1,164 research outputs found

    Technical and economic feasibility of a microgrid for a fire station in Humboldt County, California.

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    Microgrids are emerging as a promising solution to unreliable grid energy. Today, California is not only witnessing grid resiliency challenges from natural disasters such as wildfires, earthquakes, floods and heatwaves, but it is also seeking to green the grid and bring more renewables online. For example, Humboldt County, where this project is focused, has recently experienced an earthquake of 6.4M (on December 22nd, 2022), which shut down the regional grid for ~20 hours. Microgrid adoption enables critical facilities to operate seamlessly. The Humboldt Bay Fire Station (HBFS) No.1 is one such example, where first responders work to protect citizens against emergencies, be it emergency medical services (EMS) operations or fire rescue or even helping in restoration of power lines. This study involves a techno-economic analysis of a microgrid design that could support efficient and seamless operations for the fire station as it serves the people of Humboldt County during emergencies. A clean energy microgrid for the station aligns with the Humboldt County GHG emission target to reach net zero by 2030, and could provide resilient power to their general and critical loads during regular operations and emergencies. The recommended microgrid for the HBFS No. 1 facility includes a 70-kW photovoltaic (PV) array and a 90 kW/360 kWh battery energy storage system (BESS). The project cost ranges from 300kto300k to 600k (depending upon the level of investment tax credits (ITC) the microgrid project would get). It provides 51-day resiliency in the best case and 28-hour resiliency in the worst case depending upon the weather condition. The system would also reduce greenhouse gas emissions from electricity use at the station by over 98% annually. Considering the potential availability of incentives and the value of resiliency (VoR), the microgrid project for HBFS No.1 demonstrates promising economic feasibility results. The next steps involve further evaluation of the project\u27s financial viability, engaging with relevant stakeholders to secure funding, and proceeding with the detailed design and implementation phases of the microgrid

    Decentralizing the Electric Grid: Giving Power Back to the People

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    Societies across the globe are shifting away from fossil fuels and towards clean energy, resulting in significant changes to the electric grid. This clean energy transition is accompanied by transformative opportunities. However, the benefits of clean, reliable energy do not equitably accrue to all communities. In order to challenge and overcome the persistent social disparities that exist in the energy transition, energy justice must be a driving factor in energy planning and decision making. This research highlights metrics and parameters that should be included when considering deployment of community solar microgrids to advance a just energy transition. The results of this study provide insight for understanding the potential for deployment of community solar microgrids in Santa Clara County, particularly for underserved communities who could benefit the most from increased reliability and resilience in their electric grid

    Microgrids & District Energy: Pathways To Sustainable Urban Development

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    A microgrid is an energy system specifically designed to meet some of the energy needs of a group of buildings, a campus, or an entire community. It can include local facilities that generate electricity, heating, and/or cooling; store energy; distribute the energy generated; and manage energy consumption intelligently and in real time. Microgrids enable economies of scale that facilitate local production of energy in ways that can advance cost reduction, sustainability, economic development, and resilience goals. As they often involve multiple stakeholders, and may encompass numerous distinct property boundaries, municipal involvement is often a key factor for successful implementation. This report provides an introduction to microgrid concepts, identifies the benefits and most common road blocks to implementation, and discusses proactive steps municipalities can take to advance economically viable and environmentally superior microgrids. It also offers advocacy suggestions for municipal leaders and officials to pursue at the state and regional level. The contents are targeted to municipal government staff but anyone looking for introductory material on microgrids should find it useful

