4 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Classification of Business Activities in the Market of Intellectual Property Rights-related Services

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    Technology and intellectual property markets have witnessed great developments in the last few decades. Due to intellectual property rights gaining more importance and technology companies opening up their innovation processes, a wide range of intellectual property rights related services have emerged in the last two decades. The goal of this research is to develop a comprehensive classification system of intellectual property rights related services (IPSC). The classification is created by applying an ontology engineering process. The IPSC consists of 72 various IPR services divided into six main categories (100 Legal Service; 200 IP Consulting; 300 Matchmaking and Trading; 400 IP Portfolio Processing; 500 IPR-related Financial Service; 600 IPR-related Communication Service). The implications of the thesis are directed to policy makers, technology transfer managers, C-level executives and innovation researchers. The IPSC enables practitioners and researchers to organize industry data that can be thereafter analyzed for better strategy and policy making. In addition, this contributes towards organizing a more transparent and single intellectual property market.:Acknowledgements I Abstract II Contents IV List of Figures VI List of Tables VII 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Introduction to Technology Markets 1 1.2. Explanation of Key Concepts 5 1.3. Research Questions and Goals 9 1.4. Readers Guide 13 2. Literature Review 15 2.1. Intellectual Property Markets State of the Art Review 15 2.2. Ontology Engineering State of the Art Review 22 3. Methodology 26 3.1. Methontology 26 3.2. Planning the IPSC 29 3.3. Specification 30 3.4. Conceptualization 31 3.5. Formalization 32 3.6. Integration 32 3.7. Evaluation 33 3.8. Documentation 33 3.9. Realization and Maintenance 33 4. Data description and collection framework 34 5. Applying Methontology 46 5.1. Knowledge Acquisition and Planning the IPSC 46 5.2. Specification 46 5.3. Conceptualization 47 5.4. Formalization 54 100 Legal Service 56 200 IP Consulting 60 300 Matchmaking and Trading 65 400 IP Portfolio Processing 72 500 IPR-related Financial Service 76 600 IPR-related Communication Service 81 5.5. Integration 86 5.6. Evaluation 95 5.7. Documentation 104 5.8. Realization and Maintenance of the IPSC 106 6. Interview Results and Further Discussions 108 6.1. Implications for Industry 108 6.2. Contributions of the IPSC 110 6.3. Limitations of the IPSC and Future Work 112 7. Conclusions 116 References 120 List of experts interviewed and the date of interview 129 Appendices 13

    Dynamic Approach to Competitive Intelligence: Case Studies of Large-Scale Swiss Telecom Firms

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    The research aim is to understand how the competitive intelligence (CI) process in large-scale Swiss telecom companies contributes to management decision-making. Studying CI activities of the Swiss large-scale telecom firms (Swisscom, Sunrise, Orange/Salt, Cablecom) in a dynamic European context offers useful insight into the critical challenges that service firms now face when developing intelligence in disruptive market contexts where aggressive competitive behaviour is evident. In considering CI theory, this study has reviewed perspectives drawn from research on the CI process, studies on knowledge management and work on systems thinking. In extending the predominant modular view of CI to include elements of systems thinking, this study has added to our academic understanding of CI at firm level. An Integrative CI Activities framework was developed that enables a more holistic perspective of CI to be adopted, taking account of operational, organisational and strategic perspectives. A diagram representing the range of CI analysis methodologies has also been generated, that differentiates between internal/external orientation and static/dynamic forms of CI analysis. Such frameworks can be used by CI researchers in other market contexts. The methodology for this study drew on a pragmatist philosophy, using a case study strategy that adopted mixed methods in data collection, including semi-structured depth interviews with top CI Analysts in each firm. Findings have shown differences in the scope of CI Activities that link to stages of CI development (developing, developed) and variation between headquarters-centred and firm-centred approaches to CI planning and implementation. The adoption of query based, flexible analysis approaches in firm-centred settings differ from more structured CI analysis techniques in headquarters-based firms. Evidence from this study suggests that networked communication, strong feedback mechanisms and the adoption of more flexible CI analyst roles link to more effective CI processes and to greater potential for direct CI contribution to decision-making. Key contributions emerge through the three lenses of analysis adopted (operational, organisational and strategic); in terms of operational CI processes, the study identifies a complex integrated system at work in firms that implement CI effectively. In studying the link between organisational structure and CI analysis, the study has mapped organisational support patterns and how they shape the CI process at firm level. With respect to the strategic lens, following a detailed worked study of predictive analysis in one case firm, findings have identified adaptiveness in CI design as essential to address disruptive market change. Managerial consideration include a need for a) greater flexibility in CI implementation at firm level to adapt to turbulent markets, b) acknowledgement of the importance of the CI analyst role further and c) more dynamic CI content to be generated by CI analysts

    Inteligencia competitiva para la innovaci贸n en PYMEs : identificaci贸n de factores clave

