wired counterparts. Closed loop communication, a representative industrial communication scenario, requires high reliability (over 99%) and hard real-time operation, having very little tolerance for delays. Additionally, connectivity must be provided over an entire industrial side extending across hundreds of meters. IEEE 802.11ah fits this puzzle in terms of data rates and range, but it does not guarantee deterministic communication by default. Its Restricted Access Window (RAW), a new configurable medium access feature, enables flexible scheduling in dense, large-scale networks. However, the standard does not define how to configure RAW. The existing RAW configuration strategies assume uplink traffic only and are dedicated exclusively to sensors nodes. In this article, we present an integer nonlinear programming problem formulation for optimizing RAW configuration in terms of latency in closed loop communication between sensors and actuators, taking into account both uplink and downlink traffic. The model results in less than 1% of missed deadlines without any prior knowledge of the network parameters in heterogeneous time-changing networks

    Classified Medium Access Control Algorithm (CL-MAC) for Enhanced Operation of IEEE 802.11ah

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    We present in this apaper a high level framework of a proposed Medium Access Control Algorithm known as Classified Medium Access Control Algorithm for enhanced operation of IEEE 802.11ah.  IEEE 802.11ah is an amendment for the IEEE 802.11 standard known as Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) or Wi-Fi network standard. This amendment was mainly established to increase the number of Wi-Fi stations managed by the single Access Point. As more and more number of heterogeneous network stations emerge to also utilize this network, some techniques have been employed to ensure better management of the network but this still remains an open issue that needs to be tackled. This paper presents a hybrid TDMA and CSMA/CA scheme for the channel access in lieu of the default Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) of the WLAN. When compared with the result of the EDCA, the proposed scheme provided a better throughput performance for the IEEE 802.11ah amendment

    Optimal resource scheduling for energy-efficient next generation wireless networks

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    Cellular networks can provide highly available and reliable communication links to the Internet of Things (IoT) applications, letting the connected Things paradigm gain much more momentum than ever. Also, the rich information collected from the Things with sensing capabilities can guide the network operator to an unforeseen direction, allowing the underlying cellular networks to be further optimized. In this regard, the cellular networks and IoT are conceived as the key components of the beyond-4G and future 5G networks. Therefore, in this dissertation, we study each of the two components in depth, focusing on how to optimize the networking resources for the quality service and better energy-efficiency. To begin with, we study the heterogeneous cellular network architecture which is a major enhancement to the current 4G network by means of the base station (BS) densification and traffic offloading. In particular, the densely deployed short-range, low-power smallcell base stations (SBSs) can significantly improve the frequency reuse, throughput performance and the energy-efficiency. We then study the heterogeneous C-RAN (cloud radio access network), which is one of the core enablers of the next generation 5G cellular networks. In particular, with the high availability provided by the long-range macro BS (MBS), the heterogeneous C-RAN (H-CRAN) can effectively enhance the overall resource utilization compared to the conventional C-RANs. In each study, we propose an optimal resource scheduling and service provisioning scheme to provide a quality service to users in a resource-efficient manner. In addition, we carry out two studies for the Internet of Things (IoT) networks operating with the IEEE 802.11ah standard. Specifically, we introduce energy-efficient device management algorithms for the battery-operated, resource-constrained IoT sensor devices to prolong their lifetime by optimally scheduling their activation. The enhanced power saving mechanism and the optimal sensing algorithm that we propose in each study can effectively improve both the energy-efficiency of the IoT devices and the lifetime of the entire network