49 research outputs found

    Defending Against Firmware Cyber Attacks on Safety-Critical Systems

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    In the past, it was not possible to update the underlying software in many industrial control devices. Engineering teams had to ‘rip and replace’ obsolete components. However, the ability to make firmware updates has provided significant benefits to the companies who use Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), switches, gateways and bridges as well as an array of smart sensor/actuators. These updates include security patches when vulnerabilities are identified in existing devices; they can be distributed by physical media but are increasingly downloaded over Internet connections. These mechanisms pose a growing threat to the cyber security of safety-critical applications, which are illustrated by recent attacks on safety-related infrastructures across the Ukraine. Subsequent sections explain how malware can be distributed within firmware updates. Even when attackers cannot reverse engineer the code necessary to disguise their attack, they can undermine a device by forcing it into a constant upload cycle where the firmware installation never terminates. In this paper, we present means of mitigating the risks of firmware attack on safety-critical systems as part of wider initiatives to secure national critical infrastructures. Technical solutions, including firmware hashing, must be augmented by organizational measures to secure the supply chain within individual plants, across companies and throughout safety-related industries

    Defending Against Firmware Cyber Attacks on Safety-Critical Systems

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    In the past, it was not possible to update the underlying software in many industrial control devices. Engineering teams had to “rip and replace” obsolete components. However, the ability to make firmware updates has provided significant benefits to companies who use Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), switches, gateways and bridges, as well as an array of smart sensor/actuators. While these updates — which include security patches when vulnerabilities are identified in existing devices — can be distributed by physical media, they are increasingly downloaded over Internet connections. These mechanisms pose a growing threat to the cyber security of safety-critical applications, which is illustrated by recent attacks on safety-related infrastructures across the Ukraine. This paper explains how malware can be distributed within firmware updates. Even when attackers cannot reverse engineer the code necessary to disguise their attack, they can undermine a device by forcing it into a constant upload cycle in which the firmware installation never terminates. In this paper, we present means of mitigating the risks of firmware attacks on safety-critical systems as part of wider initiatives to secure national critical infrastructures. Technical solutions, including firmware hashing, must be augmented by organizational measures to secure the supply chain within individual plants, across companies and throughout safety-related industries

    Open Source Law, Policy and Practice

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    This book examines various policies, including the legal and commercial aspects of the Open Source phenomenon. Here, ‘Open Source’ is adopted as convenient shorthand for a collection of diverse users and communities, whose differences can be as great as their similarities. The common thread is their reliance on, and use of, law and legal mechanisms to govern the source code they write, use, and distribute. The central fact of open source is that maintaining control over source code relies on the existence and efficacy of intellectual property (‘IP’) laws, particularly copyright law. Copyright law is the primary statutory tool that achieves the end of openness, although implemented through private law arrangements at varying points within the software supply chain. This dependent relationship is itself a cause of concern for some philosophically in favour of ‘open’, with some predicting (or hoping) that the free software movement will bring about the end of copyright as a means for protecting software

    Open Source Law, Policy and Practice

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    This book examines various policies, including the legal and commercial aspects of the Open Source phenomenon. Here, ‘Open Source’ is adopted as convenient shorthand for a collection of diverse users and communities, whose differences can be as great as their similarities. The common thread is their reliance on, and use of, law and legal mechanisms to govern the source code they write, use, and distribute. The central fact of open source is that maintaining control over source code relies on the existence and efficacy of intellectual property (‘IP’) laws, particularly copyright law. Copyright law is the primary statutory tool that achieves the end of openness, although implemented through private law arrangements at varying points within the software supply chain. This dependent relationship is itself a cause of concern for some philosophically in favour of ‘open’, with some predicting (or hoping) that the free software movement will bring about the end of copyright as a means for protecting software

    Computer Science Principles with C++

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    This textbook is intended to be used for a first course in computer science, such as the College Board’s Advanced Placement course known as AP Computer Science Principles (CSP). This book includes all the topics on the CSP exam, plus some additional topics. It takes a breadth-first approach, with an emphasis on the principles which form the foundation for hardware and software. No prior experience with programming should be required to use this book. This version of the book uses the C++ programming language.https://rdw.rowan.edu/oer/1025/thumbnail.jp

