7 research outputs found

    Emergent requirements for supporting introductory programming

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    The problems associated with learning and teaching first year University Computer Science (CS1) programming classes are summarized showing that various support tools and techniques have been developed and evaluated. From this review of applicable support the paper derives ten requirements that a support tool should have in order to improve CS1 student success rate with respect to learning and understanding

    An interactive functional programming tutor

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    Prototipo de tutor inteligente para el aprendizaje de la programación de computadores

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónLa creciente necesidad de ingenieros, en especial desarrolladores de software, ha incrementado la importancia de la instrucción de estos profesionales. Las dificultades en el aprendizaje de programación resaltan la importancia de localizar los factores críticos que afectan el desempeño de los estudiantes y plantear estrategias que permitan mejorar las posibilidades de cada estudiante en su proceso de aprendizaje. Para esto, se usan métodos de clasificación automática para localizar patrones que relacionen características personales con el desempeño en programación de computadores. Además se sugiere el uso de un modelo para mejorar el proceso de enseñanza.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. CARACTERIZACIÓN DE LA ENSEÑANZA DE LA PROGRAMACIÓN 4. TUTORES INTELIGENTES 5. ALGORITMOS PARA EL RECONOCIMIENTO DE PATRONES. 6. DISEÑO DEL MODELO DE DATOS PARA LAS CARACTERISTICAS 7. ANÁLISIS DE RESULTADOS 8. DISEÑO Y CONSTRUCCIÓN DEL TUTOR INTELIGENTE 9. CONCLUSIONES 10. RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍAPregradoIngeniero de Sistema

    Exploring higher education engagement in computer programming within a blended learning environment : an action research approach

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    Ph. D. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 2014.Many novice programmers in higher education find computer programming particularly difficult due to its problem solving nature. High dropout rates have been observed both internationally and locally, but in South Africa, the circumstances of students coming from disadvantaged schools where they struggle in subjects like Mathematics and Science, especially compounds their challenges in computer programming when they enrol at a tertiary institute. In this study, I explore the engagement of computer programming at a higher education institution using an innovative approach of incorporating tools in the form of online learning and support structures to supplement the existing face-to-face and practical lessons thereby creating a blended learning environment (BLE). This study, which is a qualitative one, used an interpretivist paradigm to explore the engagement of sixty, first year students in an introductory computer-programming course at a selected university in South Africa, using an action research approach within the context of a BLE. Action research refers to an evaluation of one’s own practice with a view to improving one’s effectiveness, in this case, analysing my own efficacy as a teacher, and the learning that occurred by my students (McNiff, 2013; Whitehead, 1989). This study used two lenses: The first lens was my own as a lecturer/researcher who developed a variety of support structures in the form of notes, videos, animations, and blogging, to support student engagement in computer programming, and the second lens was the students’ engagement with these tools. The study explored this dual engagement and asked two critical questions: 1) How does engagement of computer programming take place within a BL context using an action research approach, and, 2) Why does engagement of computer programming take place within a BL context using an action research approach, in the way it does? A dual form of engagement occurred creating a dynamic BLE. In the study, students were exposed to one theory classroom lesson, and three practical lessons. As the lecturer, I received feedback from the students which informed my attempts to improve the environment. Observations, a personal diary, electronic questionnaires, and focus group meetings were used to gather feedback on how students engaged in the BLE. The action research methodology was based on planning, acting, observing and reflecting. The analysis of the reflections was used in the re-planning phase of the next cycle and a total of three cycles were used. Although there were three main action research cycles, each tool was transformed resulting in smaller cycles emanating within the main action research cycle. Activity Theory was used as a theoretical framework to describe and analyse the actions and engagement that transpired within the BLE. The results from this study highlight positive student engagement in learning through the use of examples and visual tools although the use of language was found to be a barrier under certain circumstance. Support and planning were also identified as important factors for both student and lecture engagement. Other aspects concerning feedback and reflection were established as important during the dual engagement employed resulting in the creation of a dynamic action research model of engagement

    Towards a framework to enhance entry-level national diploma students' learning of computer programming - effects of guided inquiry learning