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    The study focuses on SMEs in the industrial sector in Catalonia, with the aim of identifying competitive intelligence systems suitable for SMEs, the areas with the greatest potential impact with the implementation of a system IC for innovation, and 3 main key to the success of Competitive Intelligence for Innovation in SMEs factors. This requires a review of the particularities of SMEs was conducted, he analyzed Innovation as competitive strategy and the IC as a strategic tool for innovation. The uniqueness of innovation and SMEs IC in order to determine the key to the success of the IC for innovation in SMEs studied factors. These factors were checked empirically a pragmatic approach to joint research and qualitative study design - quantitative. To this end, 15 semi-structured SMEs validating the factors identified in the literature and key elements surfacing new interviews. Based on the results of this first phase, a quantitative survey that was sent to the industrial SMEs of Catalonia, of which 193 surveys were obtained completely answered designed. The absence of specific models of IC adapted to the reality of SMEs was confirmed, and while a number of empirical studies practices IC were identified in different countries of the world, in every country there are few studies and appear disconnected from each would bring together the other without knowledge of each. It also concluded that the companies in the survey conducted monitoring considered key areas and therefore has greater involvement in performance and result. Virtually all of the factors and variables identified in the literature review and semi-structured interviews have moderate or strong correlations with variable Effective realization of HF, except human factors Quality and Market Orientation Factor ( with correlations. but weak) Awareness and information (no significant correlation). The main key factors most influence were identified structure IC function in the organization, the integration of information technology in the enterprise, the level of visibility and return of function of IC, and the availability of resources. Also significant were corroborated as key factors in this case moderate wood, the level of competition and information behavior in the organization, the ability to share information, the intensity of exposure to information, and organizational cultureEl estudio se centr贸 en PYMEs del sector industrial en Catalunya, con el objetivo de identificar sistemas de Inteligencia Competitiva adecuados para peque帽as y medianas empresas, las 谩reas con mayor potencial de impacto con la implantaci贸n de un sistema de IC para la innovaci贸n, y 3 los principales factores clave para el 茅xito de la Inteligencia Competitiva para la Innovaci贸n en PYMES. Para ello se realiz贸 una revisi贸n de las particularidades de las PYMEs, analiz贸 la Innovaci贸n como estrategia competitiva y la IC como herramienta estrat茅gica y para la innovaci贸n. Se estudi贸 la singularidad de la innovaci贸n y la IC en las PYMES con el fin de determinar los factores clave para el 茅xito de la IC para la innovaci贸n en PYMEs. Dichos factores fueron chequeados de manera emp铆rica con un enfoque de a investigaci贸n pragm谩tico y un dise帽o metodol贸gico mixto cualitativo 驴 cuantitativo. A tal efecto se realizaron entrevistas semi-estructuradas a 15 PYMEs validando los factores identificados en la literatura y aflorando nuevos elementos clave. En base a los resultados de esta primera fase se dise帽贸 una encuesta cuantitativa que se envi贸 a las PYMEs industriales de Catalunya, de las que se obtuvieron 193 encuestas respondidas completamente. Se confirm贸 la no existencia de modelos espec铆ficos de IC adaptados a la realidad de las PYMES, y si bien se identificaron varios estudios emp铆ricos de las pr谩cticas de IC en diferentes pa铆ses del mundo, en cada pa铆s son pocos los estudios y aparecen desconectados los unos de los otros sin aglutinase el conocimiento de cada uno de ellos. Asimismo se concluy贸 que las empresas de la encuesta realizan la monitorizaci贸n de las 谩reas que consideran claves y que por tanto tiene mayor afectaci贸n en su desempe帽o y resultado. Pr谩cticamente la totalidad de los factores y variables identificados en la revisi贸n de la literatura y en las entrevistas semiestructuradas tienen correlaciones moderadas o fuertes con la variable de Realizaci贸n efectiva de la IC, a excepci贸n de los Factores de Calidad del Factor humano y Orientaci贸n al mercado (con correlaciones existentes. pero d茅biles) y Conciencia de la informaci贸n (sin correlaci贸n significativa). Los principales factores clave con mayor influencia identificados fueron la estructura de la funci贸n de IC en la organizaci贸n, la integraci贸n de las tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n en la empresa, el nivel de visibilidad y retorno de la funci贸n de IC, y la disponibilidad de recursos. Tambi茅n fueron corroborados como factores clave significativos, en este caso de madera moderada, el nivel de competencia y comportamiento informacional en la organizaci贸n, la capacidad de compartici贸n de la informaci贸n, la intensidad de exposici贸n a la informaci贸n, y la cultura organizativa. Finalmente la investigaci贸n identific贸 las relaciones entre las actividades clave de las PYMEs industriales (en funci贸n de su valor competitivo y como parte del n煤cleo de actividad de su negocio) y el grado de utilizaci贸n de informaciones externas para la toma de decisiones e introducci贸n de innovaciones en cada una de dichas actividades clav