6 research outputs found


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    Many educators still use conventional teaching materials, namely teaching materials that are ready to use, just buy, instant, without the effort of planning, preparing, and compiling their own and less attracting children's attention in learning. So the image media is used as a development effort in learning Indonesian. This study aims to determine the quality of teaching materials based on the validation of material experts and media experts, to determine the attractiveness of teaching materials based on student responses, and to determine the average increase in student achievement based on pretest and posttest scores. This research was carried out at SDN 101938 Adolina, Perbaungan District, for the 2021-2022 academic year. This research is development research. The subjects of the study were the fifth grade students of SDN 101938 Adolina, Perbaungan District, for the academic year 2021-2022 with a total of 36 students. Data collection techniques used are tests, questionnaires, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is the percentage and the average. The results of the overall quality of teaching materials are good with a percentage of 78%. The results of the attractiveness of teaching materials based on student responses in the limited trial obtained a percentage of 87% with a very interesting category, while in the large group trial a percentage of 85% was obtained with a very attractive category. The average value of the pretest is 6.09, while the average value of the posttest is 8.44, so it can be concluded that there is an increase in the average student achievement


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    Adanya perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang bergerak begitu cepat ikut mempengaruhi praktik pembelajaran di pendidikan tinggi. Saat ini pembelajaran dapat dilakukan tidak harus dalam waktu dan tempat yang sama. Hal ini tentu harus didukung bahan ajar yang dapat memfasilitasi kebutuhan pembelajaran online, untuk itu perlu dikembangkan bahan ajar elektronik untuk membantu mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran secara online. Pada penelitian ini peneliti membatasi pada tahap analisis kebutuhan saja, karena bagian ini merupakan informasi penting untuk dijadikan landasan dalam proses pengembangan produk yang sesuai kebutuhan di lapangan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa kuesioner analisis kebutuhan pengembangan bahan ajar elektronik yang dikembangkan berdasarkan indikator-indikator analysis pada tahap model pengembangan ADDIE. Angket tersebut dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif berdasarkan hasil dari responden yang meliputi (a) analisis karakteristik pebelajar (b) analisis sumber daya, dan (c) analisis tujuan pembelajaran. Berdasarkan hasil analisis kebutuhan menunjukkan bahwa analisis karakteristik pebelajar menunjukkan bahwa 87,03% mahasiswa memiliki pengetahuan terhadap penggunaan bahan ajar elektronik dalam pembelajaran, 94,44% mahasiswa memiliki pandangan yang positif terhadap pemanfaatan bahan ajar elektronik dalam pembelajaran, 100% mahasiswa memiliki kebiasaan menggunakan digital resource dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, 100% mahasiswa memiliki ketertarikan terhadap penggunaan bahan ajar elektronik dalam pembelajaran, serta 94,44% Memiliki ketertarikan terhadap bahan ajar elektronik untuk menumbuhkan kemandirian belajar. Sedangkan hasil analisis sumber daya menunjukkan 87,03% mahasiswa mengetahui bahwa substansi konten bahan ajar tersedia di jurnal, buku, dan sumber-sumber yang ada kaitannya dengan materi perkuliahan, 100% mahasiswa memiliki laptop/gadget yang dapat mendukung pemanfaatan bahan ajar elektronik, dan 100% mahasiswa memiliki pemahaman terhadap penggunaan digital teknologi dalam pembelajaran

    Enhancing academic achievement and satisfaction by flipping the teacher preparation classroom

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    This study compared flipped classrooms versus online courses to study the effects of the two instructional methodologies on student achievement and satisfaction in an undergraduate Introduction to Education, EDUC 1301, course. Students self-matriculated in either traditional EDUC 1301 courses which were flipped or in EDUC 1301 online courses. Students\u27 final grades were used to assess student achievement in both teaching methodologies. An end-of-course student evaluation of instructor performance was used to assess students\u27 satisfaction in the courses. A casual comparative research design was used to examine the effectiveness of both teaching methodologies. There was no differences between the two instructional methodologies in student satisfaction. Students were equally satisfied in both teaching methodologies. Statistical significant differences were found, however, in the students\u27 achievement level. The percent of students in the flipped classroom who passed the courses was 92% compared with 75% achievement level in the students who passed the online courses. The number of students who passed the EDUC 1301 flipped classroom courses as presented in Table 1, page 44, and Figure 1, page 44, was 83 out of 90, resulting in an achievement level of 92%. On the contrary, 118 out of 157 students passed the EDUC 1301 online courses, as shown in Table 1, page 44, and Figure 1, page 44, representing an achievement level of 75%. The Pearson chi-square test of association yielded a chi2 of 10.99, a df = 1, and a p value of 0.0001 which was statistically significant at the 95% confidence level (p \u3c .05), Table 3, page 45. Students who self-enrolled in the flipped classrooms did statistically significantly better than those students who self-enrolled in the online courses. Instructional methodology, however, was an insignificant predictor of student satisfaction between the students in the flipped classrooms and the online courses. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved

