4 research outputs found

    A sharpened version of the aanderaa-rosenberg conjecture

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    Wetensch. publicatieFaculteit der Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappe

    Lower bounds to randomized algorithms for graph properties

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    AbstractFor any property P on n-vertex graphs, let C(P) be the minimum number of edges needed to be examined by any decision tree algorithm for determining P. In 1975 Rivest and Vuillemin settled the Aanderra-Rosenberg Conjecture, proving that C(P)=Ω(n2) for every nontrivial monotone graph property P. An intriguing open question is whether the theorem remains true when randomized algorithms are allowed. In this paper we show that Ω(n(log n)112 edges need to be examined by any randomized algorithm for determining any nontrivial monotone graph property

    Decision Tree Complexity versus Block Sensitivity and Degree

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    Relations between the decision tree complexity and various other complexity measures of Boolean functions is a thriving topic of research in computational complexity. It is known that decision tree complexity is bounded above by the cube of block sensitivity, and the cube of polynomial degree. However, the widest separation between decision tree complexity and each of block sensitivity and degree that is witnessed by known Boolean functions is quadratic. In this work, we investigate the tightness of the existing cubic upper bounds. We improve the cubic upper bounds for many interesting classes of Boolean functions. We show that for graph properties and for functions with a constant number of alternations, both of the cubic upper bounds can be improved to quadratic. We define a class of Boolean functions, which we call the zebra functions, that comprises Boolean functions where each monotone path from 0^n to 1^n has an equal number of alternations. This class contains the symmetric and monotone functions as its subclasses. We show that for any zebra function, decision tree complexity is at most the square of block sensitivity, and certificate complexity is at most the square of degree. Finally, we show using a lifting theorem of communication complexity by G{\"{o}}{\"{o}}s, Pitassi and Watson that the task of proving an improved upper bound on the decision tree complexity for all functions is in a sense equivalent to the potentially easier task of proving a similar upper bound on communication complexity for each bi-partition of the input variables, for all functions. In particular, this implies that to bound the decision tree complexity it suffices to bound smaller measures like parity decision tree complexity, subcube decision tree complexity and decision tree rank, that are defined in terms of models that can be efficiently simulated by communication protocols

    Evasiveness of Graph Properties and Topological Fixed-Point Theorems

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    Many graph properties (e.g., connectedness, containing a complete subgraph) are known to be difficult to check. In a decision-tree model, the cost of an algorithm is measured by the number of edges in the graph that it queries. R. Karp conjectured in the early 1970s that all monotone graph properties are evasive -- that is, any algorithm which computes a monotone graph property must check all edges in the worst case. This conjecture is unproven, but a lot of progress has been made. Starting with the work of Kahn, Saks, and Sturtevant in 1984, topological methods have been applied to prove partial results on the Karp conjecture. This text is a tutorial on these topological methods. I give a fully self-contained account of the central proofs from the paper of Kahn, Saks, and Sturtevant, with no prior knowledge of topology assumed. I also briefly survey some of the more recent results on evasiveness.Comment: Book version, 92 page