8 research outputs found

    JTeC: A Large Collection of Java Test Classes for Test Code Analysis and Processing

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    International audienceThe recent push towards test automation and test-driven development continues to scale up the dimensions of test code that needs to be maintained, analysed, and processed side-by-side with production code. As a consequence, on the one side regression testing techniques, e.g., for test suite prioritization or test case selection, capable to handle such large-scale test suites become indispensable; on the other side, as test code exposes own characteristics, specific techniques for its analysis and refactoring are actively sought. We present JTeC, a large-scale dataset of test cases that researchers can use for benchmarking the above techniques or any other type of tool expressly targeting test code. JTeC collects more than 2.5M test classes belonging to 31K+ GitHub projects and summing up to more than 430 Million SLOCs of ready-to-use real-world test code

    Improvement on label production software quality with test class standardization using XP technique

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    Label production software is an “in house” automation software which contains “Test Class” with the source code of function required by the customer and product engineer to support the testing and requirements of various type of products in Finisar. It is very important to make sure the release of label production software is bug and defect free, delivered on time without any delay to avoid any aging and shipment problem, meets requirements and expectations of user and customer, and good quality through reusability. This software quality able to be improved with test class standardization here means coordinate, and organize the functions in the source code of the test class as required by the users into one standard format where it can be reusable on various product types. Current label production software contains unstable test classes with duplication functions, hard coded data and unable to be reused on various products testing which causes problem in testing of any new products with new requirement and affect the quality of the software. By studying further on the problem it is known that the test class developed though process flow diagram need to be improved first in order to develop standardize test classes. In this study it is proposed to use agile technique “Extreme Programming (XP)”. This XP technique will be implemented in the existing process flow diagram as it is able to support each of the steps required from test software request to develop test classes until testing and release of final version to production floor. By implementing XP into the existing process flow diagram it will be helpful in developing standardize test classes (STC). This STC will be measure for the reusability together with the release software version in order to prove the quality of the label production software quality is improved. In summary, label production software quality reusability can be improved with test class standardization through using the XP technique as proposed in process flow diagram

    Mittaustiedon hallintajärjestelmän laadunvarmistuksen parantaminen käyttäen ajonaikaista verifiointia

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    This thesis investigates business process oriented automatic testing for meter data management system. The purpose is to improve the quality assurance process for GENERIS meter data management system. The thesis identifies the most important processes of GENERIS meter data management system based on laws, regulations and guidelines. The most important of the identified processes are described as business process modelling notation diagrams that can be used for test design. The thesis investigates feasibility of a new Quality Manager testing framework. The feasibility is analyzed by implementing a test case for market messaging process using the new framework. In addition, the feasibility of a virtual time management functionality for testing is analyzed. The new framework is also compared to an existing test automation tool. The effects of the new framework on a general software quality assurance process are analyzed. Case examples how the implemented test case improves the quality of the system are also presented. It is established that the new framework is feasible for testing even though the test development consumes significantly more resources than with the old tool. On the other hand, the test scripts developed with the new framework require less maintenance and are more versatile.Tässä opinnäytetyössä tutkitaan liiketoimintaprosessilähtöistä mittaustiedon hallintajärjestelmän automaattista testausta. Työn tarkoituksena on parantaa GENERISmittaustiedonhallintajärjestelmän laadunvarmistusprosessia. Työssä määritellään GENERIS-mittaustiedon hallintajärjestelmän tärkeimmän prosessit lakien, asetusten ja ohjeiden perusteella. Tärkeimmät tunnistetut prosessit on kuvattu bisnesprosessien mallinnuskaavioilla, joita voidaan käyttää testisuunnittelun pohjana. Työssä tutkitaan uuden Quality Manager -testikehyksen soveltuvuutta. Soveltuvuutta tutkitaan toteuttamalla automaattinen testitapaus markkinaviestinnän prosessille. Lisäksi analysoidaan testikehyksessä olevan virtuaalisen ajan hallinnan soveltuvuutta testaukseen. Uutta testikehystä verrataan myös soveltuvin osin vanhempaan testiautomaatiotyökaluun. Uuden testikehyksen vaikutuksia yleiseen laadunvarmistusprosessiin analysoidaan. Lisäksi esitetään konkreettisia esimerkkejä, kuinka kehitetty testitapaus parantaa tuotteen laatua. Testikehys näyttää olevan käyttökelpoinen työkalu, joskin testin kehittäminen vaatii huomattavasti enemmän resursseja vanhaan työkaluun verrattuna. Toisaalta uudella kehyksellä toteutetut testit vaativat vähemmän ylläpitoa ja ovat monipuolisempia

    Developing, Verifying, and Maintaining High-Quality Automated Test Scripts

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    Evolution and Fragility of Mobile Automated Test Suites

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    Simulation combined model-based testing method for train control systems

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    A Train Control System (TCS) is utilised to guard the operational safety of the trains in railway systems. Therefore, functional testing is applied to verify consistency between the TCS and specification requirements. Traditional functional testing in TCSs is mainly based on manually designed test cases, which is becoming unsuitable for testing increasingly complex TCSs. Therefore, Model-Based Testing (MBT) methods have been introduced into TCS functional testing, to improve the efficiency and coverage of TCS testing, with application difficulties. To overcome the difficulties of applying MBT methods to test TCSs, the author introduces simulation combined MBT which combines an MBT method with simulation. Modelling method and implementation method for the proposed approach were explained in detail. Two case studies were undertaken to explore the effectiveness of the testing platform developed. The testing results obtained prove that the testing platform can be utilised to implement the functional testing of TCSs. To prove that the MBT platform is effective in detecting errors in the SUT, validation and verification was undertaken, which include validation of specification requirements and verification of the MBT platform. The testing performance is proven to be better than existing MBT methods in terms of coverage and efficiency