7,621 research outputs found

    New Electricity Technologies for a Sustainable Future

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    There is a growing concern over our reliance on conventional electricity sources and their long-term environmental, climate change, and security of supply implications, and much hope is vested in the ability of future technological progress to tackle these issues. However, informed academic analysis and policy debates on the future of electricity systems must be based on the current state, and prospects of, technological options. This paper is the introductory chapter in the forthcoming book Future Electricity Technologies and Systems. The book comprises contributions from leading experts in their respective technology areas. The chapters present state of the art and likely progress paths of conventional and new electricity generation, networks, storage, and end-use technologies. In this paper we review the growth trend in electricity demand and carbon emissions. We then present a concise overview of the chapters. Finally, we discuss the main contextual factors that influence long-term technological progress

    Вдосконалення робочого процесу гідротурбін та систем їх регулювання

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    The paper provides the detail analysis of the causes of various types of the vortex motion of the turbulent flow in the inlet parts of the turbine and in the inter-blade channels of the runner. The causes of the appearance of large-scale vortex structures in the meridional sections of the spiral case of radial-axial hydraulic turbines with the heads of 400–500 m are shown. As a result of this phenomenon, in the section of the spiral case the flow is directed in the region of the walls to the runner. In the central part it is directed from the runner, i. e. the spiral case executing its functions of supplying the flow functions only with part of its section – the near-wall zone – where the vortex near-wall flow with increased velocity and energy losses enters to the channels of the runner. These conclusions in the work are argued by extensive experimental data. Energy losses in the spiral case reaches 3–5 % and a complex vortex structure, which enters to the runner, leads to a decrease of the energy characteristics. The flow inlet to the runner using nozzle devices located on the ring in front of the runner is considered in the paper. These nozzle devices increase the velocity by five or more times and provide low losses in the inlet (about 0,5 %) and almost uniform flow in front of the runner with a moment of quantity of motion, which provides an optimal operation of the hydraulic turbine. The improvement of the working flow and control systems is presented in this paper using new design solutions, for which more than ten patents of Ukraine for the invention were obtained. In particular, as a result of this study of the working processes of Francis-Deriaz hydraulic turbines, which allowed the use of blade turbines for the heads of more than 400–500 m up to 800–1000 m with high energy and cavitation characteristics with wide operating areas in terms of rates (powers) and heads, with an increase of 2–7 % average operating efficiency. The working process of a new type of diagonal-axial hydraulic turbine with a very wide operation range in terms of flow and pressure with a significantly increased average operating efficiency, increased operation reliability, which is illustrated by the predictive universal characteristic, is also considered. This characteristic allows the use of rotary-blade hydraulic turbines for heads up to 230–250 m. Therefore, the carried out improvement of the working process of hydraulic turbines and their control systems convincingly proves the advantage of the new scientific and technical solutions in comparison with previously used ones.В роботі проведено детальний аналіз причин виникнення різних видів завихреності турбулентного потоку в підвідних органах гідротурбіни і в міжлопатевих каналах робочого колеса. Показано причини виникнення великомасштабних вихрових структур в меридіональних перетинах спіральних камер радіально-осьових гідротурбін на напори 400–500 м. Внаслідок цього явища в перерізі спіральної камери потік спрямований в області стінок до робочого колеса, а в центральній частині від робочого колеса, тобто спіральна камера виконуючи свої функції підведення потоку функціонує лише частиною перетину – пристіночної зони, в якій завихрений пристінковий потік зі збільшеною швидкістю і втратами енергії надходить в канали робочого колеса. Ці висновки в роботі аргументовані чисельними експериментальними даними. Втрати енергії в спіральній камері досягають 3–5 % і складна вихрова структура, що надходить в робоче колесо приводить до зниження енергетичних показників. В роботі розглядається підвід потоку до робочого колеса за допомогою розташованих по кільцю перед робочим колесом соплових апаратів, що збільшують швидкість в п'ять і більше разів і забезпечують низькі втрати в підвідних органах (близько 0,5 %) практично рівномірний потік перед робочим колесом з моментом кількості руху, що забезпечує оптимальну роботу гідротурбіни. Удосконалення робочого процесу і систем регулювання представлено в цій роботі з використанням нових конструктивних рішень, на які отримані більш десяти патентів України на винахід. У тому числі в результаті дослідження робочих процесів радіально-діагональних гідротурбін, що дозволили застосовувати лопатеві турбіни на напори понад 400–500 м аж до 800–1000 м з високими енергокавітаційними показниками з широкими зонами експлуатації по витратам (потужностям) і напору, зі збільшеним на 2–7 % середньоексплуатаційним ККД. Розглянуто також робочий процес нового типу діагонально-осьової гідротурбіни з досить широким діапазоном експлуатації по витратам та напору з істотно підвищеним середньоексплуатаційним ККД, підвищеною надійністю експлуатації, що ілюструється прогнозною універсальною характеристикою, що дозволяє застосувати поворотно-лопатеві гідротурбіни на напори до 230–250 м. Таким чином, проведене вдосконалення робочого процесу гідротурбін і систем їх регулювання переконливо доводить перевагу нових науково-технічних рішень в порівнянні з раніше застосовуваними