    Technical and economic potential of microgrids in California

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    Microgrids are being investigated across the U.S. as a solution to support greater reliability, resiliency, and security of electricity supply. This thesis evaluates the potential of developing technically feasible and economically viable microgrids for selected customer categories in California. Customer categories selected for this study are deemed suitable for microgrid applications by previous studies. For a customer to be technically suitable for microgrid adoption, this study defined a minimum energy requirement threshold. In order to determine the economically viable potential, a benefit-cost analysis was done to assess microgrid benefits compared to the base case of exclusive reliance on grid electricity. The fraction of the technical potential that was found to clear the benefit-cost analysis was considered as the economic potential. A total of 1,188 sites in California with a cumulative microgrid hosting capacity of 7,450 MW were found to be economically feasible. The study also found that customers with one MW or more peak load are economically viable for hosting a microgrid. Availability of external funding can make microgrids economically feasible for more customer groups, even for customers with peak load less than one MW, which otherwise are currently at the margin. It is acknowledged that the customer categories selected in this study represent a subset of the possible customer categories. The cost of microgrid development, and especially the cost of microgrid controller, is highly uncertain as microgrids are a relatively new market. Hence, the emphasis of this thesis was to demonstrate a methodology for estimating of microgrid development potential in California rather than determining precise values


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    Modern warfighters rely heavily on fast, accurate information to conduct all forms of military operations. It is critical that deployed Command and Control centers have reliable power for conduct of military operations and serve as a central node for information relay. For military deployments outside areas with prepared infrastructure for utility power, or in locations with no reliable utility power, stable power supply from microgrids for operations will be required. Such operations range from peacekeeping to humanitarian aid and disaster relief operations. Although such microgrids are generally reliable at providing stable power, their resilience to disruption is poor. Common interruptions include natural disasters like earthquakes, and man-made causes like cyber or physical attacks. Previous research into microgrid resilience evaluation efforts center on theoretical modeling of total electrical microgrid loading, critical electrical load prioritization, assumed capacity of renewable energy sources and their associated energy storage systems, and assumed availability of emergency generators. Experimental data from a scaled microgrid system was collected and assessed against the results from two simulation models by Peterson and Anderson. The results validate the simulation models and highlight some areas for model improvement.Military Expert 5, Republic of Singapore Air ForceApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    Microgrids: Legal and Regulatory Hurdles for a More Resilient Energy Infrastructure

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    Natural disasters and climate change have made it apparent that energy infrastructure needs to be modernized and microgrids are one type of technology that can help the electricity grid become more resilient, reliable, and efficient. Different states have begun developing microgrid pilot projects including California, New York, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania. The City of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is the first city to propose implementing “energy districts” of microgrids that will serve as critical infrastructure, in the first phase, and then expand to commercial and community settings. This large project involves many shareholders including public utilities, government agencies, and private entities. Utilizing microgrids on such a large scale raises issues regarding its classification, as energy generation or energy storage, and whether it should be regulated by public utilities, private entities, or municipalities. In a state like Pennsylvania where the energy market has been deregulated, there is strong concern on what the public utilities involvement will be with microgrid projects. This Note focuses on the regulatory issues that are raised with the construction and operation of microgrids at such a large scale in Pittsburgh. It addresses the difficulties that arise when implementing microgrids in a deregulated energy market state such as Pennsylvania, where little to no statutory language exists regarding microgrids. It will give an overview of proposed Pennsylvania legislation that may impact a public utilities’ control over microgrid technology and the benefits and costs when examining the extent of the public utilities’ role regarding ownership and control of microgrids in a deregulated energy market

    Assessment of Haiti’s electricity sector

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    INTRODUCTION: This report summarizes the current state of the electricity sector in Haiti, to form a knowledge base from which to subsequently evaluate options for how best to increase electricity access in Haiti. Accordingly, this report summarizes the results of an extensive review of the publicly-available information on the electricity sector in Haiti, supplemented by targeted interviews with selected individuals known to be knowledgeable about electricity in Haiti based on their recent involvement in assessing the sector or in pursuing/supporting development opportunities. [TRUNCATED

    Integrated design of photovoltaic power generation plant with pumped hydro storage system and agricultural facilities in Uhuelem-Amoncha African community

