16,097 research outputs found

    Space station operating system study

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    The current phase of the Space Station Operating System study is based on the analysis, evaluation, and comparison of the operating systems implemented on the computer systems and workstations in the software development laboratory. Primary emphasis has been placed on the DEC MicroVMS operating system as implemented on the MicroVax II computer, with comparative analysis of the SUN UNIX system on the SUN 3/260 workstation computer, and to a limited extent, the IBM PC/AT microcomputer running PC-DOS. Some benchmark development and testing was also done for the Motorola MC68010 (VM03 system) before the system was taken from the laboratory. These systems were studied with the objective of determining their capability to support Space Station software development requirements, specifically for multi-tasking and real-time applications. The methodology utilized consisted of development, execution, and analysis of benchmark programs and test software, and the experimentation and analysis of specific features of the system or compilers in the study

    Implementation of MPICH on top of MPLi̲te

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    The goal of this thesis is to develop a new Channel Interface device for the MPICH implementation of the MPI (Message Passing Interface) standard using MPLi̲te. MPLi̲te is a lightweight message-passing library that is not a full MPI implementation, but offers high performance. MPICH (Message Passing Interface CHameleon) is a full implementation of the MPI standard that has the p4 library as the underlying communication device for TCP/IP networks. By integrating MPLi̲te as a Channel Interface device in MPICH, a parallel programmer can utilize the full MPI implementation of MPICH as well as the high bandwidth offered by MPLi̲te. There are several layers in the MPICH library where one can tie a new device. The Channel Interface is the lowest layer that requires very few functions to add a new device. By attaching MPLi̲te to MPICH at the lowest level, the Channel Interface, almost all of the performance of the MPLi̲te library can be delivered to the applications using MPICH. MPLi̲te can be implemented either as a blocking or a non-blocking Channel Interface device. The performance was measured on two separate test clusters, the PC and the Alpha mini-clusters, having Gigabit Ethernet connections. The PC cluster has two 1.8 GHz Pentium 4 PCs and the Alpha cluster has two 500 MHz Compaq DS20 workstations. Different network interface cards like Netgear, TrendNet and SysKonnect Gigabit Ethernet cards were used for the measurements. Both the blocking and non-blocking MPICH-MPLi̲te Channel Interface devices perform close to raw TCP, whereas a performance loss of 25-30% is seen in the MPICH-p4 Channel Interface device for larger messages. The superior performance offered by the MPICH-MPLi̲te device compared to the MPICH-p4 device can be easily seen on the SysKonnect cards using jumbo frames. The throughput curve also improves considerably by increasing the Eager/Rendezvous threshold

    The STAR MAPS-based PiXeL detector

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    The PiXeL detector (PXL) for the Heavy Flavor Tracker (HFT) of the STAR experiment at RHIC is the first application of the state-of-the-art thin Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) technology in a collider environment. Custom built pixel sensors, their readout electronics and the detector mechanical structure are described in detail. Selected detector design aspects and production steps are presented. The detector operations during the three years of data taking (2014-2016) and the overall performance exceeding the design specifications are discussed in the conclusive sections of this paper


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    Recent Advancements in Solid State Memories have resulted in packing several Giga Bytes (GB) of memory into tiny postage stamp size Memory Cards. Of late, Secure Digital (SD) cards have become a de-facto standard for all portable handheld devices. They have found growing presence in almost all embedded applications, where huge volumes of data need to be handled and stored. For the very same reason SD cards are being widely used in space applications also. Using these SD Cards in space applications requires robust radiation hardened SD cards and Highly Reliable Fault Tolerant File Systems to handle them. The present work is focused on developing a Highly Reliable Fault Tolerant SD card based FAT16 File System for space applications