8 research outputs found

    Adapting Nielsen's Usability Heuristics to the Context of Mobile Augmented Reality

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    Augmented reality (AR) is an emerging technology in mobile app design during recent years. However, usability challenges in these apps are prominent. There are currently no established guidelines for designing and evaluating interactions in AR as there are in traditional user interfaces. In this work, we aimed to examine the usability of current mobile AR applications and interpreting classic usability heuristics in the context of mobile AR. Particularly, we focused on AR home design apps because of their popularity and ability to incorporate important mobile AR interaction schemas. Our findings indicated that it is important for the designers to consider the unfamiliarity of AR technology to the vast users and to take technological limitations into consideration when designing mobile AR apps. Our work serves as a first step for establishing more general heuristics and guidelines for mobile AR.Comment: 3 pages, UIST '20 Poste

    Assessing Online-form Complexity for the Development of Assistive Technologies for Older Adults

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    Although cognitive declines occur as a natural product of the ageing process, the majority of online-forms do not cater specifically for the needs of older adult users. As a consequence, online-forms pose significant usability challenges to this target user group. The Delivering Inclusive Access to Disabled and Elderly Members of the community (DIADEM) project aims to develop a plug-in to a web browser that adapts existing online-form content so that it is more accessible and usable for older adults with cognitive decline. In order to identify requirements for developing the DIADEM application, it is necessary to observe users interacting with online-forms, and identify the usability challenges that occur as a result of this. However, the format and functionality of online-form content presented on the web varies greatly. Identifying a representative sample of online-forms that may be presented to users within a trials setting to elicit key usability challenges, has proved to be a non-trivial task. Consequently, we have developed a set of Bespoke Online-form Selection (BOFS) criteria which are used to help identify appropriate and representative candidate online-forms that may be used within the user trials setting to formulate initial requirements for developing the DIADEM application. In the context of the DIADEM project, BOFS has proved to be a valuable tool which has been used to successfully identify online-forms for use in our user trials. This paper presents the BOFS criteria, and shows how these are aligned with cognitive declines that are typically presented by the older adult user group, and demonstrates how BOFS has been of value within the context of the DIADEM project.</p

    Facilitating heuristic evaluation for novice evaluators

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    Heuristic evaluation (HE) is one of the most widely used usability evaluation methods. The reason for its popularity is that it is a discount method, meaning that it does not require substantial time or resources, and it is simple, as evaluators can evaluate a system guided by a set of usability heuristics. Despite its simplicity, a major problem with HE is that there is a significant gap in the quality of results produced by expert and novice evaluators. This gap has made some scholars question the usefulness of the method as they claim that the evaluation results are a product of the evaluator’s experience rather than the method itself. In response, the goal of this thesis is to bridge the gap between expert and novice evaluators. Based on interviews with 15 usability experts, which focused on their experience with the method, the difficulties they faced when they were novices, and how they overcame such difficulties, it presents a comprehensive protocol called Coherent Heuristic Evaluation (CoHE). This step-by-step protocol guides novice evaluators from the moment they decide to conduct an evaluation until the submission of their evaluation report. This protocol was verified by conducting an experiment to observe the difference between novices using the CoHE protocol and novices using Nielsen’s 10 usability heuristics without the guidance. The experiment involved 20 novices performing two sessions; the first was an understanding session where the novices read and understood the heuristics and the second was an inspecting session where they inspected a system. The findings show that, while evaluators take more time to read and evaluate a system using CoHE, they tend to identify more problems. The experiment also demonstrated that CoHE can improve the thoroughness, effectiveness, and f-measure of evaluation. However, the validity of CoHE was comparable to that of HE


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    The world is presently faced with a sustainability crisis; it is becoming increasingly difficult to meet the energy and material needs of a growing global population without depleting and polluting our planet. Greenhouse gases released from the continuous combustion of fossil fuels engender accelerated climate change, and plastic waste accumulates in the environment. There is need for a circular economy, where energy and materials are renewably derived from waste items, rather than by consuming limited resources. Deconstruction of the recalcitrant linkages in natural and synthetic polymers is crucial for a circular economy, as deconstructed monomers can be used to manufacture new products. In Nature, organisms utilize enzymes for the efficient depolymerization and conversion of macromolecules. Consequently, by employing enzymes industrially, biotechnology holds great promise for energy- and cost-efficient conversion of materials for a circular economy. However, there is need for enhanced molecular-level understanding of enzymes to enable economically viable technologies that can be applied on a global scale. This work is a computational study of key enzymes that catalyze important reactions that can be utilized for a bio-based circular economy. Specifically, bioinformatics and data- mining approaches were employed to study family 7 glycoside hydrolases (GH7s), which are the principal enzymes in Nature for deconstructing cellulose to simple sugars; a cytochrome P450 enzyme (GcoA) that catalyzes the demethylation of lignin subunits; and MHETase, a tannase-family enzyme utilized by the bacterium, Ideonella sakaiensis, in the degradation and assimilation of polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Since enzyme function is fundamentally dependent on the primary amino-acid sequence, we hypothesize that machine-learning algorithms can be trained on an ensemble of functionally related enzymes to reveal functional patterns in the enzyme family, and to map the primary sequence to enzyme function such that functional properties can be predicted for a new enzyme sequence with significant accuracy. We find that supervised machine learning identifies important residues for processivity and accurately predicts functional subtypes and domain architectures in GH7s. Bioinformatic analyses revealed conserved active-site residues in GcoA and informed protein engineering that enabled expanded enzyme specificity and improved activity. Similarly, bioinformatic studies and phylogenetic analysis provided evolutionary context and identified crucial residues for MHET-hydrolase activity in a tannase-family enzyme (MHETase). Lastly, we developed machine-learning models to predict enzyme thermostability, allowing for high-throughput screening of enzymes that can catalyze reactions at elevated temperatures. Altogether, this work provides a solid basis for a computational data-driven approach to understanding, identifying, and engineering enzymes for biotechnological applications towards a more sustainable world

