37 research outputs found

    Using mixed-reality to develop smart environments

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    Smart homes, smart cars, smart classrooms are now a reality as the world becomes increasingly interconnected by ubiquitous computing technology. The next step is to interconnect such environments, however there are a number of significant barriers to advancing research in this area, most notably the lack of available environments, standards and tools etc. A possible solution is the use of simulated spaces, nevertheless as realistic as strive to make them, they are, at best, only approximations to the real spaces, with important differences such as utilising idealised rather than noisy sensor data. In this respect, an improvement to simulation is emulation, which uses specially adapted physical components to imitate real systems and environments. In this paper we present our work-in-progress towards the creation of a development tool for intelligent environments based on the interconnection of simulated, emulated and real intelligent spaces using a distributed model of mixed reality. To do so, we propose the use of physical/virtual components (xReality objects) able to be combined through a 3D graphical user interface, sharing real-time information. We present three scenarios of interconnected real and emulated spaces, used for education, achieving integration between real and virtual worlds

    Interactions within distributed mixed reality collaborative environments

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    Traditionally virtual worlds have been regarded as standalone entities. However, the world moves fast towards a mixed reality collective environment, joining virtual and real world by incorporating accessible ubiquitous computing for people. Mobile and wearable computers act as a door to connect people to virtuality, e.g. The use of fitness/activity trackers, which collect real world information helping users to complement reality with virtuality improving their health and fitness. A different example is the use of mobile devices to connect people that do not share the same physical location in a virtual way, thought phone calls, videoconferences, chat and social media applications. These examples show that currently we live in two realities, processing information of both worlds in real time. Our video submission presents a work-in-progress research prototype towards the creation of a Blended Reality Distributed System, complementing the paper [1] submitted to the main track of the conference. The test bed scenario proposed is a mixed reality collaborative laboratory activity, performed by learners within geographically dispersed locations. The goal of the activity is to construct a small robot emphasising computing fundamentals. The video is available at: http://youtu.be/akKPHnDY9bw

    Towards an Extended Perception Layer in Augmented Reality

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    Augmented reality devices overlay digital content above our visually perceived real world and enable new ways of collaboration, communication, interaction, and perception. Extant research explores the conceptual foundations, technical prerequisites, and actual implementation of augmented reality in various domains. We lack a concept explaining the comprehensive range of digital layers in a holistic extended reality environment to understand how, when, and why users, for example, want to access or share information. This paper presents the extended perception layer (XPL) concept serving as the groundwork for users\u27 interaction with augmented reality. The XPL concept describes the differentiation of three digital layers and suggests how accessing information, sharing content, and interacting with each other can be done within the layers. We contribute with the XPL concept and a corresponding research agenda to further explore the possibilities of augmenting users\u27 visual perception

    Proporcionar experiencias de aprendizaje ubicuo mediante la combinación de Internet de las Cosas y los estándares de e-Learning

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    [ES]Actualmente, el aprendizaje está teniendo lugar con mayor frecuencia en cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento. Esto implica que los ambientes del aprendizaje electrónico se expandan desde los entornos de aprendizaje solo virtuales a entornos que implican espacios físicos. Gracias a la evolución de Internet, las TIC (Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación) y a la Internet de las Cosas, se pueden experimentar nuevos escenarios de aprendizaje por parte de los estudiantes, ya sea individualmente o en colaboración. Estos escenarios de aprendizaje ubicuos, permiten compaginar tanto ambientes virtuales como ambientes físicos. Por tanto, estas experiencias se caracterizan por las interacciones posibles del estudiante con el entorno físico, la detección de los datos contextuales, y también la adaptación de las estrategias pedagógicas y de los servicios según el contexto. Este artículo pretende aprovechar esta tendencia y sustentarla en las normas existentes de aprendizaje electrónico como IMS LD y LOM. La solución propuesta es extender los modelos de normas de aprendizaje electrónico como IMS LD y LOM para soportar Internet de las Cosas y para aportar un enfoque de adaptación de las actividades de aprendizaje según el contexto del estudiante y su huella digital utilizando la API eXperience. En este contexto y con el fin de permitir las capacidades de razonamiento y la interoperabilidad entre los modelos propuestos se proponen representaciones ontológicas y una implementación de la solución. Además, se plantea una arquitectura técnica que resalta los componentes de software necesarios y sus interacciones. Y, por último, se implementa y se evalúa un escenario de aprendizaje ubicuo

