370 research outputs found

    An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Proposed Solutions through the Deterrent Theory

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    The main objectives of this study were: To examine the antecedents and consequences of overtourism. To assess the effectiveness of deterrent mechanisms employed by tourism destinations. To identify the role of consumers’ prior knowledge on their tourism behavior. Overtourism is a growing problem in European cities due to the uncontrolled development and poor management of the tourism industry. These factors have led to a multitude of negative outcomes for key stakeholders in the industry, but especially destinations and their residents. This bachelor’s thesis discusses the existing literature on overtourism in Europe through a comprehensive literature review and overviews a study conducted for reducing the phenomenon. The literature review encompasses both previous research on overtourism and related concepts, and the theoretical grounding of the deterrent theory and prior knowledge research. The study was conducted with consideration of the deterrent theory. Three tourism deterrents were selected and developed to be tested for their effectiveness in reducing tourism intention. Studies of the impact of prior knowledge were also consulted and included as a factor in the study to attempt to identify its role in tourism intention. The study aimed to complement previous research on overtourism by providing concrete solutions to the phenomenon. The study conducted for this thesis concluded that three deterrent mechanisms are effective in reducing tourism intention and therefore may reduce overtourism levels in destinations which implement them. These three deterrent mechanisms included: •The introduction of a lottery system for entrance to popular locations, •the introduction of a tourist-tax on applicable products and services •and the branding of destinations for special interest tourists (SIT). These deterrent mechanisms were found to be significantly effective both against no deterrent and individually significant with varying effectiveness. Also concluded was that prior knowledge of had no significant effect on the effectiveness of the deterrent mechanism. These conclusions provide useful information and tools for destinations facing overtourism

    A New Reading of Kant\u27s Theory of Punishment

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    There are deep, insurmountable difficulties with the traditional interpretation of Immanuel Kantâ??s writings on the subject of punishment. Although it is undeniable that throughout his published writings on practical philosophy â?? and in particular in his Metaphysics of Morals â?? he consistently advocates for the view that punishment can only be justified as a direct response to an individualâ??s act of wrongdoing, his status as one of the foremost theorists in the retributivist pantheon is philosophically untenable. In this dissertation, I articulate the ways in which Kantâ??s explicit support for retributivism directly contradicts more foundational elements of his practical philosophy and argue instead that he has the resources to consistently construct a deterrent theory of punishment. In particular, I highlight Kantâ??s division of duties and his conception of the state to demonstrate that the idea of a political community retributively responding to moral desert is wholly incompatible with Kantian principles. In order to overcome these obstacles, I develop a new approach to Kantian deterrence â?? which I call Kantian Protective Deterrence â?? that grounds the stateâ??s right to exercise coercive force against its citizens in what Kant understood to be its fundamental role of protecting each individual citizen from violations of her or his right to exercise external freedoms

    State\u27s Authority to Punish Crime

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    Pemberian Remisi terhadap Narapidana Koruptor dan Teroris

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    Having been qualified as extraordinary crimes, punishment against corruption and terrorism crimes should be severe and maximum. The Indonesian correctional system recognises remission as prisoner's rights. The retaliation/deterrent theory has been abandoned and forgotten in many countries, including Indonesia, for it is deemed to be contravening humanity values. Penghukuman terhadap tindak pidana korupsi dan terorisme sebagai extraordinary crime, seharusnya dilakukan penjatuhan hukuman maksimum. Sistem pemasyarakatan di Indonesia menempatkan remisi menjadi hak semua narapidana. Teori absolut (pembalasan/penjeraan) sudah lama ditinggalkan negara-negara di dunia, termasuk Indonesia, karena dianggap tidak sesuai dengan perikemanusiaan

    Criminalizing Demand and Supply Side of Bribery in India Under Prevention of Corruption Amendment Act, 2018: Effective Deterrent of Corruption: A Critical Analysis