    Let’s augment the future together!:Augmented reality troubleshooting support for IT/OT rolling stock failures

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    The railway industry is moving to a socio-technological system that relies on computer-controlled and human-machine interfaces. Opportunities arise for creating new services and commercial business cases by using technological innovations and traffic management systems. The convergence of Information Technology (IT) with Operational Technology (OT) is critical for cost-effective and reliable railway operations. However, this convergence introduces complexities, leading to more intricate rolling stock system failures. Hence, operators necessitate assistance in their troubleshooting and maintenance strategy to simplify the decision-making and action-taking processes. Augmented Reality (AR) emerges as a pivotal tool for troubleshooting within this context. AR enhances the operator’s ability to visualize, contextualize, and understand complex data by overlaying real-time and virtual information onto physical objects. AR supports the identification of IT/OT rolling stock system failures, offers troubleshooting directions, and streamlines maintenance procedures, ultimately enhancing decision-making and action-taking processes. This thesis investigates how AR can support operators in navigating troubleshooting and maintenance challenges posed by IT/OT rolling stock system failures in the railway industry

    IT-företags arbete för användarnöjdhet: Metoder, aktiviteter och riktlinjer utvecklare använder för att främja användarnöjdhet

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    När en slutanvändare är nöjd med systemet kan utvecklaren känna sig nöjd. Det finns många faktorer som kan leda till nöjda användare, användbarhet och estetik är två viktiga delar. Men hur går systemutvecklare tillväga när de vill främja användarnöjdhet, och vilka metoder, aktiviteter och riktlinjer använder de sig utav? Inom teorin finns det många olika typer av utvecklingsmetoder, användarcentrerade designmetoder och användbarhetsaktiviteter. Det nämns dessutom olika riktlinjer för interaktionsdesign och ISO standarder. Genom att intervjua 6 företag inom IT branschen ville vi komma fram till vilka tillvägagångssätt som är tillgängliga och som används idag. Teorin, som stärker företagens framgång med att nå användarnöjdhet, sammanställde vi i en egen undersökningsmodell. Denna modell bestod utav; att ta hänsyn till användares olikheter, vilka metoder och aktiviteter som används under utvecklingsprocessen, och riktlinjer och standarder som finns för att säkerställa eller checka av användbarhet och gränssnittsdesign. För att få företagens syn på detta intervjuade vi 7 informanter på 6 företag i öppna individuella intervjuer. Dessa intervjuer jämfördes mellan varandra i bland annat tabeller för att få en överblick av likheterna och skillnaderna. För att kunna jämföra resultaten från intervjuerna så gjorde vi en intervjuguide som baserades på vår teoretiska modell. Resultaten vi fick utav intervjuerna ledde oss till slutsatsen; för att främja användarnöjdheten borde kraven för systemet tas fram under utvecklingens gång tillsammans med slutanvändaren och inte innan utav kunden. Det är också bra att involvera slutanvändarna med tanke på användarnas olikheter, den kan vara en stor fördel att ha med detta som en del utav kravspecifikationen. Vår sista slutsats är att den mänskliga aspekten spelar stor roll, eftersom att en metod bara fungerar så bra som de som använder metoden vill att den ska fungera

    Usabilidade, acessibilidade e qualidade da web da administração pública portuguesa

