235,500 research outputs found

    Improving Data Acquisition Processes for Geospatial Building Information Applications

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    This study presents different technologies for processing geospatial building information in 2D models and discusses potential problems with an enormous growth in the data volume and availability of GIS software. The problems arise from collecting data from multiple data sources (e.g., mobile devices, websites, sensors, computers, GPS, or WFS) with different context problems (e.g., missing data, data formats, invalid values) and inefficient pre-processing data pipelines for examining the complex structure of spatial datasets. Thus, there is a need for a system that can manage such data automation issues in this case. One needs a data processing pipeline and data modeling for geospatial datasets. This process allows faster examination and visualization of the map to detect patterns. We present different GIS tools with various functionalities in handling geometric objects and introduce efficient data acquisition processing for these platforms. We conduct several experiments with these GIS applications to explore possibilities and program capabilities in terms of performance. The study analyzes the workflows for data collection, integration, and spatial data processing based on different formats, tools, and methods. The thesis studies and combines many techniques from GIS technologies to improve practices for software development teams and geospatial management systems. Data acquisition and integration apply these techniques to gain better optimization based on tool experiments and the user perspective. The findings provide the foundation for future work to have a standard methodology or processes for working with geospatial applications in file conversion, loading, processing, and exporting

    Acquisition and Classification of heart rate variability using time-frequency representation.

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    It has been shown that the heati rate varies not only in relation to the cardiac demandbut is also affected by the presence of cardiac disease and diabetes. Furthermore, it hasbeen shown that heart rate variability may be used as an early indicator of cardiacdisease susceptibility and the presence of diabetes. Therefore, the heati rate variabilitymay be used for early clinical screening of these diseases. In order to reliably assess thepatient's condition, the heati rate variability infolTIlation is determined from anelectrocardiogram data acquisition system. Once collected, the heati rate variabilitysignal is characterised and used as a basis for classification. This study details the development of a heart rate variability data acquisition system,method of collecting known patient data, and design of a signal-processing algorithmthat characterises heart rate variability infolTIlation to be used as a basis for patientclassification. Specifically, six sets of 5 minute electrocardiogram signals are collectedby a personal computer based data acquisition system in a clinical setting. ConsecutiveR-wave deflections are detected from the electrocardiogram and used to determine theindividual heart beat intervals. The outlying measurements are then removed and theremaining data is interpolated. The processed data is then characterised using timefrequencyanalysis and specific features are determined. Lastly, these features are usedas a basis in a classification system. The results are then compared to the known patientconditions and the effectiveness of the screening procedure is determined


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    Identifying minerals in ore concentrates require costly techniques and preparation of samples, thus limiting their instant analysis. We present the development of a low-cost portable LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) system, to identify atomic elements in ore concentrates in-situ and in real-time. The system consists of a YAG:Nd+++ pulsed laser, an optical diffraction spectrometer, and a measurement gun consisting of a laser head and an optical system for collecting light from the sample. We developed customized software for data acquisition, processing and analysis that stores and uses the principal spectral lines of referential atomic elements (Cu, Pb, Ag, Au, Li, Zn). We experimentally obtained spectra of selected samples using our LIBS system, and successfully matched them with the referential spectral lines. Finally, we tested our system with real samples of ore concentrates from a mining company, where the presence of Zn was successfully detected through its characteristic spectrum

    Data Acquisition System for Precision Agriculture

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    Magistritöö Energiakasutuse õppekavalKeskkonnaseire hõlmab endas keskkonnaseisundi ja selle parameetrite mõõtmist, kogumist ja töötlemist. Keskkonda iseloomustavad andmed on põllumajanduse efektiivsemaks muutmisel oluliseks sisendiks. Andmete põhjal loodud mudelite alusel on võimalik korraldada taimekultuuride tulemuslikumat kasvatust, sest nii on võimalik planeerida muutuvatest keskkonnatingimustest sõltuvaid tegevusi. Valminud süsteem koosneb viiest eraldi seisvast seadmest. Nendeks on kolm andurjaama, tugijaam ja keskseade. Andurjaama projekteerimisel seati ülesanneteks, et seade peab olema suuteline mõõtma kolme erinevat temperatuuri- ja mulla niiskusanduri väärtust, töötama patareitoitel ühe vegetatsiooniperioodi, suutma andmeid edastada tugijaama võimalikult kauge vahemaa tagant kasutades selleks taskukohase hinnaga raadiosidemoodulit ja olema võimalikult kompaktne. Tugijaam on suuteline vahendama infot andurjaamade ja keskseadme vahel. Keskseade salvestab kõik saabunud infopaketid ja töötleb neid lõputöö raames valminud programmis. Andmehõivesüsteemi katsetamine viidi läbi ajavahemikus 10.04.2018-22.04.2018. Andurjaamad paigaldati 100 meetri raadiusse tugiseadmest. Katse tulemusena ilmnesid andurjaamade töös üksikud tõrked. Katsete tulemusena tõdeti, et andmehõivesüsteem on rahuldavalt suuteline töötama väliskeskkonnas ja andma kasutajale reaalajas infot õhu ja mulla olekuparameetrite kohta. Töö autor leiab, et kavandatud süsteemil on mitmeid edasiarendus võimalusi. Näiteks valmistada andurjaamale lokaalne infosalvestamise võimalus või kavandada andmehõivesüsteemile juurde häiresüsteem, mis saadaks kasutajale hädavajalikku informatsiooni.Environmental data acquisition involves measuring, collecting and processing the environmental parameters. Models created on the basis of environmental data can be used, for example, for more efficient cultivation of plants, because the yield of plants depends highly on the surrounding environmental conditions. The aim of this Master's thesis is to design and construct a data acquisition system for soil and air parameters. The completed system consists of five stand-alone units which are the three sensor stations, a base station and a central unit. The author of the thesis formulated sensor station system requirements as following: to be able to measure three different temperature and soil moisture sensor values, to work on battery power during one vegetation period, to be able to transmit data from the base station as far away as possible, using an affordable radio module and be as compact as possible. The base station is capable of communicating between sensor stations and the central processing unit. The central unit stores all received information packets and processes them in the program completed under the master thesis. Testing of the data acquisition system was carried out between 10.04.2018-22.04.2018. Sensor stations were installed at a radius of 100 meters from the central unit. As a result of the experiment, some minor faults were detected in the sensor stations. The data acquisition system was capable of providing real-time information about air and soil parameters in the external environment. The author of the paper considers that the proposed system has several possibilities for further development. For example, prepare a local information storage device for the sensor station or an alarm system for the data acquisition system to provide the user with the essential information

