2,533 research outputs found

    The effect of the use of indigenous knowledge-based physics comics of android-based marbles games on verbal representation and critical thinking abilities in physics teaching

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    This research aims to reveal the effectiveness of the use of an indigenous knowledge-based physics comic of Android-based marbles games on verbal representation and critical thinking abilities. It is a quasi-experiment applying the pretest-posttest control group design. The research sample consists of two classes: the control and experimental classes, each of which consists of 35 students established using the cluster random sampling technique. The effectiveness of the indigenous knowledge-based physics comic of marbles games was analyzed using the quantitative method applying the effect size analysis. The result of the effect size analysis obtained from Cohen’s f in verbal representation ability is 0.11 interpreted as medium effect size and critical thinking ability is 0.43 interpreted as large effect size. This shows that the developed indigenous knowledge-based physics comic of Android-based marbles games in physics teaching gives effects to verbal representation and critical thinking abilities of the students. In other words, the developed comic is effective in improving verbal representation and critical thinking abilitiesPeer Reviewe

    The Android-based comic of Gajah Mungkur Dam: improving mathematical representation and critical thinking abilities

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    This research aims to: (1) develop a feasible Android-based comic media of Gajah Mungkur Dam, and (2) reveal the effectiveness of the developed comic media in improving mathematical representation and critical thinking abilities on the materials of work and energy. The research subjects are senior high school students, consisting of 262 students for the empirical testing, 36 students for the limited trial, and 72 students for the field trial. This research is research and development applying the 4D model, consisting the stages of definition, design, development, and dissemination. The research instrument includes a validation sheet, evaluation sheet, questionnaire, lesson plans, comic media, and mathematical representation and critical thinking ability tests. The developed comic media contains an introduction, comic’s work and energy materials, users’ manual, instructional video, and discussion column. The data analysis used the MANOVA test. The finding shows that the developed Android-based comic media of Gajah Mungkur Dam is feasible to use with the assessment score of 3.70 or in a very good category from the validator, and score of 3.10 or in a good category from students in the limited trial. The MANOVA test result shows that there is a significant difference between the control class and experimental class. The developed comic is effective in improving mathematical representation ability in the small effect category and in improving critical thinking skill in the medium effect categoryPeer Reviewe

    Exploration Physics Concepts In Local Wisdom Mappere Bone South Sulawesi as A Source of Physics Learning: An Analytical Study

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    The development of physics continues to grow. This is because physics is one of the sciences that study the behaviour of nature with various forms of applicable symptoms. This study aims to explore the concept of physics in Mappere as a source of learning physics, provide information related to one of the local wisdom in Bone, and attempt to preserve Mappere through writing and learning resources analytical study approach. Data collection is used in literature studies, observations, and interviews. Data search is done by finding as many sources of information as possible through scientific studies, journal articles, or reliable sources. The results obtained from this study are that there is a physics concept in the Mappere which can be used as a contextual learning resource for students. In addition, it turns out that local wisdom can be used as a contextual learning resource with their respective characteristics. Thus, it can be concluded that local wisdom can be an alternative in learning in schools in order to provide concrete examples for students to better understand learning, especially in learning physics. It is hoped that research on local wisdom will continue to be developed so that it can provide a real example in education while at the same time preserving the ancestral culture that is more useful

    Exploration Physics Concepts In Local Wisdom Mappere Bone South Sulawesi as A Source of Physics Learning: An Analytical Study

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    The development of physics continues to grow. This is because physics is one of the sciences that study the behaviour of nature with various forms of applicable symptoms. This study aims to explore the concept of physics in Mappere as a source of learning physics, provide information related to one of the local wisdom in Bone, and attempt to preserve Mappere through writing and learning resources analytical study approach. Data collection is used in literature studies, observations, and interviews. Data search is done by finding as many sources of information as possible through scientific studies, journal articles, or reliable sources. The results obtained from this study are that there is a physics concept in the Mappere which can be used as a contextual learning resource for students. In addition, it turns out that local wisdom can be used as a contextual learning resource with their respective characteristics. Thus, it can be concluded that local wisdom can be an alternative in learning in schools in order to provide concrete examples for students to better understand learning, especially in learning physics. It is hoped that research on local wisdom will continue to be developed so that it can provide a real example in education while at the same time preserving the ancestral culture that is more useful

    The effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning physics pocketbook integrating Augmented Reality with the local wisdom of catapults in improving mathematical and graphical representation abilities

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    This research aimed to reveal the effectiveness of using a Problem-Based Learning (PBL) physics pocketbook integrating augmented reality (AR) with the local wisdom of catapults in improving the mathematical and graphical representation abilities of high school students. This study is a quasi-experiment with a pretest-posttest control group design. The data collection was carried out in two stages, namely empirical testing and effectiveness testing stages. The empirical test was conducted on 276 grade XII students, while the effectiveness test was conducted on three science classes of grade XI students of State Senior High School (SMAN) 10 Yogyakarta. The three classes consisted of 36 students in the experimental class, 36 students in the Contrast Class 1, and 36 students in the Contrast 2 Class. The mathematical and graphical representation abilities were measured through a test instrument that passes the analysis of the empirical test using the QUEST program. General Linear Model (GLM) was utilized to analyze the effectiveness test, which was supported by the SPSS software. The result of the General Linear Model (GLM) analysis in the experimental class showed a significant value of 0.000 on the mathematical and graphical representation ability variables. The findings of this study indicate that the use of the developed Problem-Based Learning physics pocketbook integrating augmented reality with local wisdom is effective in increasing the mathematical and graphical representation abilities of grade XI students, with an effective contribution of 82.6% and 84.4% each