    Patterns of One-Course Cohort Participation in Online Teacher Education Programs

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    Online higher education is a field that can benefit significantly from further research on innovative pedagogical methods designed to support students and decrease attrition rates. One method shown to improve engagement and retention of students in online environments is to include interactive engagement. This case study explored the patterns of students\u27 interactions and assessment performance in an introductory teacher education one-course cohort. The study used a conceptual framework incorporating Bandura\u27s social learning theory and Siemens\u27 theory of connectivism. The study assessed archival data, from Adobe Connect recordings and records of competency pass rates, on the interactions and patterns of behavior between instructors and participants, and their association with the final assessment results. Data were analyzed by type and frequency of interaction, organized with NVivo software. The findings were that the pattern of understanding and applying level questions, as classified by Bloom\u27s Revised Taxonomy, provoked the most responses, comments, and questions from the participants. Applying had the highest direct response and suggested an interpretation about online students wanting to respond to questions from instructors that prompt higher-level thinking skills and stimulate interactions. No patterns of behavior were evident between the student interactions and final assessment performance. The results indicate positive implications for social change in the role of the instructor to facilitate understanding and among participants who engage in positive learning interactions. The education profession could benefit from further research with a focus on content questioning best practices, retention methods, and the nature of social and learning interactions in online education

    Developing expertise of those handling temperature-sensitive pharmaceutical products using e-learning

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    The use of e-learning as a means of providing academic and professional education and training continues to expand. New technologies allow for innovative instructional approaches, while different instructional approaches catalyze the development of alternative technologies or the repurposing of existing ones. The effort and expense of creating e-learning courses demand that instead of a haphazard design approach or simply duplicating a course using a model that currently exists, developers consider and incorporate a valid theoretical foundation for what they produce. The purpose of this research was to create an e-learning course—based on theoretical design principles derived from the research literature—that would contribute to the expertise of those handling time- and temperature-sensitive pharmaceutical products (such as vaccines). The e-learning course was based on an existing physical course conducted annually by the World Health Organization in Turkey, but the approach adopted was based on theory and practice more appropriate to online learning. Three learning theories provided the theoretical underpinnings for the study: cognitive apprenticeship, authentic learning, and community of learners. A design-based research approach was used to conduct the study and create the e-learning solution. Draft design principles were established from the literature and consultations with practitioners, and incorporated and refined throughout the study as the e-learning solution moved from early sketches, a working “alpha” version,” and finally a field test of the working prototype. At each stage, formative evaluations were conducted with the results used to improve the subsequent iterations of the e-learning course. Interviews and surveys of the learners (participants) and instructors (mentors), learning assignments, diary entries, and researcher observations formed the data that were used and analyzed using semi-quantitative and qualitative techniques. The results were applied to improve subsequent iterations of the course design, including the user interface, learner tasks and activities, and the interactions between the mentors and participants. Additionally, the results supported the refinement and restructuring of the design principles, which was a major outcome of the research. The results of this study showed that an e-learning course could be based on an existing physical course, but in doing so, efforts should be made not to simply mirror the new course to the old, but rather to take maximum advantage of the affordances of each mode. Creating an authentic environment with authentic tasks and activities requires close consultation with practitioners in the field and a degree of suspension of disbelief by the learners which is accomplished by effectively communicating the context (or backstory) and the role(s) that they must take in accomplishing the task. While many e-learning design and development efforts emphasize the technologies to be used, the findings here place a higher emphasis on the importance of relationships that participants and mentors establish and develop as they work virtually together to accomplish authentic tasks. The outcomes of the study include an effective e-learning environment ready for implementation under real world conditions and a set of 13 refined design principles. Implications for practice cohere around the refined design principles that will provide a theoretical and practical foundation for those who develop e-learning solutions in other education and training contexts, and to assist them to incorporate authentic activities in their own e-learning solutions