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    Seasonal and location dependence of renewable energy resources have limited their applications in power generation. Energy storage systems are promising solutions to the intermittence of renewable energy resources. Rural electricity grids are faced with economic sustainability challenges due to low power demand and poverty. As countries hopefully pass through various stages of development, their needs change. The electricity needs of developing countries surely differ from those of developed economies. Most of the global population without access to electricity, and all the consequences of it, is found in developing countries. Energy access is undoubtedly a significant catalyst for development. Developed countries mainly require technologies to ensure energy security, resilience, and occasionally emission control. Therefore, microgrids are emerging technologies capable of supporting the diverse needs of various stages of development. For example, a rural grid design around economic drivers like agriculture and micro industries can mitigate poverty and improve economic sustainability of rural grids. This study presents an Integrated Design of Photovoltaic Power Generation Plant with Pumped Hydro Storage System and Agricultural Facilities in Uhuelem-Amoncha African Community. The design explored the natural availability of water body in an elevated settlement area that offers a natural storage height for hydro energy storage. HOMER (Hybrid Optimization of Multiple Energy Resources) software was deployed to optimize the design. The designed photovoltaic power generation plant has a nominal capacity of 221 kW. The simulated results show the power supply probability of the plant as 99.9%. The cost of energy (COE) offered by the design is 0.456 [US$/kWh] which is 82% lower than the current cost of energy in the project community based on generation through petrol generators. The System has 100% renewable energy penetration. The plant is designed to power 50 households with a daily domestic energy consumption of 4.46 [kWh] each. The plant capacity also covers the irrigation water requirement of 50 acres of corn farms. A total of 100 units of designed intelligent pest control system will also be powered by the plant. A community refrigeration scheme of 27 [m3] equivalent volume is part of the plant design load. The benefits from the irrigation, water supply, pest control and refrigeration scheme will enhance the community’s socio-economic development and sustain the investment. Quantifying the integral socio-economic and environmental benefits is a subject of a future research

    Solar electrification to improve power access in urban areas in developing countries at no additional cost : case study of Nigeria

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    O acesso à eletricidade está associado à melhoria dos meios de subsistência, educação, saúde, crescimento económico e redução geral da pobreza. A grande maioria das pessoas que vivem sem, ou com acesso não fiável, a energia elétrica encontra-se na África subsaariana e sudeste asiático. Apesar de ser a maior economia de África, a Nigéria sofre de problemas graves de cortes frequentes de energia, obrigando muitos residentes a procurar opções de auto-geração, sobretudo geradores a diesel, com custos de investimento inicial relativamente baixo, mas que trazem riscos à saúde e ao meio ambiente. Uma alternativa viável são os sistemas fotovoltaicos; no entanto, o investimento inicial é muito maior em comparação com os geradores a diesel, criando uma barreira para muitos nigerianos. A primeira parte desta tese explora a opção de geração de eletricidade solar em ambiente urbano, mais limpa e mais acessível, aumentando o acesso fiável a eletricidade e reduzindo, ou eliminando, o uso de geradores a diesel. Propõe-se um caminho para a implementação em larga escala de sistemas fotovoltaicos domésticos em ambiente urbano, com o custo coberto pela poupança de combustível, possibilitado por uma política eficaz que melhora o acesso a opções de financiamento. Aproveitando dados reais de uma campanha de monitorização de consumo de eletricidade em Lagos, o centro comercial da Nigéria, os resultados mostram uma oportunidade para reduzir ou eliminar o uso de geradores a diesel aplicando a poupança de custos de combustível para financiar sistemas fotovoltaicos. A segunda parte desta tese trata do setor comercial, que tem sido significativamente prejudicado pela pouca disponibilidade de eletricidade confiável. Quase metade das empresas na Nigéria identificou a eletricidade como um grande obstáculo, com mais de um quarto delas apresentando a eletricidade como maior obstáculo. As perdas comerciais devido a interrupções elétricas são significativas, com perdas médias estimadas de cerca de 16% das vendas anuais. A falta de acesso a eletricidade confiável é um dos maiores desafios para o crescimento económico na Nigéria. É proposto um meio de fornecer energia ao setor comercial através de eletrificação solar por enxame (swarm). É descrita uma estrutura conceitual para o uso de uma rede distribuída composta de sistemas fotovoltaicos domésticos ligados à rede como uma opção viável para fornecer ao setor comercial um acesso mais confiável à eletricidade. Finalmente, são abordadas as implicações de política para o setor comercial com mais opções de eletrificação, implicações que incluem um forte impacto económico e a expansão e criação de novas indústrias.Access to electricity has been linked to improved livelihood, education, health, economic growth, and overall poverty reduction. The vast majority of people living without electricity or unreliable electricity access are concentrated in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Despite being the largest economy in Africa, Nigeria suffers from severe power outages, forcing many residents to seek self-generation options. By far, the most adopted option has been diesel generators that have a relatively low initial investment cost but carry health and environmental risks. A viable alternative is solar photovoltaic systems; however, the initial investment is much higher compared to diesel generators, creating a barrier for many Nigerians. Part one of this thesis addresses making cleaner electricity generation through solar PV systems more attainable, increasing access to more reliable electricity, and reducing or eliminating the use of diesel generators. It proposes a pathway for securing residential solar PV systems with the cost covered through fuel savings and enabled by an effective policy that improves access to financing options. Leveraging real data from a monitoring campaign in Lagos, the commercial hub of Nigeria, results show an opportunity to reduce or eliminate the use of diesel generators by applying fuel cost savings to finance solar PV systems. The second part of this thesis addresses Nigeria's commercial sector, which has been significantly hampered due to the poor availability of reliable electricity. Nearly half of the firms doing business in Nigeria have identified electricity as a major constraint, with over a quarter of them listing electricity as their biggest obstacle. The business losses due to electrical outages are significant, with losses averaging about 16% of annual sales. The lack of access to reliable electricity is one of the biggest challenges to economic growth in Nigeria. A means of powering the commercial sector in Nigeria using urban swarm electrification is proposed. This thesis outlines a conceptual framework for using a distributed network made up of grid-connected home solar PV systems as a viable option for providing the commercial sector with more reliable access to electricity. It further addresses the policy implications for the commercial sector with the enablement of more electrification options, implications that include strong economic impact, and the expansion and creation of new industries

