362,504 research outputs found


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    This study is intended to determine the characteristics, impact and state of the practice of feed-forward in software engineering; in particular, in the fields of Requirements Engineering (RE) and Software Architecting (SA). Feed-forward is used in many domains such as systems engineering, neural networks, management and psychotherapy. However, in software engineering, especially in RE and SA, the concept of feed-forward is not well researched. For example, what are the characteristics of feed-forward information? What effect does feed-forward information have on architectural artefacts and software project aspects such as cost, quality, time, etc.? What is the current state of practice of feed-forward? A knowledge seeking empirical investigation including an industrial survey and an embedded case study with four projects as four units of analysis were carried out based on these questions. The overall findings ofthis study show that the most common types of information that are fed-forward consistently are requirements and architectural information. This information affects a multitude of aspects of a software project (such as time, cost and quality) and influences several architectural artefacts (such as tactics, patterns and decisions). The results also show that approximately 20% of software professionals have never, or rarely, practiced feed­ forward in their organizations. On the other hand, approximately 66% of software professionals practice feed-forward in their organization in varying levels (“sometimes”, “most of the time”, “always”). 64% of software professionals find feed-forward to be useful for their organization and 4% thought that feed-forward would not be useful, citing reasons such as information overload and lack of motivation. From a researcher’s perspective, determining the properties of feed-forward could provide ground work for doing further research on feed-forward such as: the practice of feed-forward in the other areas of software engineering and the comparison of feedback and feed-forward in software engineerin

    A Survey on Usage and Diffusion of Project Risk Management Techniques and Software Tools in the Construction Industry

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    The area of Project Risk Management (PRM) has been extensively researched, and the utilization of various tools and techniques for managing risk in several industries has been sufficiently reported. Formal and systematic PRM practices have been made available for the construction industry. Based on such body of knowledge, this paper tries to find out the global picture of PRM practices and approaches with the help of a survey to look into the usage of PRM techniques and diffusion of software tools, their level of maturity, and their usefulness in the construction sector. Results show that, despite existing techniques and tools, their usage is limited: software tools are used only by a minority of respondents and their cost is one of the largest hurdles in adoption. Finally, the paper provides some important guidelines for future research regarding quantitative risk analysis techniques and suggestions for PRM software tools development and improvemen

    An Overview of Economic Approaches to Information Security Management

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    The increasing concerns of clients, particularly in online commerce, plus the impact of legislations on information security have compelled companies to put more resources in information security. As a result, senior managers in many organizations are now expressing a much greater interest in information security. However, the largest body of research related to preventing breaches is technical, focusing on such issues as encryption and access control. In contrast, research related to the economic aspects of information security is small but rapidly growing. The goal of this technical note is twofold: i) to provide the reader with an structured overview of the economic approaches to information security and ii) to identify potential research directions

    Looking for Reasons behind Success in Dealing with Requirements Change

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    During development, requirements of software systems are subject to change. Unfortunately, managing changing requirements can take a lot of time and effort. Yet some companies show a better management of changes in requirements than others. Why? What is it that makes some projects deal with changing requirements better than others? We pursue the long term goal of understanding the mechanisms used to successfully deal with change in requirements. In this paper we gather knowledge about the state-of-the-art and the state-of-practice. We studied eight software development projects in four different companies --large and small, inclined toward structured and toward agile principles of development--, interviewing their project managers and analyzing their answers. Our findings include a list of practical (rather than theoretical) factors affecting the ability to cope with small changes in requirements. Results suggest a central role of size as a factor determining the flexibility showed either by the organization or by the software development team. We report the research method used and validate our results via expert interviews, who could relate to our findings

    Software Sustainability: The Modern Tower of Babel

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    <p>The aim of this paper is to explore the emerging definitions of software sustainability from the field of software engineering in order to contribute to the question, what is software sustainability?</p

    Is it time to rethink project success?

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    The notion of success and failure in software projects are confusing. Failure is often considered in the context of the iron triangle as the inability to meet time, cost and performance constraints. Yet, while there is a consensus around the prevalence of project failure, new projects seem destined to repeat past mistakes. This paper tries to advance the discussion by offering a new perspective for reasoning about the meaning of success and the different types of software project failures. The paper advocates rising beyond the fixation with internal parameters of efficiency. It begins by discussing the limited insights from existing project failure surveys, before offering a four level model addressing the essence of successful delivery and operation in software projects and considering the different measures required in order to utilise richer measurements of success

    How reliable are systematic reviews in empirical software engineering?

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    BACKGROUND – the systematic review is becoming a more commonly employed research instrument in empirical software engineering. Before undue reliance is placed on the outcomes of such reviews it would seem useful to consider the robustness of the approach in this particular research context. OBJECTIVE – the aim of this study is to assess the reliability of systematic reviews as a research instrument. In particular we wish to investigate the consistency of process and the stability of outcomes. METHOD – we compare the results of two independent reviews under taken with a common research question. RESULTS – the two reviews find similar answers to the research question, although the means of arriving at those answers vary. CONCLUSIONS – in addressing a well-bounded research question, groups of researchers with similar domain experience can arrive at the same review outcomes, even though they may do so in different ways. This provides evidence that, in this context at least, the systematic review is a robust research method

    Understanding construction delay analysis and the role of pre-construction programming

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    Copyright © 2013, American Society of Civil Engineers. This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final published article is available from the link below.Modern construction projects commonly suffer from delay in their completions. The resolution of time and cost claims consequently flowing from such delays continues to remain a difficult undertaking for all project parties. A common approach often relied on by contractors and their employers (or their representatives) to resolve this matter involves applying various delay analysis techniques, which are all based on construction programs originally developed for managing the project. However, evidence from literature suggests that the reliability of these techniques in ensuring successful claims resolution are often undermined by the nature and quality of the underlying program used. As part of a wider research carried out on delay and disruption analysis in practice, this paper reports on an aspect of the study aimed at exploring preconstruction stage programming issues that affect delay claims resolutions. This aspect is based on an in-depth interview with experienced construction planning engineers in the United Kingdom, conducted after an initial large-scale survey on delay and disruption techniques usage. Summary of key findings and conclusions include: (1) most contractors prefer to use linked bar chart format for their baseline programs over conventional critical path method (CPM) networks; (2) baseline programs are developed using planning software packages. Some of these pose difficulties when employed for most delay analysis techniques, except for simpler ones; (3) manpower loading graphs are not commonly developed as part of the main deliverables during preconstruction stage planning. As a result, most programs are not subjected to resource loading and leveling for them to accurately reflect planned resource usage on site. This practice has detrimental effects on the reliability of baseline programs in their use for resolving delay claims; and (4) baseline program development involves many different experts within construction organizations as expected, but with very little involvement of the employer or its representative. Active client involvement is however quite important as it would facilitate quick program approval/acceptance before construction, a necessary requirement for early delay claims settlement, which otherwise are often left unresolved long after the delaying events with the potential of generating into expensive disputes. The study results provide a better understanding of the key issues that need attention if improvements are to be made in delay claim resolutions. Additional research focusing on the testing of these results using a much larger sample and rigorous statistical analysis for generalization purposes would be helpful in advancing the limited knowledge of this subject matter