8,640 research outputs found

    A computing curriculum wiki : analysis and modelling using the MAS-CommonKADS agent-oriented methodology.

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    Curriculum development, maintenance and management are time-consuming and labour-intensive activities resulting from countless feedback-rework cycles. The frequency of such activities tends to increase owing to the accelerated nature of advances in Computing. It is proposed that an existing Computing Ontology be adapted to facilitate these activities by developing a common vocabulary for all Computing disciplines to realize an online Curriculum Wiki facility. The operations of the Wiki would be implemented through ontological agents. This article presents insights into the modelling process of various user-initiated Wiki tasks using the MAS-CommonKADS Agent-Oriented Methodology

    Metadata for describing learning scenarios under European Higher Education Area paradigm

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    In this paper we identify the requirements for creating formal descriptions of learning scenarios designed under the European Higher Education Area paradigm, using competences and learning activities as the basic pieces of the learning process, instead of contents and learning resources, pursuing personalization. Classical arrangements of content based courses are no longer enough to describe all the richness of this new learning process, where user profiles, competences and complex hierarchical itineraries need to be properly combined. We study the intersection with the current IMS Learning Design specification and the additional metadata required for describing such learning scenarios. This new approach involves the use of case based learning and collaborative learning in order to acquire and develop competences, following adaptive learning paths in two structured levels

    The Knowledge Graph Construction in the Educational Domain: Take an Australian School Science Course as an Example

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    The evolution of the Internet technology and artificial intelligence has changed the ways we gain knowledge, which has expanded to every aspect of our lives. In recent years, Knowledge Graphs technology as one of the artificial intelligence techniques has been widely used in the educational domain. However, there are few studies dedicating the construction of knowledge graphs for K-10 education in Australia, and most of the existing studies only focus on at the theory level, and little research shows practical pipeline steps to complete the complex flow of constructing the educational knowledge graph. Apart from that, most studies focused on concept entities and their relations but ignored the features of concept entities and the relations between learning knowledge points and required learning outcomes. To overcome these shortages and provide the data foundation for the development of downstream research and applications in this educational domain, the construction processes of building a knowledge graph for Australian K-10 education were analyzed at the theory level and implemented in a practical way in this research. We took the Year 9 science course as a typical data source example fed to the proposed method called K10EDU-RCF-KG to construct this educational knowledge graph and to enrich the features of entities in the knowledge graph. In the construction pipeline, a variety of techniques were employed to complete the building process. Firstly, the POI and OCR techniques were applied to convert Word and PDF format files into text, followed by developing an educational resources management platform where the machine-readable text could be stored in a relational database management system. Secondly, we designed an architecture framework as the guidance of the construction pipeline. According to this architecture, the educational ontology was initially designed, and a backend microservice was developed to process the entity extraction and relation extraction by NLP-NER and probabilistic association rule mining algorithms, respectively. We also adopted the NLP-POS technique to find out the neighbor adjectives related to entitles to enrich features of these concept entitles. In addition, a subject dictionary was introduced during the refinement process of the knowledge graph, which reduced the data noise rate of the knowledge graph entities. Furthermore, the connections between learning outcome entities and topic knowledge point entities were directly connected, which provides a clear and efficient way to identify what corresponding learning objectives are related to the learning unit. Finally, a set of REST APIs for querying this educational knowledge graph were developed

    A generic framework for the development of standardised learning objects within the discipline of construction management

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    E-learning has occurred in the academic world in different forms since the early 1990s. Its use varies from interactive multimedia tools and simulation environments to static resources within learning management systems. E-learning tools and environments are no longer criticised for their lack of use in higher education in general and within the construction domain in particular. The main criticism, however, is that of reinventing the wheel in order to create new learning environments that cater for different educational needs. Therefore, sharing educational content has become the focus of current research, taking e-learning into a whole new era of developments. This era is enabled by the emergence of new technologies (online and wireless) and the development of educational standards, such as SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) and LOM (Learning Object Metadata) for example. Accordingly, the broad definition of the construction domain and the interlocking nature of subjects taught within this domain, makes the concept of sharing content most appealing. This paper proposes a framework developed to describe the various steps required in order to enable the application of e-learning metadata standards and ontology for sharable learning objects to serve the construction discipline. The paper further describes the application of the proposed framework to a case study for developing an online environment for learning objects that are standardised, sharable, transparent and that cater for the needs of learners, educators and curricula developers in Construction Management. Based on the framework, a learning objects repository is developed incorporating educational and web standards. The repository manages objects as well as metadata using ontology and offers a set of services such as storing, retrieving and searching of learning objects using Semantic Web technologies. Thus, it increases the reusability, sharability and interoperability of learning objects

