7 research outputs found

    Development of Quantitative Structure - Property Relationship Models for Early ADME Evaluation in Drug Discovery. 1. Aqueous Solubility

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    A simple QSPR model, based on seven 1D and 2D descriptors and artificial neural network, was developed for fast evaluation of aqueous solubility. The model was able to predict the molar solubility of a diverse set of 1312 organic compounds with an overall correlation coefficient of 0.92 and a standard deviation of 0.72 log unit between the calculated and experimental data. Considering the fact that the estimated uncertainty of the experimental data is no less than 0.5 log unit, the results demonstrate that carefully chosen physically meaningful 1D and 2D descriptors encode sufficient molecular information for fast and reasonably reliable prediction of aqueous solubility with a simple neural network. As a comparison, we calculated the solubility of a test set of 258 compounds, ranging from simple hydrocarbons to more complex multifunctional organic molecules, with a commercial program (QMPR+ version 2.0.1 of SimulationPlus Inc.) and compared the results with predictions from our model. Statistical parameters indicate that for small and simple organic compounds, QMPR+ outperforms our model. However for more complex multifunctional molecules, our model is superior

    Prediction of aqueous intrinsic solubility of druglike molecules using Random Forest regression trained with Wiki-pS0 database

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    The accurate prediction of solubility of drugs is still problematic. It was thought for a long time that shortfalls had been due the lack of high-quality solubility data from the chemical space of drugs. This study considers the quality of solubility data, particularly of ionizable drugs. A database is described, comprising 6355 entries of intrinsic solubility for 3014 different molecules, drawing on 1325 citations. In an earlier publication, many factors affecting the quality of the measurement had been discussed, and suggestions were offered to improve ways of extracting more reliable information from legacy data. Many of the suggestions have been implemented in this study. By correcting solubility for ionization (i.e., deriving intrinsic solubility, S0) and by normalizing temperature (by transforming measurements performed in the range 10-50 °C to 25 °C), it can now be estimated that the average interlaboratory reproducibility is 0.17 log unit. Empirical methods to predict solubility at best have hovered around the root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.6 log unit. Three prediction methods are compared here: (a) Yalkowsky’s general solubility equation (GSE), (b) Abraham solvation equation (ABSOLV), and (c) Random Forest regression (RFR) statistical machine learning. The latter two methods were trained using the new database. The RFR method outperforms the other two models, as anticipated. However, the ability to predict the solubility of drugs to the level of the quality of data is still out of reach. The data quality is not the limiting factor in prediction. The statistical machine learning methodologies are probably up to the task. Possibly what’s missing are solubility data from a few sparsely-covered chemical space of drugs (particularly of research compounds). Also, new descriptors which can better differentiate the factors affecting solubility between molecules could be critical for narrowing the gap between the accuracy of the prediction models and that of the experimental data

    Aqueous solubility of drug-like compounds

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    New effective experimental techniques in medicinal chemistry and pharmacology have resulted in a vast increase in the number of pharmacologically interesting compounds. However, the possibility of producing drug candidates with optimal biopharmaceutical and pharmacokinetic properties is still improvable. A large fraction of typical drug candidates is poorly soluble in water, which results in low drug concentrations in gastrointestinal fluids and related acceptable low drug absorption. Therefore, gaining knowledge to improve the solubility of compounds is an indispensable requirement for developing compounds with drug-like properties. The main objective of this thesis was to investigate whether computer-based models derived from calculated molecular descriptors and structural fragments can be used to predict aqueous solubility for drug-like compounds with similar structures. For this purpose, both experimental and computational studies were performed. In the experimental work, a novel crystallization method for weak acids and bases was developed and applied for European patent. The obtained crystalline materials could be used for solubility measurements. A novel recognition method was developed to evaluate the tendency of compounds to form amorphous forms. This method could be used to ensure that only solubilities of crystalline materials were collected for the development of solubility prediction. In the development of improved in silico solubility models, lipophilicity was confirmed as the major driving factor and crystal information related descriptors as the second important factor for solubility. Reasons for the limited precision of commercial solubility prediction tools were identified. A general solubility model of high accuracy was obtained for drug-like compounds in congeneric series when lipophilicity was used as descriptor in combination with the structural fragments. Rules were derived from the prediction models of solubility which could be used by chemists or interested scientists as a rough guideline on the contribution of structural fragments on solubility: Aliphatic and polar fragments with high dipole moments are always considered as solubility enhancing. Strong acids and bases usually have lower intrinsic solubility than neutral ones. In summary, an improved solubility prediction method for congeneric series was developed using high quality solubility results of drugs and drug precursors as input parameter. The derived model tried to overcome difficulties of commercially available prediction tools for solubility by focusing on structurally related series and showed higher predictive power for drug-like compounds in comparison to commercially available tools. Parts of the results of this work were protected by a patent application1, which was filed by F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd on August 30, 2005

