25,083 research outputs found

    Loss terms in free-piston Stirling engine models

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    Various models for free piston Stirling engines are reviewed. Initial models were developed primarily for design purposes and to predict operating parameters, especially efficiency. More recently, however, such models have been used to predict engine stability. Free piston Stirling engines have no kinematic constraints and stability may not only be sensitive to the load, but also to various nonlinear loss and spring constraints. The present understanding is reviewed of various loss mechanisms for free piston Stirling engines and how they have been incorporated into engine models is discussed

    The design and development of a constant-speed solar array drive

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    The design and development of a constant-speed solar array drive system for use in high power communications satellites is described. The relationship between continuity of motion in the solar array drive and spacecraft attitude disturbance is investigated. The selection of the system design based on the design requirements including spacecraft disturbance is discussed. The system comprises two main parts: the drive mechanism including small angle stepper motor and reduction gearing and the control electronics including ministepping drive circuits, such that a very small output step size is achieved. Factors contributing to discontinuities in motion are identified and discussed. Test methods for measurement of very small amplitudes of discontinuity at low rotational rates are described to assist in the testing of similar mechanisms

    Surface micromachined mechanisms and micromotors

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    Electric micromotors are sub-millimeter sized actuators capable of unrestrained motion in at least one degree of freedom. Polysilicon surface micromachining using heavily phosphorus-doped LPCVD polysilicon for the structural material, LPCVD silicon nitride for the electrical isolation and deposited silicon dioxide for the sacrificial material has formed the fabrication technology base for the development of these micromotors. Two polysilicon surface micromachining processes, referred to here as the center-pin and flange, have been demonstrated for the fabrication of passive mechanisms and micromotors. Passive mechanisms such as gear trains, cranks and manipulators have been implemented on silicon. Reported operational micromotors have been of the rotary variable-capacitance salient-pole and harmonic (or wobble) side-drive designs. These micromotors are capable of motive torques in the 10 pN m order of magnitude range. Preliminary progress has been made in studying the operational, friction and wear characteristics of these micromechanical devices. Typical operational voltages have been as low as 37 V and 26 V across 1.5 mu m air gap salient-pole and harmonic micromotors. These excitations correspond to electric field intensities above 10(8) Vm-1 in the micromotor air gaps. Salient-pole and wobble micromotors have been reported to operate at speeds as high as 15000 rpm and 700 rpm, respectively. Micromotor lifetimes of at least many millions of cycles over a period of several days have been reported

    Energy harvesting from vibrations with a nonlinear oscillator

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    In this paper we present a nonlinear electromagnetic energy harvesting device that has a broadly resonant response. The nonlinearity is generated by a particular arrangement of magnets in conjunction with an iron-cored stator. We show the resonant response of the system to both pure-tone excitation and narrow-band random excitation. In addition to the primary resonance, the super-harmonic resonances of the harvester are also investigated and we show that the corresponding mechanical up-conversion of the excitation frequency may be useful for energy harvesting. The harvester is modeled using a Duffing-type equation and the results compared to the experimental data.</jats:p

    Non-linear optomechanical measurement of mechanical motion

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    Precision measurement of non-linear observables is an important goal in all facets of quantum optics. This allows measurement-based non-classical state preparation, which has been applied to great success in various physical systems, and provides a route for quantum information processing with otherwise linear interactions. In cavity optomechanics much progress has been made using linear interactions and measurement, but observation of non-linear mechanical degrees-of-freedom remains outstanding. Here we report the observation of displacement-squared thermal motion of a micro-mechanical resonator by exploiting the intrinsic non-linearity of the radiation pressure interaction. Using this measurement we generate bimodal mechanical states of motion with separations and feature sizes well below 100~pm. Future improvements to this approach will allow the preparation of quantum superposition states, which can be used to experimentally explore collapse models of the wavefunction and the potential for mechanical-resonator-based quantum information and metrology applications.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, extensive supplementary material available with published versio

    Concept for a large master/slave-controlled robotic hand

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    A strategy is presented for the design and construction of a large master/slave-controlled, five-finger robotic hand. Each of the five fingers will possess four independent axes each driven by a brushless DC servomotor and, thus, four degrees-of-freedom. It is proposed that commercially available components be utilized as much as possible to fabricate a working laboratory model of the device with an anticipated overall length of two-to-four feet (0.6 to 1.2 m). The fingers are to be designed so that proximity, tactile, or force/torque sensors can be imbedded in their structure. In order to provide for the simultaneous control of the twenty independent hand joints, a multilevel master/slave control strategy is proposed in which the operator wears a specially instrumented glove which produces control signals corresponding to the finger configurations and which is capable of conveying sensor feedback signals to the operator. Two dexterous hand master devices are currently commercially available for this application with both undergoing continuing development. A third approach to be investigated for the master control mode is the use of real-time image processing of a specially patterned master glove to provide the respective control signals for positioning the multiple finger joints

    Fully quantum mechanical dynamic analysis of single-photon transport in a single-mode waveguide coupled to a traveling-wave resonator

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    We analyze the dynamics of single photon transport in a single-mode waveguide coupled to a micro-optical resonator using a fully quantum mechanical model. We examine the propagation of a single-photon Gaussian packet through the system under various coupling conditions. We review the theory of single photon transport phenomena as applied to the system and we develop a discussion on the numerical technique we used to solve for dynamical behavior of the quantized field. To demonstrate our method and to establish robust single photon results, we study the process of adiabatically lowering or raising the energy of a single photon trapped in an optical resonator under active tuning of the resonator. We show that our fully quantum mechanical approach reproduces the semi-classical result in the appropriate limit and that the adiabatic invariant has the same form in each case. Finally, we explore the trapping of a single photon in a system of dynamically tuned, coupled optical cavities.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figure

    A dynamics-driven approach to precision machines design for micro-manufacturing and its implementation perspectives

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    Precision machines are essential elements in fabricating high quality micro products or micro features and directly affect the machining accuracy, repeatability and efficiency. There are a number of literatures on the design of industrial machine elements and a couple of precision machines commercially available. However, few researchers have systematically addressed the design of precision machines from the dynamics point of view. In this paper, the design issues of precision machines are presented with particular emphasis on the dynamics aspects as the major factors affecting the performance of the precision machines and machining processes. This paper begins with a brief review of the design principles of precision machines with emphasis on machining dynamics. Then design processes of precision machines are discussed, and followed by a practical modelling and simulation approaches. Two case studies are provided including the design and analysis of a fast tool servo system and a 5-axis bench-top micro-milling machine respectively. The design and analysis used in the two case studies are formulated based on the design methodology and guidelines