    Laser-based fibre-optic sensor for measurement of surface properties

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    This project deals with the design and development of an optoelectronic sensor system and its possible use in online applications. There are two different configurations of this sensor a sensor for surface roughness and another for defect detection. In each configuration the mechanical and optical design are almost identical - optical fibres convey light to and from a surface Light source driving circuits and photodetection circuits were developed for each sensor Data acquisition and analysis algorithms were developed for each sensor. The defect sensor detects through holes and blind holes in sample plates of the following materials brass, copper, stainless steel, and polycarbonate Edge detection is achieved through the development of a photoelectric sensor system that senses the proximity of a surface within a certain displacement range using a multimode laser diode light source emitting at 1300 nm. This sensor uses a voltage cut-off system to avoid the effects of light source intensity variation, vibration, surface roughness and other causes of variable reflectivity in online measurement of engineering surfaces. The through holes had 2 mm diameter and the blind holes had 3 mm diameter and a depth of 0 6 mm. A spatial resolution of approximately 100 (Jim was achieved - the diameter of the collecting fibre’s core. Surface roughness is estimated between 0 025 \im and 0 8 \im, average surface roughness, through a light scattering technique Specular reflectivity was measured at incident angles of 45° and 60°. The causes of error, noise and drift are investigated for this system and recommendations are made to account for these problems. A carrier frequency system using an electronically modulated LED light source was implemented to improve the noise rejection of the system Digital signal processing system was implemented to digitally filter the acquired signal

    Computer-assisted access to the kidney

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this paper is to introduce the principles of computer-assisted access to the kidney. The system provides the surgeon with a pre-operative 3D planning on computed tomography (CT) images. After a rigid registration with space-localized ultrasound (US) data, preoperative planning can be transferred to the intra-operative conditions and an intuitive man-machine interface allows the user to perform a puncture. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Both CT and US images of informed normal volunteer were obtained to perform calculation on the accuracy of registration and punctures were carried out on a kidney phantom to measure the precision of the whole of the system. RESULTS: We carried out millimetric registrations on real data and guidance experiments on a kidney phantom showed encouraging results of 4.7 mm between planned and reached targets. We noticed that the most significant error was related to the needle deflection during the puncture. CONCLUSION: Preliminary results are encouraging. Further work will be undertaken to improve efficiency and accuracy, and to take breathing into account

    A Comparison of Mobile Scanning to a Total Station Survey at the I-35 and IA 92 Interchange in Warren County, Iowa, August 15, 2012

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    The purpose of this project was to investigate the potential for collecting and using data from mobile terrestrial laser scanning (MTLS) technology that would reduce the need for traditional survey methods for the development of highway improvement projects at the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT). The primary interest in investigating mobile scanning technology is to minimize the exposure of field surveyors to dangerous high volume traffic situations. Issues investigated were cost, timeframe, accuracy, contracting specifications, data capture extents, data extraction capabilities and data storage issues associated with mobile scanning. The project area selected for evaluation was the I-35/IA 92 interchange in Warren County, Iowa. This project covers approximately one mile of I-35, one mile of IA 92, 4 interchange ramps, and bridges within these limits. Delivered LAS and image files for this project totaled almost 31GB. There is nearly a 6-fold increase in the size of the scan data after post-processing. Camera data, when enabled, produced approximately 900MB of imagery data per mile using a 2- camera, 5 megapixel system. A comparison was done between 1823 points on the pavement that were surveyed by Iowa DOT staff using a total station and the same points generated through the MTLS process. The data acquired through the MTLS and data processing met the Iowa DOT specifications for engineering survey. A list of benefits and challenges is included in the detailed report. With the success of this project, it is anticipate[d] that additional projects will be scanned for the Iowa DOT for use in the development of highway improvement projects