15,759 research outputs found

    Entrepreneur Psychological Traits and Performance:Implications for Nigerian Non-oil SMES Exporting Companies

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of psychological traits on performance of small and medium sized (SMEs)exporting firms in a developing country. The study made of survey method to reach one hundred and twenty three firms. Descriptive and inference statistics were used to test the hypotheses. The results showed that the psychological traits tested (need achievement, locus of control and selfefficacy)are related among themselves and positively related to performance of the studied firms. Subjective measures were used to test performance. The findings are in line with some other studies using similar variables. The major contribution of this paper is it’s the relationship between entrepreneurial psychological traits and performance in a developing African country like Nigeri

    Marketing in Online Businesses:The Case of Migrant Entrepreneurial Businesses in the UK

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    The study presents an empirical investigation of the marketing activities undertaken by online businesses owned by migrant entrepreneurs and is framed by the theoretical lens of entrepreneurial marketing. Key informant interviews are undertaken with 22 entrepreneurs operating online businesses in the UK and augmented by other sources of data. The study finds that the resources available to the entrepreneurs are shaped by their migrant heritage and that they draw on these resources to market their online businesses. The study also finds that, consistent with notions from entrepreneurial marketing, the online nature of their businesses allow the entrepreneurs to meet their own needs and preferences, which are also shaped by their migrant heritage. The study is important since it provides empirical evidence and a theoretically grounded understanding of how online businesses offer migrant entrepreneurs the opportunity to break out of the low growth, low margin, vacancy chain openings and enter high growth, high margin, post-industrial sectors

    Self-Efficacy, Tolerance for Ambiguity and Need for Achievement as Predictors of Entrepreneurial Orientation among Entrepreneurs in Ekiti State, Nigeria

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    This study assessed some behavioural traits that may predict entrepreneurial orientation among selected small scale entrepreneurs in Ekiti State, Nigeria. The research covered some districts in Ado Ekiti and Iworoko Ekiti. Two hundred and thirty eight small scale entrepreneurs were the participant in the study. One twenty eight of them were males while the remaining one hundred and ten were females. Four scales were used in the research. The New General Self Efficacy Scale developed by Chen, Gully and Eden (2001), Tolerance for Ambiguity Scale developed by Budner (1962), Entrepreneurial Orientation Scale by Kreiser, Marino and Weaver (2002) and the Achievement Motive Scale by Lang and Fries (2006). Five hypotheses were tested using Independent t-test. Results from this study revealed that self- efficacy, achievement motivation, age and sex (gender) does not significantly predict entrepreneurial orientation; however, insolubility, a sub scale of tolerance for ambiguity was found to significantly predict entrepreneurial orientation. Findings were discussed in the light of previous literature on self efficacy, tolerance for ambiguity, need for achievement and entrepreneurial orientation. Based on the findings recommendations were therefore made. Keywords: Self efficacy, tolerance for ambiguity, achievement motivation, entrepreneurial orientation, Ekiti State, Nigeria

    The Hunt for the Heffalump Continues: Can Trait and Cognitive Characteristics Predict Entrepreneurial Orientation?

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    In this paper, we aimed to get more insight into what typifies Flemish entrepreneurs. Therefore, we compared entrepreneurs with non-entrepreneurs for five characteristics (tolerance for ambiguity, self-efficacy, proactive personality, locus of control, need for achievement) and for cognitive styles. Additionally, we used these trait and cognitive characteristics to predict variances in entrepreneurial orientation (EO). We found that entrepreneurs (n = 177) score significantly higher on all traits than non-entrepreneurs (n = 60). For the cognitive styles (measured with the Cognitive Style Indicator), we found that non-entrepreneurs score higher on the knowing and planning style. No differences were found for the creating style. With regard to the link between the entrepreneur's profile and EO, we found a significant contribution of tolerance for ambiguity and proactive personality to EO

    Analysing the Relationship between Entrepreneurship Education, Self-Efficacy, and Entrepreneurial Performance

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    Entrepreneurship education has been proven to improve knowledge, competencies, attitudes, and most importantly, self-efficacy. An entrepreneur's self-efficacy is allegedly able to create superior entrepreneurial performance. This study is designed to examine the relationship between entrepreneurship education in terms of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and entrepreneurial performance. This research is qualitative in nature. Data analysis entails listening to and documenting relevant information, then summarizing and drawing conclusions based on the results. The relationship between entrepreneurship education and self-efficacy is interrelated. These two dimensions are important capital in creating good entrepreneurial performance, which is certainly the performance expected by many parties, especially those who do it. Entrepreneurship education is indeed a knowledge base that individuals must have before stepping into a real entrepreneurial career. Without business knowledge, individuals will be overwhelmed when faced with various business problems as entrepreneurs. It is hoped that the findings of this research will serve as a point of reference for future conversations on related subjects. In addition, it can be a formal discussion material in higher education, especially entrepreneurship, management, and business administration study programmes

    Validating a theory of planned behavior questionnaire to measure entrepreneurial intentions

