188,078 research outputs found

    Paediatric radiology seen from Africa. Part I: providing diagnostic imaging to a young population

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    Article approval pendingPaediatric radiology requires dedicated equipment, specific precautions related to ionising radiation, and specialist knowledge. Developing countries face difficulties in providing adequate imaging services for children. In many African countries, children represent an increasing proportion of the population, and additional challenges follow from extreme living conditions, poverty, lack of parental care, and exposure to tuberculosis, HIV, pneumonia, diarrhoea and violent trauma. Imaging plays a critical role in the treatment of these children, but is expensive and difficult to provide. The World Health Organisation initiatives, of which the World Health Imaging System for Radiography (WHIS-RAD) unit is one result, needs to expand into other areas such as the provision of maintenance servicing. New initiatives by groups such as Rotary and the World Health Imaging Alliance to install WHIS-RAD units in developing countries and provide digital solutions, need support. Paediatric radiologists are needed to offer their services for reporting, consultation and quality assurance for free by way of teleradiology. Societies for paediatric radiology are needed to focus on providing a volunteer teleradiology reporting group, information on child safety for basic imaging, guidelines for investigations specific to the disease spectrum, and solutions for optimising imaging in children

    Amplification efficiency and thermal stability of qPCR instrumentation: Current landscape and future perspectives

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    This is a final draft version of the publication following acceptance by the journal.Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) is a method of amplifying and detecting small samples of genetic material in real time and is in routine use across many laboratories. Speed and thermal uniformity, two important factors in a qPCR test, are in direct conflict with one another in conventional peltier‑driven thermal cyclers. To overcome this, companies are developing novel thermal systems for qPCR testing. More recently, qPCR technology has developed to enable its use in point‑of‑care testing (POCT), where the test is administered and results are obtained in a single visit to a health provider, particularly in developing countries. For a system to be suitable for POCT it must be rapid and reliable. In the present study, the speed and thermal uniformity of four qPCR thermal cyclers currently available were compared, two of which use the conventional peltier/block heating method and two of which use novel heating and cooling methods

    Microtubule sliding in swimming sperm flagella: direct and indirect measurements on sea urchin and tunicate spermatozoa

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    Direct measurements of microtubule sliding in the flagella of actively swimming, demembranated, spermatozoa have been made using submicron diameter gold beads as markers on the exposed outer doublet microtubules. With spermatozoa of the tunicate, Ciona, these measurements confirm values of sliding calculated indirectly by measuring angles relative to the axis of the sperm head. Both methods of measurement show a nonuniform amplitude of oscillatory sliding along the length of the flagellum, providing direct evidence that "oscillatory synchronous sliding" can be occurring in the flagellum, in addition to the metachronous sliding that is necessary to propagate a bending wave. Propagation of constant amplitude bends is not accomplished by propagation of a wave of oscillatory sliding of constant amplitude, and therefore appears to require a mechanism for monitoring and controlling the bend angle as bends propagate. With sea urchin spermatozoa, the direct measurements of sliding do not agree with the values calculated by measuring angles relative to the head axis. The oscillation in angular orientation of the sea urchin sperm head as it swims appears to be accommodated by flexure at the head- flagellum junction and does not correspond to oscillation in orientation of the basal end of the flagellum. Consequently, indirect calculations of sliding based on angles measured relative to the longitudinal axis of the sperm head can be seriously inaccurate in this species

    Reduced order system identification for UAVs

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    Reduced order models representing the dynamic behaviour of symmetric aircraft are well known and can be easily derived from the standard equations of motion. In flight testing, accurate measurements of the dependent variables which describe the linearised reduced order models for a particular flight condition are vital for successful system identification. However, not all the desired measurements such as the rate of change in vertical velocity (W. ) can be accurately measured in practice. In order to determine such variables two possible solutions exist: reconstruction or differentiation. This paper addresses the effect of both methods on the reliability of the parameter estimates. The methods are used in the estimation of the aerodynamic derivatives for the Aerosonde UAV from a recreated flight test scenario in Simulink. Subsequently, the methods are then applied and compared using real data obtained from flight tests of the Cranfield University Jetstream 31 (G-NFLA) research aircraft

