7 research outputs found

    Lateralization of the visual word form area in patients with alexia after stroke

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    Background Knowledge of the process by which visual information is integrated into the brain reading system promotes a better understanding of writing and reading models. Objective This study aimed to use functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to explore whether the Blood-oxygen-level dependent (BOLD) contrast imaging patterns, of putative cortical region of the Visual Word Form Area (VWFA), are distinct in aphasia patients with moder- ate and severe alexia. Methods Twelve chronic stroke patients (5 patients with severe alexia and 7 pa- tients with moderate alexia) were included. A word categorization task was used to examine responses in the VWFA and its right homolog re- gion. Patients performed a semantic decision task in which words were contrasted with non-verbal fonts to assess the lateralization of reading ability in the ventral occipitotemporal region. Results A fixed effects (FFX) general linear model (GLM) multi-study from the contrast of patients with moderate alexia and those with severe alexia (FDR, p = 0.05, corrected for multiples comparisons using a Threshold Estimator plugin (1000 Monte Carlo simulations), was per- formed. Activation of the left VWFA was robust in patients with mod- erate alexia. Aphasia patients with severe reading deficits also activated the right homolog VWFA. Conclusions This bilateral activation pattern only in patients with severe alexia could be interpreted as a result of reduced recruitment of the left VWFA for reading tasks due to the severe reading deficit. This study provides some new insights about reading pathways and possible neuroplasti- city mechanisms in aphasia patients with alexia. Additional reports could explore the predictive value of right VWFA activation for reading recovery and aid language therapy in patients with aphasia.N/

    Research and innovation 2019

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    Research and innovation are two pillars that come together when universities are at stake. The expansion of the frontiers of human knowledge, in all areas and disciplines, is an irrefutable commitment of higher education institutions. Together with public and private entities, they are also committed to promoting knowledge transfer to society and the economy, in the form of new ideas, new products and new processes. Universities are supposed to transform ideas into value for society. To achieve these goals, higher education institutions have to assure their human resources are highly qualified, that they have an adequate atmosphere, that research is of high quality, and finally that adequate interactions take place. At UMinho we have a clear strategy to be an open and permanent space for knowledge production and furtherance of nationally and internationally relevant innovation across different social and economic sectors. For many years, UMinho has adopted the principles of open access and open science. We aim at carrying out our scientific activity and the dissemination of the corresponding results transparently and collaboratively; this implies that researchers, citizens, policymakers, state agencies, companies, and third sector organizations work in close cooperation facing research and innovation processes. We believe this is the shorter way to trigger smart and sustainable growth and qualified job creation. At UMinho, we encourage the coupling between research and education. Our goal is to expand research opportunities and to give our students occasions to experience vibrant research environments, ensuring that learning goes beyond the “common” routines. Joining research and learning processes provides both undergraduate and postgraduate students with opportunities to own their learning process. We believe that research experience has a role to play in improving students’ motivation for learning, in the pursuit of their interests. Doing better science occurs when we make it both more sensitive to the needs of society and also more efficient in what concerns the allocated resources. It is also a question of accountability. This is fundamental for reinforcing society awareness about our contributions to human and social development. Following the 2018 publication, we present here the 2019 edition of Research and Innovation, a series that draws on the outcomes of the activity of the UMinho research and innovation ecosystem. This comprehensive volume gives particular emphasis to the Research Units outcomes, namely in terms of funding, research projects, papers, and the most important achievements; the activity of the Interface Units and Collaborative Laboratories in which UMinho participates is also reported, through their activities and institutional projects, making evident their importance for the continuous growth of our Institution, our region, and our country. Rui Vieira de Castro RectorPublishe

    Evaluation of PD-L1 expression in various formalin-fixed paraffin embedded tumour tissue samples using SP263, SP142 and QR1 antibody clones

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    Background & objectives: Cancer cells can avoid immune destruction through the inhibitory ligand PD-L1. PD-1 is a surface cell receptor, part of the immunoglobulin family. Its ligand PD-L1 is expressed by tumour cells and stromal tumour infltrating lymphocytes (TIL). Methods: Forty-four cancer cases were included in this study (24 triple-negative breast cancers (TNBC), 10 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and 10 malignant melanoma cases). Three clones of monoclonal primary antibodies were compared: QR1 (Quartett), SP 142 and SP263 (Ventana). For visualization, ultraView Universal DAB Detection Kit from Ventana was used on an automated platform for immunohistochemical staining Ventana BenchMark GX. Results: Comparing the sensitivity of two different clones on same tissue samples from TNBC, we found that the QR1 clone gave higher percentage of positive cells than clone SP142, but there was no statistically significant difference. Comparing the sensitivity of two different clones on same tissue samples from malignant melanoma, the SP263 clone gave higher percentage of positive cells than the QR1 clone, but again the difference was not statistically significant. Comparing the sensitivity of two different clones on same tissue samples from NSCLC, we found higher percentage of positive cells using the QR1 clone in comparison with the SP142 clone, but once again, the difference was not statistically significant. Conclusion: The three different antibody clones from two manufacturers Ventana and Quartett, gave comparable results with no statistically significant difference in staining intensity/ percentage of positive tumour and/or immune cells. Therefore, different PD-L1 clones from different manufacturers can potentially be used to evaluate the PD- L1 status in different tumour tissues. Due to the serious implications of the PD-L1 analysis in further treatment decisions for cancer patients, every antibody clone, staining protocol and evaluation process should be carefully and meticulously validated