    The Immersive Education Laboratory: understanding affordances, structuring experiences, and creating constructivist, collaborative processes, in mixed-reality smart environments

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    In this paper we describe how the iClassroom and other technologies are providing the testbed through which we are able to design, develop, and research future intelligent environments. We describe the process of distinguishing between the technical and pedagogical aspects of immersive learning environments, while simultaneously considering both in the redefinition of effective intelligent learning spaces. This paper describes how our laboratory is working on specific projects that increase our understanding of the distinct advantages of technical design elements, like immersive visual displays, and pedagogical design elements that need to be in place as we go through the process of structuring learning situations that create constructivist, collaborative experiences. We describe specific technologies and their design across these multiple dimensions and the ways in which they are helping us better understand how to maximize technological affordances for increased positive learning outcomes. Finally, through this design research process, as we begin to better understand the affordances and iteratively create design guidelines, our hope is that eventually a prescriptive framework emerges that informs both the practice of embedded technology development and the deliberate incorporation of technical attributes into both the educational space and the pedagogy through which students learn

    What is XR? Towards a Framework for Augmented and Virtual Reality

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    Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality, and Extended Reality (often – misleadingly – abbreviated as XR) are commonly used terms to describe how technologies generate or modify reality. However, academics and professionals have been inconsistent in their use of these terms. This has led to conceptual confusion and unclear demarcations. Inspired by prior research and qualitative insights from XR professionals, we discuss the meaning and definitions of various terms and organize them in our proposed framework. As a result, we conclude that (1) XR should not be used to connote extended reality, but as a more open approach where the X implies the unknown variable: xReality; (2) AR and VR have fundamental differences and thus should be treated as different experiences; (3) AR experiences can be described on a continuum ranging from assisted reality to mixed reality (based on the level of local presence); and (4), VR experiences can be conceptualized on a telepresence-continuum ranging from atomistic to holistic VR

    Exploring mixed reality in distributed collaborative learning environments

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    Society is moving rapidly towards a world, where technology enables people to exist in a blend of physical and virtual realities. In education, this vision involves technologies ranging from smart classrooms to e-learning, creating greater opportunities for distance learners, bringing the potential to change the fundamental nature of universities. However, to date, most online educational platforms have focused on conveying information rather than supporting collaborative physical activities which are common in university science and engineering laboratories. Moreover, even when online laboratory support is considered, such systems tend to be confined to the use of simulations or pre-recorded videos. The lack of support for online collaborative physical laboratory activities, is a serious shortcoming for distance learners and a significant challenge to educators and researchers. In working towards a solution to this challenge, this thesis presents an innovative mixed-reality framework (computational model, conceptual architecture and proof-of-concept implementation) that enables geographically dispersed learners to perform co-creative teamwork using a computer-based prototype comprising hardware and software components. Contributions from this work include a novel distributed computational model for synchronising physical objects and their 3D virtual representations, expanding the dual-reality paradigm from single linked pairs to complex groupings, addressing the challenge of interconnecting geographically dispersed environments; and the creation of a computational paradigm that blends a model of distributed learning objects with a constructionist pedagogical model, to produce a solution for distributed mixed-reality laboratories. By way of evidence to support the research findings, this thesis reports on evaluations performed with students from eight different universities in six countries, namely China, Malaysia, Mexico, UAE, USA and UK; providing an important insight to the role of social interactions in distance learning, and demonstrating that the inclusion of a physical component made a positive difference to students’ learning experience, supporting the use of cross-reality objects in educational activities