    Development Trend Physics Mobile Learning In 21St Century: A Systematic Literature Review

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    This study aims to analyze the development of the design and implementation of mobile learning in physics learning. This research has been conducted via a systematic literature review research. The research subjects consisted of fifty journal articles selected from the Scopus Index database, Web of Science (WOS), Google Scholar, or ERIC from 2012 to 2022. The data have already been analyzed related to the year of publication, research objectives, and physics concepts used. The results of this study showed that the number of studies has increased over the years. In addition, the use of Physics Mobile Learning can have a positive impact on increasing students' various abilities. Most of the concepts that have been utilized are in the material of sound waves, Newton's laws, physical quantities and measurements, heat, momentum impulses, and gas laws. As a consequence, the learning media can be textbooks inter-actively. Thus, the development of Physics Mobile Learning needs to facilitate in complex and modern ways

    Traditional Marriage Society Minahasa Ethnic Sub Tountemboan (Phenomenologist Study of Customary Marriages System Minahasa in the Village Raanan Lama Subdistrict West Motoling South Minahasa District)

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    Marriage in view of the Minahasa community as noble and sacred event because it brings and confound two large families that previously had no family relationship to be just one big family. The mating process of the sons and daughters of two families who do not have any family relationship is a process of building a new family of two families which is separated without kinship. Marriage binds two large families became one big family new belt by the basic values of family and customary laws are adhered together. The importance of this study is to describe and analyze the background of changes in marriage customs sub-ethnic Minahasa people in the village TountemboanRaanan Lama, District Motoling West, South Minahasa regency. Research on traditional marriage Minahasa sub-ethnic society Tountemboan using qualitative descriptive approach, with the grounded theory method because in this study the researchers tried to construct a theory based on the data that exist in the field. This study uses a qualitative approach descriptive because in this study the researchers sought to gain a deeper understanding of the implementation of sub-ethnic marriage TountemboanMinahasa community. Based on the above discussion, it can be concluded that changes in marriage customs are covering procedure, the process of making a proposal, objects in Minahasa marriage customs as a result of blending traditional and modern elements. It is also because it is influenced by the lifestyle of the people in Minahasa highly developed that affect the implementation of Minahasa traditional wedding ceremony, unite the whole process of marriage ceremonies performed in just one day. The process of change in marriage customs is heavily influenced by the lifestyle of the people who are cultural, interactional, and structural. Background of cultural change in the tradition of marriage customs of the Minahasa community Sub Ethnic Tountemboan occur due to contact with another culture, education, religion, government policies and tolerance of perversity. Followed by patterns of communication, advances in technology, media, and education plays an important role on the occurrence of a change in the traditional marriage procession Minahasa community. With the channel change resulted in a change of Minahasa traditional marriage. So generally concluded that the changing patterns of traditional marriage procession through displacement, assimilation and cultural acceptance of others, because of their contact with other cultures, development of education, religious norms and policies in society

    WhatsApp-Assisted JCL-Based Physics E-Book: Its Effect on Physics Learning Outcome in Senior High School

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    This research aims to develop physics e-book-based jigsaw cooperative learning (JCL) assisted by WhatsApp. This article describes the results of the validity and effectiveness of the developed media on physics learning outcomes in terms of student learning motivation. This article also describes the relationship between initial ability and learning motivation on student learning outcomes. This research is development research with a 4-D model. This research was implemented with a quasi-experimental using a pretest-posttest control group research design. The sample in this research was 70 students of 10th grade science class at one of the high schools in Yogyakarta. The results of this research indicate that the development of WhatsApp-assisted JCL-based Physics e-book on the topic of straight motion is valid and reliable. This is evidenced by the results of the validator where the average value of validity and reliability is 0.75 in the high category and 94 in the reliable category. The use of WhatsApp-assisted JCL-based Physics e-book has a significant effect on improving student learning outcomes. This is indicated by the significant value is 0.00 < 0.05. By analysis of covariance, initial ability and learning motivation have a relationship with student learning outcomes. This is indicated by the squared value of the regression coefficient is 38.6%

    Virtual Reality Games for Motor Rehabilitation

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    This paper presents a fuzzy logic based method to track user satisfaction without the need for devices to monitor users physiological conditions. User satisfaction is the key to any product’s acceptance; computer applications and video games provide a unique opportunity to provide a tailored environment for each user to better suit their needs. We have implemented a non-adaptive fuzzy logic model of emotion, based on the emotional component of the Fuzzy Logic Adaptive Model of Emotion (FLAME) proposed by El-Nasr, to estimate player emotion in UnrealTournament 2004. In this paper we describe the implementation of this system and present the results of one of several play tests. Our research contradicts the current literature that suggests physiological measurements are needed. We show that it is possible to use a software only method to estimate user emotion
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