    Bibliography on the Electrical Aspects of Small Hydro Power Plants

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    This bibliography is designed to help the reader search for information on some of the electrical aspects of small hydro power plants. The bibliography is intended to help engineers and scientists who may be unfamiliar with this aspect of small hydro, university researchers who are interested in this field, manufacturers who want to learn more about these topics and librarians who provide information to their clients. Topics covered range from the small hydro economic analysis, control and governors, some aspects of hydropower development projects, modeling and simulation studies and future role of small hydro power plants. The references appearing throughout this bibliography do not represent all available material on a specific topic. The inclusion of references in the bibliography is based on several factors, including relevancy to the particular topic, frequency of citation in the professional literature and availability

    Prospects for pumped-hydro storage in Germany

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    After a period of hibernation, the development of pumpedâ€hydro storage plants in Germany regains momentum. Motivated by an ever increasing share of intermittent renewable generation, a variety of energy players considers new projects, which could increase the available capacity by up to 60% until the end of the decade. This paper analyzes the current development and evaluates the revenue potential as well as possible barriers. Overall, the prospects for new pumpedâ€hydro storage plants have improved, even though profitability remains a major challenge.pumped-hydro energy storage, power plant investment, Germany

    Hydropower Operation in a Changing Market Environment – A Swiss Case Study

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    Hydropower (HP) is expected to play an important role in the European energy transition by providing back-up and storage capacity as well as flexibility for intermittent renewable energies. However, due to low electricity market prices the profitability of HP decreased in recent years. In this paper, we analyze historic revenue potentials and future market prospects for HP taking into account different development paths. Using a short-term HP operation model to capture market opportunities as well as technical and natural constraints of HP plants, we model three representative Swiss HP plants. The results indicate that in the last years, balancing markets could have provided significant additional revenues for HP plants. However, accounting for uncertainties and market characteristics, the potential of balancing markets is reduced but cross-market optimization is still beneficial. Looking into the future, market price prospects for the coming decade are low to modest. Global fuel markets and the European Union Emissions Trading System (ETS) will be the main drivers for decisions for Swiss HP. The revenue potential from balancing markets will be reduced significantly in the future if all Swiss HP operators aim for balancing. While optimized operation across markets helps Swiss HP to increase its revenues, it is limited in scale

    Electricity demand in Asia and the effects on energy supply and the investment environment

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    Demand for energy (including electricity) has been increasing more rapidly in developing Asian economies than anywhere else in the world and is expected to continue growing. To meet rising demand, these countries must address such issues as how to meet the resulting enormous capital requirements and how to prevent environmental deterioration. To calculate what those capital requirements may be, and to estimate potential environmental damage, the authors built econometric energy demand models for seven economies: China, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Republic of Korea, Taiwan (China), and Thailand. They estimate that electricity demand will increase an average 8.1 percent a year between 1993 and 2010. To finance power development projects, many governments are encouraging"build, operate, and own"or"build, operate, transfer"schemes, but there is a limit to the use of these schemes, which require foreign capital and thus reimbursements in hard currency. Because the seven governments must mobilize substantial domestic resources to finance capital requirements, it is essential that these countries develop or strengthen development of domestic bond and stock markets. To control emissions of pollutants will cost an estimated US$165 billion in 1994-2010.Environmental Economics&Policies,Montreal Protocol,Energy Technology&Transmission,Engineering,Economic Theory&Research,Energy and Environment,Energy Demand,Environmental Economics&Policies,Electric Power,Economic Theory&Research

    Energy Power, Digital Infrastructure and Elearning Platforms: Afrrican Experience.

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    Information and communication technologies are one of the most pervasive technologies in the world, second only to 'human intelligence' or the human brain. Thus, understanding the factors that determine the diffusion of new technologies across african countries is important to understanding the process of economic development. And whereas, energy is linked with the capacity to perform, the rate at which energy is consumed for the acceleration of the pace of socio-economic activities is regarded as power. Consequently, it will be obvious that the magnitude of the standard of living in any society; the growth and development of such an economy; and its ability to affect the course of events(such as ICT revolution)will be a function of the extent to which its energy(power) resources are developed and utilised. This paper therefore argued for the need to provide assistance in reducing vulnerability and building the capacity of african countries to more widely reap the benefits of the clean development mechanism in areas such as the development of cleaner and renewable energies. Inevitably, this is the critical condition for the sustainability of the emergent e-learning platforms and digital networks in africa.ICT, learning, elearning, development, energy, power, information, communication, solar, electricity, wind, governance, africa, electronics, telecommunications, internet, digital, satellite, renewable energy, gas turbine, power plants, bandwidth, coal, hydro, biomass, steam, transmission, distribution, utilisation

    A Risky Climate for Southern African Hydro

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    This in-depth study of the hydrological risks to hydropower dams on the Zambezi River gives an early warning about what Southern Africa could be facing as it contemplates plans for more large hydropower dams in a time of climate change.Currently, 13,000 megawatts of new large-dam hydro is proposed for the Zambezi and its tributaries. The report finds that existing and proposed hydropower dams are not being properly evaluated for the risks from natural hydrological variability (which is extremely high in the Zambezi), much less the risks posed by climate change.Overall, Africa's fourth-largest river will experience worse droughts and more extreme floods. Dams being proposed and built now will be negatively affected, yet energy planning in the basin is not taking serious steps to address these huge hydrological uncertainties. The result could be dams that are uneconomic, disruptive to the energy sector, and possibly even dangerous.The report recommends a series of steps to address the coming storm of hydrological changes, including changes to how dams are planned and operated