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    Research reports using global data show that the failure rates in introductory programming courses average about 32 percent. This study assessed the effect of elements of Guided Inquiry Learning (GIL) on enhancing academic performance of first year students in Introduction to Computer Programming course. As learners from schools join the university and enrol for different courses, they find the sudden transformation quite challenging. This makes it more challenging for first year university students, especially in difficult courses such as Introduction to Programming. As times change with advances in technology, the traditional ways of presenting information during teaching–learning interface may not address students’ needs. Lecturers and university stakeholders make efforts to address these challenges by proposing innovative teaching ways. One of the common approaches that have been used profitably in other science and engineering programmes is GIL. It is a form of inductive collaborative learning approach where students are presented with a challenge which challenges them to accomplish the desired learning outcomes in the process of responding to the posed challenge. The strategies in GIL include, among others, learning teams who participate in intra- and inter-learner interactions besides lecturer-learner interactions, linking theory and practical information cementing skills and problem solving strategies, scaffolding information, blended learning by integrating both traditional and technology-assisted learning, inquiry activities such as initiating investigations, gathering data, and critiquing evidence to come up with evidence-based solutions. The objective was to apply GIL to this module and observe if there were gains in students’ academic performance. This study was located in the pragmatic paradigm using action research design and a mixed method approach. The sample consisted offirst year students enrolled for Introduction to programming which was a year-long course (two semesters) at a South African university. The population consisted of the only 49 students who were registered for the module under focus. A group of 20 students were considered for the whole year in the GIL experiment. Although it would students were considered for the whole year in the GIL experiment. Although it would students were considered for the whole year in the GIL experiment. Although it would have been ideal to have experimental and control groups with same number of students, that was not possible in this study, because only 20 out of the 49 who were willing to be included in the experimental group. The present researcher employed willing to be included in the experimental group. The present researcher employed three of these GIL strategies in teaching the module Introduction to Programming to the experimental group while another colleague continued with traditional teaching in the control group. Care was taken to limit the insider outsider conflict. Both groups were assessed by the same assessment tools at the same times. Results from these assessments together with focus group interviews provided the core data for this study. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses were carried out on the data, statistical analysis (mainly, chi-Square and t-test) for the former and thematic analysis for the latter. Results indicated gains in the experimental group such as enhanced motivation, interaction, intra-group social cohesion, creativity and provided students the confidence to share knowledge and skills with their peers and keep everyone focused on the course contents. These gains are reflected in higher year marks and pass rates than those in the control group as the analysed data indicate. A study that will pilot the GIL framework in several universities with different teaching modes and large classes are recommended

    The evaluation of a pedagogical-program development environment for Novice programmers : a comparative study

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    It is an acknowledged fact that many novice programmers experience difficulty in the process of learning to program. One of the contributing factors to this difficulty is the Program Development Environment (PDE). Professional-PDEs are those developed specifically for professional programmers, but are often used by educational institutions in the instruction of programming. It has long been accepted that such environments are inappropriate in the instruction of programming due to unnecessary complexity and lack of support for novice programmers in the learning process. Numerous pedagogical-PDEs supporting the mechanics of programming have been developed in response to this. A review of literature, however, indicates that very limited empirical studies comparing pedagogical-PDEs and professional-PDEs have been conducted. The current study investigates whether there are measurable benefits to using a pedagogical-PDE supporting the mechanics of programming in the instruction of programming instead of a professional-PDE. A comparative study of this nature requires a representative pedagogical-PDE and representative professional-PDE be compared with one another. The first part of the current study determines a set of requirements that a pedagogical- PDE should adhere to based on literature. A set of representative features for a pedagogical-PDE is derived by examining the features of existing PDEs in conjunction with the set of requirements. Based on these features, a pedagogical-PDE, known as SimplifIDE, is developed that implements the representative set of features and that meets are the requirements for a pedagogical-PDE. The second part of the current study is the specification and administration of an empirical experiment in which SimplifIDE and Borland© DelphiTM are compared with one another. A holistic approach in determining the differences between the PDEs is taken and three main areas are examined, namely academic performance, perceptions and programming behavior