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    Para muitas pessoas, a Web tornou-se uma ferramenta de trabalho e de lazer incontornável. Contudo, as tecnologias que a suportam são cada vez mais complexas. Quando não são usadas de forma correta podem originar consequências negativas para os utilizadores, tais como erros ou dificuldades de acesso à informação. No caso de sítios Web de organismos públicos, o impacto da falta de qualidade dos seus sítios Web pode ser oneroso. Num mercado onde não há concorrência e que muitas vezes obriga os cidadãos a usar este canal para interagir com serviços públicos, cabe ao Estado assegurar que os seus sítios Web tenham qualidade e sejam acessíveis a todos os cidadãos, inclusivamente a cidadãos com necessidades especiais. Em estudos anteriores, foi usado um método de avaliação que atualmente apresenta indicadores obsoletos e que estão focados na análise de conteúdos em detrimento de outros indicadores importantes que são privilegiados neste estudo. Neste estudo realizou-se uma avaliação dos sítios Web de 130 organismos da Administração Pública portuguesa, aplicando um modelo desenvolvido com base na literatura de referência sobre a temática em estudo e o suporte normativo vigente. Um total de 33 indicadores foram analisados, distribuídos por quatro critérios: conteúdos, acessibilidade, usabilidade e eficácia. Os critérios de usabilidade e eficiência foram usados pela primeira vez num estudo deste género. Face à análise feita, foram detetadas lacunas, erros críticos e faltas de conformidade, pelo que são apresentadas sugestões de melhoria e mecanismos para assegurar o cumprimento dos requisitos de qualidade.For many people, Web has become an indispensable tool for working or leisure. However, the technologies that support it are increasingly complex. When such technologies are not used properly, a range of negative consequences for users can occur, such as errors or difficulties accessing information. In the case of websites from government agencies, the impact of their lack of quality may be huge. In a market without competition and where citizens are often required to use Web channel to interact with public services, the government must ensure the quality of its sites and that they can be accessed by all citizens including those with disabilities. In this work, we carried out an evaluation of 130 websites of Portuguese government agencies, based on a methodology developed for this purpose. This methodology is based on the literature and law. We’ve evaluated 33 indicators, distributed by four criteria: content, accessibility, usability and efficiency. This is the first study of its kind using usability and efficiency as criteria of quality. Previous works were done using a methodology that currently has obsolete indicators and are focused on content analysis, rather than other important indicators that are privileged in this work. We found many gaps, critical errors and noncompliances. Proposals are made to implement improvements and mechanisms to ensure compliance with these quality requirements

    Proposition d'une méthode de conception systémique d'interface homme-système adaptée aux situations de multihandicap

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    In the field of Human-System Interface (HSI) design, one key concept is the User-Centred Design (UCD), an approach that considers the user as the centre of the design process. Although this approach is a significant advance to provide solutions that meets the needs and expectations of end-users, it is not totally suitable for end-users with multiple disabilities. Moreover, despite the benefits of the UCD, only few designers apply this approach. The use of standard approaches remains dominant. There is a general lack of awareness among designers on how take account of end-users, even less when the end-users have multiples disabilities.In view of these observations, our work has been structured to two main axes, conducted in parallel. We have elaborated and formalized design method of HSI, named AMICAS (Innovative Methodological Approach of Adapted Systemic Design), in order to design tools or services adapted for users, whatever their disabilities are. This method has been tested to children with multiple disabilities in educational context and with elderly in care homes. Also, we have developed a decision support tool. The purpose of this tool is to help designers to take into account end-users and their disabilities into the design stage. Based on the results, we suggest in synthesizing an improved version of AMICAS and we have published the decision support tool online.Dans le domaine de la conception d’Interfaces Homme-Système (IHS), un des concepts clés est celui de la Conception Centrée Utilisateurs (CCU), qui place les utilisateurs au centre de la démarche. Bien que cette démarche constitue une avancée considérable pour proposer des solutions qui répondent aux besoins et aux attentes des utilisateurs finaux, elle n’est pas totalement adaptée lorsque ces derniers présentent des déficiences multiples. Egalement, malgré les bénéfices de la CCU, il est constaté que les concepteurs demeurent peu nombreux à appliquer cette démarche, l’utilisation d’approches plus classiques restant encore dominante. Les concepteurs sont peu sensibilisés à la prise en compte des utilisateurs finaux, encore moins lorsque ceux-ci présentent des déficiences.Face à ces constats, notre travail s’est articulé selon deux axes réalisés en parallèle. Nous avons élaboré et formalisé une méthode de conception systémique d’IHS : AMICAS (Approche Méthodologique Innovante de Conception Adaptée Systémique), afin de permettre la conception d’outils et services adaptés aux utilisateurs finaux, quelles que soient leurs spécificités. Cette méthode a été testée auprès d’enfants en situation de multihandicap dans un contexte scolaire et de personnes âgées en institution. En parallèle, nous avons élaboré un système d’aide à la décision, à destination des concepteurs d’IHS, afin de les sensibiliser à la prise en compte des utilisateurs finaux et de leurs déficiences dans les démarches de conception. Au regard des résultats obtenus, nous proposons en synthèse une version améliorée de la méthode de conception AMICAS et une mise en ligne de notre système d’aide