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    The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB, Ajzen, 1991) has been widely employed to predict entrepreneurial intentions. The TPB offers a coherent and generally applicable theoretical framework, which enables us to understand and predict entrepreneurial intentions by taking into account not only personal but also social factors (Krueger et al., 2000). This study presents the validation of an Entrepreneurial Intention Questionnaire (EIQ) in a sample of more than three thousand Spanish university graduates. The EIQ comprises four subscales: attitudes towards entrepreneurship, subjective norms, self-efficacy, and entrepreneurial intention. Unlike other questionnaires used in the field (Autio, Keeley, Klofsten, Parker & Hay, 2001; Krueger, Reilly & Carsrud, 2000; Liñán & Chen, 2009), EIQ follows Ajzen’s (Ajzen, 2002) methodological recommendations on how to construct a TPB questionnaire using composite measures of attitudes and subjective norms. Structural equation modeling (SEM) confirmed that the EIQ has a high reliability and predictive validity for Spanish university graduates’ entrepreneurial intentions.Junta de Andalucía. Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresas P08-SEJ-0354

    Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in Emerging Economies: a Conceptual Model

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    Cyberfeminism is a woman-centered perspective that advocates women’s use of new information and communications technologies for empowerment. This paper explores the role of information technologies, in particular the role of social media, in empowering women entrepreneurship in emerging economies via increased social capital and improved self-efficacy. A conceptual model is offered and propositions are explicated

    Predicting global e-entrepreneurship : an exploratory study

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    Globalization provides international career opportunities and options, such as entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship education is currently promoted in both national and European educational strategies. For university students, the viability of this career option depends on their own motivations, perceived competencies, and professional objectives. This study uses a structural equations model analyses the factors that affect the intention to create an international company. It focuses on how intercultural skills, cognitive cultural intelligence, entrepreneurial self-efficacy, and linguistic competence affects students' motivation to create a company with an international vocation. The results of the study show that proficiency in a foreign language, language competence, and entrepreneurial self-efficacy are relevant factors. The research also discusses the implications of these results for teaching in higher education institutions. There is a need to update graduates' employability skills and the competences that future teachers must acquire.La globalització brinda oportunitats i opcions professionals internacionals, com l'emprenedoria global. L'educació en emprenedoria es promociona tant en les estratègies educatives nacionals com en les europees. Això ha suposat que en els darrers anys l'interès per promoure l'educació en emprenedoria hagi augmentat. Per als estudiants universitaris la viabilitat d'aquesta opció de carrera depèn de les seves pròpies motivacions, de les competències percebudes i dels objectius professionals. El present estudi analitza, a través d'un model d'equacions estructurals, els factors que afecten la intenció de crear una empresa internacional. En particular, se centra en com les competències interculturals, les habilitats cognitives culturals, l'autoeficàcia emprenedora i les competències lingüístiques afecten la motivació dels estudiants per crear una empresa amb vocació internacional. Els resultats de l'estudi realitzat mostren que tant el domini d'una tercera llengua com les habilitats del llenguatge i l'autoeficàcia emprenedora són factors rellevants. La recerca també discuteix les implicacions d'aquests resultats per a l'ensenyament en les institucions d'educació superior. És necessari actualitzar les competències per a l'ocupabilitat dels graduats i també les competències que els futurs docents han d'adquirir.La globalización brinda oportunidades y opciones profesionales internacionales, como el emprendimiento. La educación en emprendimiento se promociona en las estrategias educativas nacionales y europeas. Para los estudiantes universitarios la viabilidad de esta opción de carrera depende de sus propias motivaciones, de las competencias percibidas y de los objetivos profesionales. El presente estudio analiza, a través de un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales, los factores que afectan a la intención de crear una empresa internacional. En particular, se centra en cómo las competencias interculturales, las habilidades cognitivas culturales, la autoeficacia emprendedora y las competencias lingüísticas afectan la motivación de los estudiantes para crear una empresa con vocación internacional. Los resultados del estudio realizado muestran que tanto el dominio de una tercera lengua como las habilidades del lenguaje y la autoeficacia emprendedora son factores relevantes. La investigación también discute las implicaciones de estos resultados para la enseñanza en las instituciones de educación superior. Es necesario actualizar las competencias para la ocupabilidad de los graduados y también las competencias que los futuros docentes deben adquirir

    Message and Medium: The Role of Social and Individual Factors in Using Computer Mediated Communications

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    The proliferation of computers and technology has resulted in increased use of computer mediated communications. However, the effective use of technology like bulletin boards and e-mail based communications can only be obtained if we understand how to enhance employee usage. Although human-computer interface has been a topic of considerable studies, most research has been done with students and under controlled conditions. In addition, field research has been limited in its inclusion of both social and individual factors that affect usage. In order to expand this research we report the results of a longitudinal study conducted within an entrepreneurial software company that used an innovative bulletin-board communication system. Our study uses employee survey data to measure social and individual factors that encompass attitudes toward the computer system. In addition, we obtained actual employee usage (copies of all postings to the bulletin board system) for the 12-month period of time following our survey. In addition to reporting the results of our study, we discuss implications of this work for other forms of computer mediated communications