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    Corruption, the phenomenon, has now become a legal quagmire, as it has imbibed itself, in almost all the engaging sectors in India. The crime of corruption does not only undermine public morale, but also it corrodes the economic development of a country.  From the corporate scams to the public sector corruption, the present scenario depicts proliferation of corruption, which urges for an effective anti-corruption law regime. In India, one of the main enactments which combats corruption is the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988, which has undergone a radical change, by its Amendment Act, 2018. Some of the salient features of this Prevention of Corruption Amendment Act, 2018, are very prominent, as it now provides for punitive measures for both bribe givers and takers including commercial organizations.  This paper scrutinizes the current scenario and makes a critical analysis on the points that whether the penalizing provisions enacted for the bribe-givers in the new Amendment Act, 2018, ipso facto, acts as an effective deterrent factor, against corruption and whether the rigmarole of drafting and enacting the new provisions for bribe-givers in the Amendment Act, will act as positive catalyst in revamping the abysmal situation of corruption scenario in India.  This paper aims on evaluating the effect of criminalization of the demand and supply side of bribe, in the light of the new Amendment Act, 2018, by utilizing the deterrent theory of punishment. This paper puts under microscope the conditional immunity granted to bribe givers under the new Amendment, in the scenario of system corruption, where corruption is not an aberration, but has evolved as a norm. Lastly, this paper provides some suggestions to ameliorate the current scenario. &nbsp

    A Comprehensive Study of Theories of Punishment in The Indian Context

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    Crime is an act deemed by law to be harmful for society as a whole though its immediate victim may be an individual. Sutherland and Cressey have mentioned two essential ideas while defining the concept of punishment. Firstly, it is inflicted by the group in its corporate capacity upon one who is regarded as a member of the same group. War is not punishment for in war the action is directed against foreigners. Secondly, it involves pain or suffering produced by design and justified by some value that the suffering is assumed to have. Punishing is primarily the responsibility of the Civil State. Due to change in social values, cultures and beliefs, the types of punishments offered need to be modified and altered. A criminal can be treated as a nuisance or a rival or a patient or a rebellious child. Reformatory theory of punishment got rooted with the passage of time and inclines towards individualised treatment of criminals. This might aid in better reintegration and erase the penal stigma. This theory believes that punishment is not an end in itself but only a means, the end being rehabilitation of the offender in society. New agencies like parole and probation are excellent measures to retrieve offenders to society as rehabilitated persons. This research paper elaborates on the evolution of different theories of punishment in India with a special focus on the measures adopted under the reformative theory of punishment. It also analyses the effect of general substitution of reformation for deterrence, on the Indian offenders. There is a need to address if a reformative approach can be adopted for all types of offenders

    A Review of Disciplinary Interventions in K12 Public Education

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    As a part of the Achieving Racial Equity in School Disciplinary Policies and Practices study from the Metropolitan Educational Research Consortium, this literature brief offers an overview of school discipline interventions in K12 public education. This includes more punitive models that have been used in the past that have contributed to racial disparities in discipline outcomes, including corporal punishment and zero-tolerance policies. Additionally, this brief offers an overview of four prominent alternative approaches to school discipline: Trauma Informed Care, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, Culturally Responsive Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, and Restorative Practices. The literature brief offers the history, theory of action, and evidence of effectiveness for each alternative discipline approach and offers a discussion of how to effectively implement them in schools. Implications for the Commonwealth of Virginia are discussed throughout the brief

    Examining the Effects of Cultural Dimensions on Deviant IS Use Behaviour in a Developing Economy Context

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    Information System (IS) tools and applications create opportunities for a positive digital change to all individuals and organizations in the global workplace to improve competitiveness and quality of work life. Recent studies have shown that the most problematic areas in IS security incidences are people-related factors. In this regard, employees are causing IS security risks and vulnerabilities as they use those resources, especially by exercising their legitimate and lawful rights, mainly because people are the weakest link on IS security matters. On the one hand, the effects of organizational sanctions are not always effective due to socio-cultural variabilities, and so far they have not been able to fully defend employee related IS misuse or misconduct. On the other hand, the use of neutralization techniques supports individuals to justify their deviant actions, but differently to people in different socio-cultural bases. To examine such a problem, therefore, culture as a moderator, criminological constructs and level of employees’ awareness to IS security as independent variables are employed to explain IS misuse intention in unison are proposed through a comprehensive conceptual research model. A positivist research paradigm using a cross-sectional quantitative survey data collection approach will be adapted to help empirically test the model. To validate the model and its constructs, the study will apply SEM-PLS data analysis techniques using Smart-PLS and SPSS with Amos. Finally, this study in progress discusses the potential practical and theoretical contributions and plans to provide scientific evidence based on its findings

    Book Reviews

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