11 research outputs found

    Determination of dimensionality of the psychosocial risk assessment of internal, individual, double presence and external factors in work environments

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    In the present work, the dimensions of the psychosocial risk assessment instrument are defined considering internal, individual, double presence and external factors for work environments. Those corresponding to internal, individual and double presence factors are not subject to a process of validation of content since they come from the ISTAS 21 model validated by the Trade Union Institute of Labor, Environment and Health of Spain. The variables corresponding to external factors are obtained from the Social Determinants of Health Model of the World Health Organization. These measurement tools are used for companies with a high number of workers, so a large amount of data is generated. The construct validity of the external factors is carried out by calculating the sample adequacy measure of Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin together with the Bartlett sphericity test and the communalities analysis. Of the internal and individual variables there are twenty dimensions and of the external variables, are reduced to 14

    Diabetes diagnostic prediction using vector support machines

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    The most important factors for the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus (DM) are age, body mass index (BMI) and blood glucose concentration. Diagnosis of DM by a doctor is complicated, because several factors are involved in the disease, and the diagnosis is subject to human error. A blood test does not provide enough information to make a correct diagnosis of the disease. A vector support machine (SVM) was implemented to predict the diagnosis of DM based on the factors mentioned in patients. The classes of the output variable are three: without diabetes, with a predisposition to diabetes and with diabetes. An SVM was obtained with an accuracy of 99.2% with Colombian patients and an accuracy of 65.6% with a data set of patients of a different ethnic background

    Environmental indicators through artificial neural networks

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    Indicators are the most important management tool for environmental monitoring. Environmental indicators condense the information and simplify the approach to environmental phenomena, which are often complex, and makes them very useful for communication. The usefulness of these indicators consists of providing relevant information, summarized in the form of concise and illustrative statements for decision making, both for the organization's management and for the rest of the members. The prediction of limit values, together with the potentialities offered by the recommendation system based on ontology make this system a powerful tool for supporting decision-making in the Environmental Management process with a wide possibility of generalization in the business sector

    Using Big Data to determine potential dropouts in higher education

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    In higher education, student dropout is a relevant problem, not just in Latin America but also in developed countries. Although there is no consensus to measure the education quality, one of the important indicators of university success is the time to graduation (TTG), which is directly related to student dropout [1]. Global estimates put this dropout rate at 42% [2]. In the United States, this rate is around 30% and represents a loss of 9 billion dollars in the education of these students [3]. However, desertion not only affects the quality of education and the economy of a country, but also has effects on the development of society, since society demands the contributions derived from the population with higher education such as: innovation, knowledge production and scientific discovery [4]. Using basic statistical learning techniques, this paper presents a simple way to predict possible dropouts based on their demographic and academic characteristics

    Retraction: using Big Data to determine potential dropouts in higher education

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    In higher education, student dropout is a relevant problem, not just in Latin America but also in developed countries. Although there is no consensus to measure the education quality, one of the important indicators of university success is the time to graduation (TTG), which is directly related to student dropout [1]. Global estimates put this dropout rate at 42% [2]. In the United States, this rate is around 30% and represents a loss of 9 billion dollars in the education of these students [3]. However, desertion not only affects the quality of education and the economy of a country, but also has effects on the development of society, since society demands the contributions derived from the population with higher education such as: innovation, knowledge production and scientific discovery [4]. Using basic statistical learning techniques, this paper presents a simple way to predict possible dropouts based on their demographic and academic characteristics

    Enrichment of metabolic routes through Big Data

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    The Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) Pathway is a database that contains a graphical representation of cellular processes. Cellular processes are basic systems involving biochemical reactions at the cellular level such as transport, catabolism, metabolism, growth and cell death. The KEGG Pathway information is shown through the use of graphs, in which the molecular interactions between genes, processes and chemical compounds are represented. This paper proposes to perform Data Analytics using the Big Data Analytics Life Cycle methodology to enrich the metabolic pathways of the KEGG Pathway database by applying the Target Fishing technique

    Seguridad y salud en el trabajo

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    Las actividades productivas presentan riesgos operacionales que pueden ser causa de bajas en la productividad, por accidentes, enfermedades laborales, incendios, explosiones, etc. Por esto es necesario que el Ingeniero conozca los fundamentos sobre la, identificación de peligros, evaluación de riesgos, control de los riesgos operativos, diferentes métodos de inspección y análisis de ellos. Así como las normas y códigos que establecen estándares. El establecimiento de medidas de prevención y protección al igual que todos los requisitos que permiten desarrollar y acreditar el sistema de gestión de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo y todo lo que propenda por la seguridad y salud de partes interesada en el entorno laboral

    Salud y medicina preventiva

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    Las actividades productivas presentan riesgos operacionales que pueden ser causa de bajas en la productividad, por accidentes y enfermedades laborales. El establecimiento de medidas de prevención, promoción y control son fundamentales y para ello es necesario conocer cuáles son las condiciones físicas, orgánicas y cognitivas del individuo frente a las actividades que desempeña, reconocer las consecuencias a corto y largo plazo, reconocer las condiciones de salud del empleado en tres etapas importantes como son: condiciones de ingreso, de control y las de egreso de tal forma que se garantice la salud y bienestar de todos los empleados en la organización