    Statistical learning approaches for predicting pharmacological properties of pharmaceutical agents

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    Machine learning methods for quantitative structure-property relationship modeling

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    Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Bioinformática), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014Due to the high rate of new compounds discovered each day and the morosity/cost of experimental measurements there will always be a significant gap between the number of known chemical compounds and the amount of chemical compounds for which experimental properties are available. This research work is motivated by the fact that the development of new methods for predicting properties and organize huge collections of molecules to reveal certain chemical categories/patterns and select diverse/representative samples for exploratory experiments are becoming essential. This work aims to increase the capability to predict physical, chemical and biological properties, using data mining methods applied to complex non-homogeneous data (chemical structures), for large information repositories. In the first phase of this work, current methodologies in quantitative structure-property modelling were studied. These methodologies attempt to relate a set of selected structure-derived features of a compound to its property using model-based learning. This work focused on solving major issues identified when predicting properties of chemical compounds and on the solutions explored using different molecular representations, feature selection techniques and data mining approaches. In this context, an innovative hybrid approach was proposed in order to improve the prediction power and comprehensibility of QSPR/QSAR problems using Random Forests for feature selection. It is acknowledged that, in general, similar molecules tend to have similar properties; therefore, on the second phase of this work, an instance-based machine learning methodology for predicting properties of compounds using the similarity-based molecular space was developed. However, this type of methodology requires the quantification of structural similarity between molecules, which is often subjective, ambiguous and relies upon comparative judgements, and consequently, there is currently no absolute standard of molecular similarity. In this context, a new similarity method was developed, the non-contiguous atom matching (NAMS), based on the optimal atom alignment using pairwise matching algorithms that take into account both topological profiles and atoms/bonds characteristics. NAMS can then be used for property inference over the molecular metric space using ordinary kriging in order to obtain robust and interpretable predictive results, providing a better understanding of the underlying relationship structure-property.Devido ao crescimento exponencial do número de compostos químicos descobertos diariamente e à morosidade/custo de medições experimentais, existe uma diferença significativa entre o número de compostos químicos conhecidos e a quantidade de compostos para os quais estão disponíveis propriedades experimentais. O desenvolvimento de novos métodos para a previsão de propriedades e organização de grandes coleções de moléculas que permitam revelar certas categorias/padrões químicos e selecionar amostras diversas/representativas para estudos exploratórios estão a tornar-se essenciais. Este trabalho tem como objetivo melhorar a capacidade de prever propriedades físicas, químicas e biológicas, através de métodos de aprendizagem automática aplicados a dados complexos não homogeneos (estruturas químicas), para grandes repositórios de informação. Numa primeira fase deste trabalho, foi feito o estudo de metodologias atualmente aplicadas para a modelação quantitativa entre estruturapropriedades. Estas metodologias tentam relacionar um conjunto seleccionado de descritores estruturais de uma molécula com as suas propriedades, utilizando uma abordagem baseada em modelos. Este trabalho centrou-se em solucionar as principais dificuldades identificadas na previsão de propriedades de compostos químicos e nas soluções exploradas utilizando diferentes representações moleculares, técnicas de seleção de descritores e abordagens de aprendizagem automática. Neste contexto, foi proposta uma abordagem híbrida inovadora para melhorar o capacidade de previsão e compreensão de problemas QSPR/QSAR utilizando o algoritmo "Random Forests" (Florestas Aleatórias) para seleção de descritores. É reconhecido que, em geral, moléculas semelhantes tendem a ter propriedades semelhantes; assim, numa segunda fase deste trabalho foi desenvolvida uma metodologia de aprendizagem automática baseada em instâncias para a previsão de propriedades de compostos químicos utilizando o espaço métrico construído a partir da semelhança estrutural entre moléculas. No entanto, este tipo de metodologia requer a quantificação de semelhança estrutural entre moléculas, o que é muitas vezes uma tarefa subjetiva, ambígua e dependente de julgamentos comparativos e, consequentemente, não existe atualmente nenhum padrão absoluto para definir semelhança molecular. Neste âmbito, foi desenvolvido um novo método de semelhança molecular, o “Non-Contiguous Atom Matching Structural Similarity” (NAMS), que se baseia no alinhamento de átomos utilizando algoritmos de emparelhamento que têm em conta os perfis topológicos das ligações e as características dos átomos e ligações. O espaço métrico molecular construído utilizando o NAMS pode ser aplicado à inferência de propriedades usando uma técnica de interpolação espacial, a "krigagem", que tem em conta a relação espacial entre as instâncias, com o objetivo de se obter uma previsão consistente e interpretável, proporcionando uma melhor compreensão da relação entre estrutura-propriedades.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT