10,504 research outputs found

    Smart Health Management Technology

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    “Problems” and “Answers” Faced by the Grassroots Governance of the CPC in Sudden Public Security Incidents: Thinking on the Prevention and Control of the COVID-19

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    Grass roots governance is the basic unit of the national governance system. The level and effectiveness of grass-roots governance are closely related to the vital interests of the people. In COVID-19 prevention and control, the grass-roots level is in the “front line” of epidemic prevention and control, which has played a positive role in the phased victory of the COVID-19 prevention and control war. However, it also exposes the difficulties of human resources, serious deficiencies in the storage, supply and development of grass-roots risk management materials, and the lack of a mature grass-roots risk management mechanism. Therefore, we should strengthen the construction of the CPC’s grass-roots risk management team from the two aspects of “quality” and “quantity”, adjusts the supply of grass-roots risk management materials from the two perspectives of “open source” and “cost reduction”, and build a grass-roots risk management system from the two aspects of “long-term” and “effectiveness”. Build an effective emergency response mechanism for grass-roots organizations to respond to major public security incidents, and increase human resources, material support and mechanism assistance, so as to effectively improve the governance level of grass-roots organizations of the CPC to respond to major public security incidents and promote the modernization of grass-roots governance

    Research on the Application of Value Creation of Big Data in Smart Tourism

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    Against the background of the new era, the rapid progress of information science and technology represented by big data, cloud computing and Internet of things promotes the intelligent transformation of tourism industry. Based on the technical support of big data, it integrates tourism resources to generate value creation and apply it in smart tourism, and promotes the optimization and innovation of tourism at the level of marketing, service and management. In the context of informatization, the implementation of smart tourism has become the only way for the development of the tourism industry (Dai, P. ,2015). However, the application of big data in smart tourism also faces such problems as dense and miscellaneous information data, uneven level of information technology, lack of smart tourism big data professionals, and privacy data security (Yang, X.,2015). This paper discusses the development status and future direction of smart tourism in the context of big data, so as to boost the steady development of smart tourism relying on big data platform

    Intelligent technologies for real-time monitoring and decision support systems

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    MPhilAutomation of data processing and control of operations involving intelligent technologies that is considered the next generation technology requires error-free data capture systems in both clinical research and healthcare. The presented research constitutes a step in the development of intelligent technologies in healthcare. The proposed improvement is by automation that includes the elements of intelligence and prediction. In particular automatic data acquisition systems for several devices are developed including pervasive computing technologies for mobility. The key feature of the system is the minimisation/near eradication of erroneous data input along with a number of other security measures ensuring completeness, accuracy and reliability of the patients‟ data. The development is based on utilising existing devices to keep the cost of Data Acquisition Systems down. However, with existing technology and devices one can be limited to features required to perform more refined analysis. Research of existing and development of a new device for assessment of neurological diseases, such as MS (Multiple Sclerosis) using Stroop test is performed. The software can also be customized for use in other diseases affecting Central Nervous System such as Parkinson‟s disease. The introduction of intelligent functions into the majority of operations enables quality checks and provides on-line user assistance. It could become a key tool in the first step of patient diagnosis before referring to more advanced tests for further investigation. Although the software cannot fully ensure the diagnosis of MS or PD but can make significant contribution in the process of diagnosis and monitorin

    Include 2011 : The role of inclusive design in making social innovation happen.

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    Include is the biennial conference held at the RCA and hosted by the Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design. The event is directed by Jo-Anne Bichard and attracts an international delegation


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    As Chinese medicine (CM) has increased in popularity globally it now becomes imperative to investigate ways in which safe, efficient, effective and evidence-based approaches might be adopted into CM practice. In the case of western or more traditional healthcare delivery practice, IS/IT is often adopted and employed to assist in this regard and thus this paper examines how IS/IT might be used to support the delivery of CM. In particular, the paper investigates how IS/IT tools and techniques might be used in supporting CM clinics daily processes and thereby bring greater value to a country’s healthcare. In doing so, this paper studies the current global CM situation and provides a solid foundation for how to design and develop an enterprise wide CM clinical management system

    Design of Smart Furniture for a Smart City

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    The government of India has decided to set up smart cities across the country. The intent is to improve the lifestyles of the people. For this purpose, it has defined certain parameters of the Smart cities. These parameters, such as smart environment, smart energy, smart transportation, smart governance, have been provided with characteristics and features upon which they are to be modelled. However there has been no mention about smart furniture. Furniture forms an integral part of houses and offices. The use of smart furniture is expected in smart cities. This project consists of developing concepts and ideas on smart furniture. The ideas that have been defined by the Government have been embedded in the design philosophies. A survey is also conducted to obtain data regarding user preferences. The data obtained is analysed to draw inferences. Then from these inferences the design principles are worked out. The concepts of the different products of Smart Furniture are developed using these design principles. The conceptual models of a chair, a bed and a table are designed

    9th International Conference on Business, Technology and Innovation 2020

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    Welcome to IC – UBT 2020 UBT Annual International Conference is the 9th international interdisciplinary peer reviewed conference which publishes works of the scientists as well as practitioners in the area where UBT is active in Education, Research and Development. The UBT aims to implement an integrated strategy to establish itself as an internationally competitive, research-intensive university, committed to the transfer of knowledge and the provision of a world-class education to the most talented students from all background. The main perspective of the conference is to connect the scientists and practitioners from different disciplines in the same place and make them be aware of the recent advancements in different research fields, and provide them with a unique forum to share their experiences. It is also the place to support the new academic staff for doing research and publish their work in international standard level. This conference consists of sub conferences in different fields like: Security Studies Sport, Health and Society Psychology Political Science Pharmaceutical and Natural Sciences Mechatronics, System Engineering and Robotics Medicine and Nursing Modern Music, Digital Production and Management Management, Business and Economics Language and Culture Law Journalism, Media and Communication Information Systems and Security Integrated Design Energy Efficiency Engineering Education and Development Dental Sciences Computer Science and Communication Engineering Civil Engineering, Infrastructure and Environment Architecture and Spatial Planning Agriculture, Food Science and Technology Art and Digital Media This conference is the major scientific event of the UBT. It is organizing annually and always in cooperation with the partner universities from the region and Europe. We have to thank all Authors, partners, sponsors and also the conference organizing team making this event a real international scientific event. Edmond Hajrizi, President of UBTUBT – Higher Education Institutio