    Computer Science Principles with Python

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    This textbook is intended to be used for a first course in computer science, such as the College Board’s Advanced Placement course known as AP Computer Science Principles (CSP). This book includes all the topics on the CSP exam, plus some additional topics. It takes a breadth-first approach, with an emphasis on the principles which form the foundation for hardware and software. No prior experience with programming should be required to use this book. This version of the book uses the Python programming language.https://rdw.rowan.edu/oer/1024/thumbnail.jp

    Designing Data Spaces

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    This open access book provides a comprehensive view on data ecosystems and platform economics from methodical and technological foundations up to reports from practical implementations and applications in various industries. To this end, the book is structured in four parts: Part I “Foundations and Contexts” provides a general overview about building, running, and governing data spaces and an introduction to the IDS and GAIA-X projects. Part II “Data Space Technologies” subsequently details various implementation aspects of IDS and GAIA-X, including eg data usage control, the usage of blockchain technologies, or semantic data integration and interoperability. Next, Part III describes various “Use Cases and Data Ecosystems” from various application areas such as agriculture, healthcare, industry, energy, and mobility. Part IV eventually offers an overview of several “Solutions and Applications”, eg including products and experiences from companies like Google, SAP, Huawei, T-Systems, Innopay and many more. Overall, the book provides professionals in industry with an encompassing overview of the technological and economic aspects of data spaces, based on the International Data Spaces and Gaia-X initiatives. It presents implementations and business cases and gives an outlook to future developments. In doing so, it aims at proliferating the vision of a social data market economy based on data spaces which embrace trust and data sovereignty

    Computer Science Principles with Java

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    This textbook is intended to be used for a first course in computer science, such as the College Board’s Advanced Placement course known as AP Computer Science Principles (CSP). This book includes all the topics on the CSP exam, plus some additional topics. It takes a breadth-first approach, with an emphasis on the principles which form the foundation for hardware and software. No prior experience with programming should be required to use this book. This version of the book uses the Java programming language.https://rdw.rowan.edu/oer/1018/thumbnail.jp

    Heap Data Allocation to Scratch-Pad Memory in Embedded Systems

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    This thesis presents the first-ever compile-time method for allocating a portion of a program's dynamic data to scratch-pad memory. A scratch-pad is a fast directly addressed compiler-managed SRAM memory that replaces the hardware-managed cache. It is motivated by its better real-time guarantees vs cache and by its significantly lower overheads in access time, energy consumption, area and overall runtime. Dynamic data refers to all objects allocated at run-time in a program, as opposed to static data objects which are allocated at compile-time. Existing compiler methods for allocating data to scratch-pad are able to place only code, global and stack data (static data) in scratch-pad memory; heap and recursive-function objects(dynamic data) are allocated entirely in DRAM, resulting in poor performance for these dynamic data types. Runtime methods based on software caching can place data in scratch-pad, but because of their high overheads from software address translation, they have not been successful, especially for dynamic data. In this thesis we present a dynamic yet compiler-directed allocation method for dynamic data that for the first time, (i) is able to place a portion of the dynamic data in scratch-pad; (ii) has no software-caching tags; (iii) requires no run-time per-access extra address translation; and (iv) is able to move dynamic data back and forth between scratch-pad and DRAM to better track the program's locality characteristics. With our method, code, global, stack and heap variables can share the same scratch-pad. When compared to placing all dynamic data variables in DRAM and only static data in scratch-pad, our results show that our method reduces the average runtime of our benchmarks by 22.3%, and the average power consumption by 26.7%, for the same size of scratch-pad fixed at 5% of total data size. Significant savings in runtime and energy across a large number of benchmarks were also observed when compared against cache memory organizations, showing our method's success under constrained SRAM sizes when dealing with dynamic data. Lastly, our method is able to minimize the profile dependence issues which plague all similar allocation methods through careful analysis of static and dynamic profile information