    A Novel Microgrid Demand-Side Management System for Manufacturing Facilities

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    Thirty-one percent of annual energy consumption in the United States occurs within the industrial sector, where manufacturing processes account for the largest amount of energy consumption and carbon emissions. For this reason, energy efficiency in manufacturing facilities is increasingly important for reducing operating costs and improving profits. Using microgrids to generate local sustainable power should reduce energy consumption from the main utility grid along with energy costs and carbon emissions. Also, microgrids have the potential to serve as reliable energy generators in international locations where the utility grid is often unstable. For this research, a manufacturing process that had approximately 20 kW of peak demand was matched with a solar photovoltaic array that had a peak output of approximately 3 KW. An innovative Demand-Side Management (DSM) strategy was developed to manage the process loads as part of this smart microgrid system. The DSM algorithm managed the intermittent nature of the microgrid and the instantaneous demand of the manufacturing process. The control algorithm required three input signals; one from the microgrid indicating the availability of renewable energy, another from the manufacturing process indicating energy use as a percent of peak production, and historical data for renewable sources and facility demand. Based on these inputs the algorithm had three modes of operation: normal (business as usual), curtailment (shutting off non-critical loads), and energy storage. The results show that a real-time management of a manufacturing process with a microgrid will reduce electrical consumption and peak demand. The renewable energy system for this research was rated to provide up to 13% of the total manufacturing capacity. With actively managing the process loads with the DSM program alone, electrical consumption from the utility grid was reduced by 17% on average. An additional 24% reduction was accomplished when the microgrid and DSM program was enabled together, resulting in a total reduction of 37%. On average, peak demand was reduced by 6%, but due to the intermittency of the renewable source and the billing structure for peak demand, only a 1% reduction was obtained. During a billing period, it only takes one day when solar irradiance is poor to affect the demand reduction capabilities. To achieve further demand reduction, energy storage should be introduced and integrated