    Data mining applied in school dropout prediction

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    In recent years, many studies have emerged about regarding the topic of school failure, showing a growing interest in determining the multiple factors that may influence it [1]. Most of the researches that attempt to solve this issue [2] are focused on determining the factors that most affect the performance of students (dropout and failure) at the different educational levels (basic, middle and higher education) through the use of the large amount of information that current computer equipment allows to store in databases. All these data constitute a real gold mine of valuable information about students. But, identifying and finding useful and hidden information in large databases is a difficult task [3]. A very promising solution to achieve this goal is the use of knowledge mining techniques or data mining in education, which has resulted in so-called Educational Data Mining (EDM) [4]. This new area of research is concerned with the development of methods for exploring data in education, as well as the use of these methods to better understand students and the contexts where they learn [5]

    Despido indirecto en el marco del contrato de trabajo en Colombia

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    The present investigation is directed to establish the conditions that must be fulfilled so that a dismissal is considered as indirect and its implications within the labor market. Authors define the indirect dismissal as "the termination of the work contract, decided by the worker, observing the procedure that the law indicates, motivated because the employer incurred cause of expiration of contract that is imputable, which entitles the worker so that the court orders the payment of the substitution compensation of the previous notice and of the years of service with more legal surcharges (Thayer and Novoa, 1998). Hence, the Substantive Labor Code enshrines this legal concept in Article 64 numeral 2, the code, jurisprudence and doctrine are fundamental sources for this legal research which is purely qualitative. Another important factor is the unemployment figures of the country according to the DNP (2018), which was 9.4% in March 2018; for March 2017 it was 9.7%, which means that 130 thousand more people were employed in March 2018. The employed population was 22 million 62 thousand people in March 2018, the highest level for this month since there is comparable figures (2001. The above allows us to show the current status of the employability and labor linkage situation in Colombia, which is directly related to the constant termination of employment contracts using all kinds of arguments from employers to dissolve the bonds and save the indemnities contained in the Law. Through this work we seek to analyze the necessary elements within the indirect dismissal treatment based on the fact that the norms under study leave the worker in a situation of vulnerability from the level of descriptive research where the characteristics and requirements that must be met are specified so that a dismissal is considered as indirect in the Colombian legal legislation. We must also mention the direction to characterize the relationship between the figure under study and workplace harassment, which bring together some common elements, which are studied thoroughly within the body of work. The considerations of the norms object of study take to raise the characteristics within which the investigation should be developed, within the frame of the social reality in direct opposition of the regulating norms of the indirect termination of the work contract The considerations of the few existent normative dispositions and the study of the positions of the doctrine with respect to the research subject, it is sought to specify the properties, the characteristics of the submitted figure which is framed in the level of descriptive investigation, all this leads to conduct a study under the descriptive level of the characteristics that support the indirect termination of the employment contract, its applicability, the application process within our legal system and the alleged legal gap.La presente investigación está direccionada a establecer las condiciones que deben cumplirse para que un despido se considere como indirecto y sus implicaciones dentro del mercado laboral. Autores definen el despido indirecto como “el término del contrato de trabajo, decidido por el trabajador, observando el procedimiento que la ley le señala, motivado porque el empleador incurrió en causal de caducidad de contrato que le es imputable, lo que da derecho al trabajador para que el tribunal ordene el pago de la indemnización sustitutiva del aviso previo y de la por años de servicio con más los recargos legales (Thayer y Novoa, 1998). De ahí que, el Código Sustantivo del Trabajo consagra esta figura jurídica en su artículo 64 numeral 2, siendo el código, la jurisprudencia y la doctrina fuentes fundamentales para esta investigación jurídica la cual es de enfoque netamente cualitativo. Otro factor importante, son las cifras del desempleo del país según el DNP (2018), la cual fue 9,4% en marzo de 2018; para marzo de 2017 fue 9,7%, lo que quiere decir que 130 mil personas más estaban ocupadas en marzo de 2018. La población ocupada fue 22 millones 62 mil personas en marzo de 2018, el nivel más alto para este mes desde que hay cifras comparables (2001. Lo anterior permite evidenciar el estado actual de la situación de empleabilidad y vinculación laboral de Colombia lo que va directamente relacionado a las constantes terminaciones de contratos de trabajo utilizando todo tipo argumento por parte de los empleadores para disolver los vínculos y ahorrarse las indemnizaciones contenidas en la Ley. Por medio del presente trabajo se busca analizar los elementos necesarios dentro del tratamiento de despido indirecto partiendo de que las normas objeto de estudio dejan al trabajador en situación de desprotección desde el nivel de investigación descriptivo donde se especifican las características y requisitos que deben cumplirse para que un despido se considere como indirecto en la legislación jurídica colombiana. Hay que mencionar, además, la dirección hacia caracterizar la relación entre la figura objeto de estudio y el acoso laboral, que reúnen algunos elementos en común, los cuales se estudian minuciosamente dentro del cuerpo del trabajo. Las consideraciones de las normas objeto de estudio llevan a plantear las características dentro de las cuales se debería desenvolver la investigación, dentro del marco de la realidad social en contraposición directa de las normas reguladoras de la terminación indirecta del contrato de trabajo Las consideraciones de las pocas disposiciones normativas existes y el estudio de las posiciones de la doctrina respecto al tema de investigación, se busca especificar las propiedades, las características de la figura sometida lo que se enmarca en el nivel de investigación descriptiva, todo esto conlleva a realizar un estudio bajo el nivel descriptivo de las características que fundamentan de la terminación indirecta del contrato de trabajo, su aplicabilidad, el proceso de aplicación dentro de nuestro ordenamiento jurídico y la presunta laguna legal