4 research outputs found

    Модель информационных потребностей малого агробизнеса в рамках единого информационного пространства

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    В статье рассмотрены функциональные элементы модели информационных потребностей малого агробизнеса, приведена упрощенная схема движения информационных потоко

    Система навигации автономного мобильного робота для работы на Крайнем Севере

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    Объектом исследования является способ корректировки местоположения, при инерциальной навигации мобильного робота на местности в условиях отсутствия/искажения сигнала ГЛОНАСС/GPS, для работы на Крайнем Севере. Цель работы–разработка способа наземной корректировки навигации мобильного робота в условиях Крайнего Севера. В процессе исследования была изучена литература по тематике навигации мобильных роботов, в частности SLAM, судовой навигации, построения маршрутов, и видам алгоритмов, библиотек компьютерного зрения. В результате исследования была разработана структурная схема, был сделан подбор устройств в соответствии с необходимым функционалом, был разработан алгоритм работы системы и написаны соответствующие программы. Область применения: дорожные эксплуатационные предприятия.The object of the study is a way to correct the location, with inertial navigation of a mobile robot on the ground in the absence / distortion of the GLONASS / GPS signal, to work in the Far North. The purpose of the work is to develop a method for ground-based navigation correction of a mobile robot in the Far North. During the study, literature was studied on the topics of navigation of mobile robots, in particular SLAM, ship navigation, route building, and types of algorithms, computer vision libraries. As a result of the study, a block diagram was developed, a selection of devices was made in accordance with the necessary functionality, an algorithm for the operation of the system was developed, and corresponding programs were written. Scope: road operating enterprises

    Система навигации автономного мобильного робота для работы на Крайнем Севере

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    Объектом исследования является способ корректировки местоположения, при инерциальной навигации мобильного робота на местности в условиях отсутствия/искажения сигнала ГЛОНАСС/GPS, для работы на Крайнем Севере. Цель работы–разработка способа наземной корректировки навигации мобильного робота в условиях Крайнего Севера. В процессе исследования была изучена литература по тематике навигации мобильных роботов, в частности SLAM, судовой навигации, построения маршрутов, и видам алгоритмов, библиотек компьютерного зрения. В результате исследования была разработана структурная схема, был сделан подбор устройств в соответствии с необходимым функционалом, был разработан алгоритм работы системы и написаны соответствующие программы. Область применения: дорожные эксплуатационные предприятия.The object of the study is a way to correct the location, with inertial navigation of a mobile robot on the ground in the absence / distortion of the GLONASS / GPS signal, to work in the Far North. The purpose of the work is to develop a method for ground-based navigation correction of a mobile robot in the Far North. During the study, literature was studied on the topics of navigation of mobile robots, in particular SLAM, ship navigation, route building, and types of algorithms, computer vision libraries. As a result of the study, a block diagram was developed, a selection of devices was made in accordance with the necessary functionality, an algorithm for the operation of the system was developed, and corresponding programs were written. Scope: road operating enterprises

    The implications of innovation implementation in the agriculture for sustainable development of the Republic of Serbia

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    Apstrakt: Usvajanje inovacija u agraru je važan pokretač rasta produktivnosti i postizanja održivosti razvoja. Danas se u svetu primenjuju različiti savremeni pristupi u razvoju agrara, koji podrazumevaju uvođenje inovacija i tehnologija, prihvatljivih u socio-ekonomskom i ekološkom smislu (integralna, organska, cirkularna, zelena i bioekonomija). Osnovni cilj ove doktorske disertacije je utvrditi koji su pristupi razvoju agrara danas najuspešniji u svetu i kakve su mogućnosti njihove primene za održivi razvoj Republike Srbije. U skladu sa definisanim ciljem doktorske disertacije, formulisane su osnovne hipoteze istraživanja, koje su usmerene na razmatranje razvijenosti multifunkcionalne poljoprivrede u Republici Srbiji, kroz poređenje sa ostalim zemljama Zapadnog Balkana. Takođe, istražene su poljoprivredne tehnologije koje vode ka povećanju produktivnosti u agraru, zatim kvalitet i konkurentnost najznačajnijih agrarnih proizvoda Republike Srbije i njihov uticaj na izvoz, kao i značaj celokupnog poljoprivredno-prehrambenog sektora za izvoz, privredni i održivi razvoj Republike Srbije i inovativnih zemalja sveta. Ispitan je značaj uvođenja inovacija u agrarni sektor za privredni i održivi razvoj Republike Srbije i inovativnih zemalja i upoređena je inovativnost agrarnog sektora Republike Srbije sa poljoprivredno inovativnim zemljama. Empirijskim istraživanjem su dokazane postavljene hipoteze i u skladu sa tim su izvedeni zaključci. Sprovedeno istraživanje ima teorijske i praktične implikacije, koje mogu biti korišćene za dalja istraživanja i obogaćivanje literature iz predmetne oblasti. Takođe, može poslužiti kreatorima agrarne politike Republike Srbije, u smislu uvođenja najperspektivnijih pristupa za budući razvoj agrara u cilju održivog razvoja Republike Srbije.Abstract Adoption of innovations in agriculture is an important driver of productivity growth and sustainable development. Today in the world apply different approaches to the development of modern agriculture, which include innovation and technology, acceptable in socio-economic and environmental terms (integral, organic, circular, green and bio-economy). The main goal of this doctoral dissertation is to determine which approaches of the development of agriculture are the most successful in the world and what are the possibilities of their application for the sustainable development of the Republic of Serbia. In accordance with the defined goal of the doctoral dissertation, the basic research hypotheses have been formulated, which are aimed at considering the development of multifunctional agriculture in the Republic of Serbia, through comparison with other countries in the Western Balkans. Also, explored are agricultural technologies that lead to increased productivity in agriculture, then the quality and competitiveness of the most important agricultural products of the Republic of Serbia and their impact on exports, as well as the importance of the entire agri-food sector for export, economic and sustainable development of Republic of Serbia and innovative countries in the world. The importance of introducing innovation in the agricultural sector for economic and sustainable development of the Republic of Serbia and innovative countries was examined and the innovation of the agricultural sector of the Republic of Serbia was compared with agriculturally innovative countries. Empirical research proved the set hypotheses and drew conclusions accordingly. The conducted research has theoretical and practical implications, which can be used for further research and enrichment of literature in the subject area. It can also serve the creators of the agricultural policy of the Republic of Serbia, in terms of introducing the most promising approaches for the future development of agriculture in order to achieve sustainable development of the Republic of Serbia