    Web Science: expanding the notion of Computer Science

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    Academic disciplines which practice in the context of rapid external change face particular problems when seeking to maintain timely, current and relevant teaching programs. In different institutions faculty will tune and update individual component courses while more radical revisions are typically departmental-wide strategic responses to perceived needs. Internationally, the ACM has sought to define curriculum recommendations since the 1960s and recognizes the diversity of the computing disciplines with its 2005 overview volume. The consequent rolling program of revisions is demanding in terms of time and effort, but an inevitable response to the change inherent is our family of specialisms. Preparation for the Computer Curricula 2013 is underway, so it seems appropriate to ask what place Web Science will have in the curriculum landscape. Web Science has been variously described; the most concise definition being the ‘science of decentralized information systems’. Web science is fundamentally interdisciplinary encompassing the study of the technologies and engineering which constitute the Web, alongside emerging associated human, social and organizational practices. Furthermore, to date little teaching of Web Science is at undergraduate level. Some questions emerge - is Web Science a transient artifact? Can Web Science claim a place in the ACM family, Is Web Science an exotic relative with a home elsewhere? This paper discusses the role and place of Web Science in the context of the computing disciplines. It provides an account of work which has been established towards defining an initial curriculum for Web Science with plans for future developments utilizing novel methods to support and elaborate curriculum definition and review. The findings of a desk survey of existing related curriculum recommendations are presented. The paper concludes with recommendations for future activities which may help us determine whether we should expand the notion of computer science

    Reorganizing Educational Institutional Domain using Faceted Ontological Principles

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    The purpose of this work is to find out how different library classification systems and linguistic ontologies arrange a particular domain of interest and what are the limitations for information retrieval. We use knowledge representation techniques and languages for construction of a domain specific ontology. This ontology would help not only in problem solving, but it would demonstrate the ease with which complex queries can be handled using principles of domain ontology, thereby facilitating better information retrieval.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figures, KNOWLEDGE ORGANIZATION Journal Pape

    Project - competency based approach and the ontological model of knowledge representation of the planned learning

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    The paper considers the technique of modeling and formation educational components of the planned training of CDIO Syllabus, realized in the form of the educational adaptive environment of engineering education. The following key concepts of the methodology have been accepted: competence models of the stages of the CDIO initiative, the method of project training, syntax for describing the concepts of the domain, models for mapping support concepts in the form of expressions of knowledge and ontological engineering.

    Towards an Integrated School Geography Curriculum: The Role of Place-based Education

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    In this article, we review literature on curriculum changes to school Geography in post-apartheid South Africa. We note the gains and losses with each iteration of the national curriculum for school Geography over the past two decades or so. We argue that although the latest version, the CAPS has been strengthened in terms of continuity and progression it still has shortcomings: integration in the curriculum is weak, Indigenous Knowledge is not valued and its reliance on textbooks is likely to foster behaviourist pedagogical practices. We propose place-based education as a conceptual framework and approach to address current weaknesses in school Geography in South Africa so as to imagine the practice differently

    Optimization of Computer Ontologies for Ecourses in Information and Communication Technologies

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    A methodology is proposed for modifying computer ontologies (CO) for electronic courses (EC) in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) for universities, schools, extracurricular institutions, as well as for the professional retraining of specialists. The methodology includes the modification of CO by representing the formal ontograph of CO in the form of a graph and using techniques for working with the graph to find optimal paths on the graph using applied software (SW). A genetic algorithm (GA) is involved in the search for the optimal CO. This will lead to the division of the ontograph into branches and the ability to calculate the best trajectory in a certain sense through the EC educational material, taking into account the syllabus. An example is considered for the ICT course syllabus in terms of a specific topic covering the design and use of databases. It is concluded that for the full implementation of this methodology, a tool is needed that automates this procedure for developing EC and/or electronic textbooks. An algorithm and a prototype of software tools are also proposed, integrating machine methods of working with CO and graphs

    Decolonizing Science and Science Education in a Postcolonial Space (Trinidad, a Developing Caribbean Nation, Illustrates)

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    The article addresses how remnant or transformed colonialist structures continue to shape science and science education, and how that impact might be mitigated within a postcolonial environment in favor of the development of the particular community being addressed. Though cognizant of, and resistant to, the ongoing colonial impact globally and nationally (and any attempts at subjugation, imperialism, and marginalization), this article is not about anticolonial science. Indeed, it is realized that the postcolonial state of science and science education is not simply defined, and may exist as a mix of the scientific practices of the colonizer and the colonized. The discussion occurs through a generic postcolonial lens and is organized into two main sections. First, the discussion of the postcolonial lens is eased through a consideration of globalization which is held here as the new colonialism. The article then uses this lens to interrogate conceptions of science and science education, and to suggest that the mainstream, standard account of what science is seems to represent a globalized- or arguably a Western, modern, secular-conception of science. This standard account of science can act as a gatekeeper to the indigenous ways of being, knowing, and doing of postcolonial populations. The article goes on to suggest that as a postcolonial response, decolonizing science and science education might be possible through practices that are primarily contextually respectful and responsive. That is, localization is suggested as one possible antidote to the deleterious effects of globalization. Trinidad, a postcolonial developing Caribbean nation, is used as illustration