    Species-specific DNA Markers for Improving the Genetic Management of Tilapia

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    The tilapias are a group of African and Middle Eastern cichlid fish that are widely cultured in developed and developing countries. With many different species and sub-species, and extensive use of interspecies hybrids, identification of tilapia species is of importance in aquaculture and in wild populations where introductions occur. This research set out to distinguish between tilapia species and sub-species by retrieving species-specific nuclear DNA markers (SNPs) using two approaches: (i) sequencing of the coding regions of the ADA gene; and (ii) next-generation sequencing, both standard RADseq and double-digest RADseq (ddRADseq). The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) marker cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) was used to verify tilapia species status. ADA gene sequence analysis was partially successful, generating SNP markers that distinguished some species pairs. Most species could also be discriminated using the COI sequence. Reference based analysis (RBA: using only markers found in the O. niloticus genome sequence) of standard RADseq data identified 1,613 SNPs in 1,002 shared RAD loci among seven species. De novo based analysis (DBA: based on the entire data set) identified 1,358 SNPs in 825 loci and RBA detected 938 SNPs in 571 shared RAD loci from ddRADseq among 10 species. Phylogenetic trees based on shared SNP markers indicated similar patterns to most prior phylogenies based on other characteristics. The standard RADseq detected 677 species-specific SNP markers from the entire data set (seven species), while the ddRADseq retrieved 38 (among ten species). Furthermore, 37 such SNP markers were identified from ddRADseq data from a subset of four economically important species which are often involved in hybridization in aquaculture, and larger numbers of SNP markers distinguished between species pairs in this group. In summary, these SNPs are a valuable resource in further investigating hybridization and introgression in a range of captive and wild stocks of tilapias

    Body size, skeletal maturity and functional characteristics of elite academy soccer players on entry between 1992 and 2003

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    Secular changes in body size, estimated fatness, skeletal maturation, and functional characteristics of youth soccer players on entry into an elite academy between 1992 and 2003 were compared. Annual selections grouped across time (1992–1995, 1996–1998, 1999–2003), playing position (goalkeeper, defender, midfielder, forward), and by eventual status in the sport (professional, non-professional) were compared. Data for 158 players (age 13.4 ± 0.4 years) at entry into the academy included skeletal age (Greulich-Pyle method), height, weight, relative fatness, four field tests of functional capacities (aerobic, anaerobic, power, speed), and quadriceps concentric strength of the dominant and non-dominant legs. MANCOVA with age as the covariate and chi square were used for comparisons across years. With few exceptions (but notably estimated [Vdot]O2max), results for player size, functional characteristics, and skeletal maturation did not differ among years. Distributions of players by skeletal maturity status and within each playing position also did not differ between years. Although related research has suggested that the anthropometric characteristics of professional players and demands of contemporary professional soccer competition increased over this period, the size, maturity, and functional characteristics of youth players on entry to an elite academy and of graduates who eventually played soccer as professionals generally did not change across annual selections from 1992 to 2003. The results suggest a lack of change in selection philosophies and practices of coaches involved in recruiting players for the academy, which in turn is reflected in consistency of specific evaluation criteria employed over the decade considered

    An Integrated Mobile Application for Enhancing Management of Nutrition Information in Arusha Tanzania

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    Based on the fact that management of nutrition information is still a problem in many developing countries including Tanzania and nutrition information is only verbally provided without emphasis, this study proposes mobile application for enhancing management of nutrition information. The paper discusses the implementation of an integrated mobile application for enhancing management of nutrition information based on literature review and interviews, which were conducted in Arusha region for the collection of key information and details required for designing the mobile application. In this application, PHP technique has been used to build the application logic and MySQL technology for developing the back-end database. Using XML and Java, we have built an application interface that provides easy interactive view

    Investigation of a Compound Helicopter Flying the Depart and Abort Mission Task Element

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    The next generation of rotorcraft will have to satisfy the appropriate handling qualities requirements before entering service. Many of these vehicles will operate at significantly greater speeds than the conventional helicopter and will therefore have different capabilities than current helicopters. Due to the different capabilities of the compound helicopter, it is possible that new Mission Task Elements (MTEs) need to be developed to assess the handling qualities of this type of helicopter. It is also possible that existing MTEs may be suitable without modification. Overall, it seems necessary to review the US Army’s current handling qualities specification, ADS-33, and determine the suitability of the current MTEs for compound vehicles. The broad aim of the paper is to assess the performance of compound helicopter during manoeuvring flight. More specifically, a simulation study of a compound helicopter flying the Depart and Abort ADS-33 Mission Task Element. There are two objectives: firstly the capabilities of the compound vehicle is compared with those of a conventional helicopter, and secondly, the suitability of the current Depart and Abort MTE, for compound vehicles, is assessed. The results of the research study highlight the capability of compound helicopters in low speed acceleration manoeuvres. These results can be used to redefine low speed acceleration manoeuvres in the new update to the ADS-33 specification. The results also indicate some information about the potential design issues with the compound helicopter

    Intercity rail-passenger car ride quality test program

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    The Federal Railroad Administration's research and development program relating to intercity rail-passenger ride quality focuses on developing ride quality design criteria and specifications. The FRA ride quality test program and some of the techniques being used to analyze and evaluate the design criteria of the program are discussed
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