7 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Cyberbullying terhadap Self-Blaming pada Remaja Pengguna Instagram

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    Technological developments make it easier for humans to network widely through social media such as Instagram. Active Instagram users in Indonesia are dominated by teenagers. The existence of social media allows cyberbullying to occur, which is an act of bullying via the internet that can trigger victims to blame themselves. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of cyberbullying on adolescents who experience self-blaming via Instagram. The method used in this study is quantitative with a non-experimental regression approach. The data collection technique was carried out using an instrument in the form of a Likert scale, while the data collection method was through a questionnaire filled out via the Google form. Participants in this study were young Instagram users aged 18-22 years. Based on the results of the simple regression test that has been carried out by researchers, it can be concluded that cyberbullying has a significant effect on self-blaming. After conducting this research, it is hoped that further researchers can intervene through education on social media such as distributing e-flyers related to cyberbullying behavior so that they can suppress cyberbullying actions that occur on social media.Perkembangan teknologi mempermudah manusia untuk berjejaring secara luas melalui media sosial seperti Instagram. Pengguna aktif Instagram di Indonesia didominasi oleh para remaja. Keberadaan media sosial tersebut memungkinkan terjadinya cyberbullying, yaitu sebuah tindakan perundungan melalui internet yang dapat memicu korban untuk menyalahkan dirinya sendiri. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh cyberbullying terhadap remaja yang mengalami self-blaming melalui Instagram. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan pendekatan regresi non eksperimental. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan instrumen berupa Likert scale, sedangkan metode pengambilan data melalui kuesioner yang diisi melalui google form. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah remaja pengguna Instagram yang berusia 18-22 tahun. Berdasarkan hasil uji regresi sederhana yang telah dilakukan peneliti, dapat disimpulkan bahwa cyberbullying memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap self-blaming. Setelah dilakukan penelitian ini, diharapkan peneliti selanjutnya dapat melakukan intervensi melalui edukasi di media sosial seperti menyebarkan e-flyer terkait perilaku cyberbullying sehingga dapat menekan tindakan cyberbullying yang terjadi di media sosial

    Functional and dysfunctional impulsivity mediates the relationships between ‘Dark Triad’ traits and cyberbullying perpetration

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    Background: Cyberbullying perpetration and victimisation have been associated with psychological distress, including depression and suicidal ideation. Prior studies have shown that the ‘Dark Triad’ personality traits (narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy) are associated with greater likelihood of perpetration, yet there is a research gap regarding potential mediators of this relationship. Aims: To test whether functional and dysfunctional impulsivity act as mediators between Dark Triad traits and cyberbullying perpetration. Methods: A cross-sectional online study was conducted, in which a sample of 141 university students (63% male) from Malaysia were recruited by online and local poster advertising inviting them to complete a questionnaire containing a series of psychometric scales, including measures of ‘Dark Triad’ personality traits, impulsivity and cyberbullying perpetration. Results: A relationship between cyberbullying perpetration and higher psychopathy scale scores was mediated by dysfunctional, but not functional, impulsivity. The relationship between cyberbullying and narcissism scores was not mediated by impulsivity. Higher Machiavellianism scores were similarly associated with cyberbullying, but there was no correlation at all between Machiavellianism and impulsivity scores. Conclusion: Our findings add to the literature by showing that not only Dark Triad scale scores are associated with cyberbullying, but that difficulty in refraining from or controlling impulsive behaviours (dysfunctional impulsivity) may be a key component in this relationship. Given that our sample was of generally well-functioning people, our findings may not extend to those with serious cyberbullying problems. Yet, they provide avenues for identifying people at risk of such behaviours before problems become well-established and call for more nuanced approaches towards understanding and intervening with problematic cyberbullying

    Implementation and evaluation of an intervention program aimed at cyberbullying and cybervictimization prevention: Combining the ecological system theory and the threat assessment approach

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    The main aim of the present study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the Tabby Improved cyberbullying and cybervictimization prevention program, developed by combining the ecological system theory (Bronfenbrenner, 1977, 1979) and the threat assessment approach (Borum et al, 1999; Fein & Vossekuil, 1998, 1999; Fein Vossekuil, & Holden, 1995). To this aim, a short-term longitudinal study was carried out involving 622 Italian students aged between 10 and 17, attending five public middle and high schools in Campania. Participants were random assigned to one of the three conditions provided by the research (experimental, control with risk profile, and control without risk profile), via their classes. All students filled in the Tabby Improved checklist (whose psychometric characteristics were analysed) prior and six months after the intervention (T1 and T2). Results showed a significant decrease in cyberbullying and in cybervictimization among students in the experimental group in comparison with the control group. In particular, the increased awareness about cyberbullying and risky online behaviours mediated the decrease in cyberbullying observed in the experimental group. Findings were discussed in the light of the related literature

    Cyberbullying: an examination of victimization, parent-child communication, collective efficacy and safe behaviors online among young adolescents

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    Each year, approximately 10%-40% of adolescents are the victims of cruel online behaviors such as posting embarrassing photos or videos, purposeful exclusion, harassment, even threats of violence, often referred to as cyberbullying. Cyberbully victimization (CBV) during adolescence, a critical time for physical, mental and emotional development, might lead to adverse short and long-term health impacts and teach the adolescent to mistrust others while suggesting that it is appropriate for peers to intentionally harm each other. Numerous studies have reported the negative health impacts associated with CBV including both internalizing problems (i.e. depression, anxiety, loneliness, and low self-esteem) as well as externalizing problems (i.e. self-harm and drug use). CBV has also been linked to suicide. The current study examined suspected protective factors of CBV from a social ecological model including: demographic and Internet behaviors (individual characteristics), parent-child communication about Internet use (Interpersonal or relationships) and collective efficacy (school community). Data were obtained from a convenience sample of 1,249 young adolescents through a web-based survey administered in multiple public-school classrooms. An important feature of this study was a comparison of a multi-item scale of repeated cyberbully behaviors suggesting that 37% of adolescents were CBV with females (38%) and 8th graders (43%) at greatest risk, compared to a binary item that suggested that only 12% of adolescents were victims (females:13% and 8th graders:15% at greatest risk). Several statistically significant correlates of CBV were identified in this study including safe behaviors online and number of hours on the Internet, quality parent-child communication, and school collective efficacy. For our sample, safe behaviors online partially mediated the association between quality parent-child communication and CBV. Research is needed to understand the mechanism by which parent-child communication might protect against CBV. Suggestions for future prevention and intervention strategies for this complex public health challenge are discussed