726 research outputs found

    A groupware tool to facilitate caregiving for home-dwelling frail older persons in the Netherlands: mixed-methods study

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    Background: Collaboration among informal and formal caregivers in a mixed care network of home-dwelling elderly may benefit from using a groupware app for digital networked communication (DNC). Objective: This study aimed to describe and explain differences in the use and evaluation of a DNC app by members of the care network and to come up with a list of conditions that facilitate (or restrict) the implementation of a DNC app by a home care organization. Methods: A pilot study collected information on digital communication in 7 care networks of clients of a home care organization in the Netherlands. Semistructured interviews with 4 care recipients, 7 informal carers (of which 3 spoke on behalf of the care receiver as well on account of receivers’ suffering from dementia), 3 district nurses, 5 auxiliary nurses, and 3 managers were conducted 3 times in a period of 6 months. In addition, we observed relevant workshops initiated by the home care organization and studied log-in data created by the users of the DNC app. Results: The qualitative data and the monthly retrieved quantitative log-in data revealed 3 types of digital care networks: arranging the care network, discuss the care network, and staying connected network. Differences between network types were attributed to health impairment and digital illiteracy of the care recipients, motivation of informal caregivers, and commitment of formal caregivers. The easy availability of up-to-date information, the ability to promote a sense of safety for the carers, and short communication lines in case of complex care situations were positively evaluated. Conclusions: It is concluded that digital communication is beneficial for organizing and discussing the care within a care network. More research is needed to study its impact on care burden of informal carers, on quality of care, and on quality of life of home-dwelling frail older adults

    A Framework for Evaluating Technology-Mediated Collaborative Workflow

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    The adoption of new technology into collaborative workflows has permeated every aspect of our personal and professional lives with the promise of performing work processes more efficiently and with greater capability. The continued rise of ubiquitous computing and heightened need for collaborative features suggest that a view of enabling technologies in a workflow should include the physical computing infrastructure, the collaborative interaction between humans and computers, and the informatics (i.e., collection and representation of data within the workflow). The development and integration of technology for collaborative workflows introduces many variables that are of great concern to companies, organization, and individuals. These variables include the costs of development, the switching cost associated with migrating from the current workflow to the technology-enhanced workflow, and details of how the technology-mediated workflow functions compare to the current workflow functions. There is, however, no consistent, generalizable approach to evaluate and compare an existing workflow with the enhanced technology-mediated workflow in a manner that identifies improvements and barriers in replicable qualitative and quantitative measures. In order to develop such a consistent, generalizable approach, this research investigates what necessary set of cross-disciplinary metrics and methodology is required to effectively evaluate technology-mediated collaborative workflow through an analysis of related works from four disciplines (Social Sciences, Organization and Behavioral Management, Industrial Engineering, and Human-Computer Interaction). The research introduces the Collaborative Space – Analysis Framework (CS-AF), a cross-disciplinary model and methodology designed to evaluate and compare collaborative workflows. The research includes testing the CS-AF model using two diverse empirical studies designed to evaluate a current-state workflow, compared to a technology-mediated workflow on five key collaborative areas (Context, Technology, Process, Attitude and Behavior, and Outcomes). The research incorporates the CS-AF model and methodology to test the effectiveness of the approach for capturing and analyzing essential quantitative and qualitative parameters of the collaborative workflows. The second empirical study tested hypertensive patients currently involved in clinical maintenance with regular outpatient monitoring. The test included 50 hypertension patients, selected based on matched-pairs for age and gender to test the workflow model in a 3-week trial. All participants were tested on an existing workflow (current-state), then the population was randomly split within pairs. The matched-pairs were assigned to one of two alternative workflows: 25 patients were introduced to a manual hypertension self-exam workflow (control group), and their matched-pair counterparts were introduced to technology-mediated hypertension self-exam workflow. All participants were tested on the existing workflow (current-state), followed by the introduction of an alternate workflow, and then tested a second time (pre-/ post-) with the same CS-AF procedure. The study incorporated the research findings from these two tests and a comparison between the workflows introduced using the CS-AF metrics. Findings from the two diverse empirical studies using the CS-AF (Graphic Communications sales order process, and Health Information Technology hypertension exam workflow) indicate that technology-mediated workflows do improve collaborative performance; however, adoption is not as pronounced as hypothesized. The research findings indicate that the lack of acceptance is due to non-technology factors, such as attitude and behavior, which play a significant role in adoption and need similar attention as technology innovation to drive true adoption and ultimately better collaborative performance. The research findings also indicate that the effectiveness of the CS-AF may have potential as a generalizable approach for evaluating technology-mediated collaborative workflow in a variety of unique domains

    ALT-C 2010 - Conference Proceedings

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    Evaluating groupware usability at the cognitive level of human action

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    Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Engenharia Informática), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2010This dissertation explores the importance of the cognitive level of human action in the evaluation and improvement of groupware usability. This research is motivated by the problem that current methods focus on the rational and social levels of human action and yet an increasing number of users relies on computers to fulfil collaborative tasks dominated by perceptual, cognitive, and motor skill. The first contribution of this research is a groupware interface model that leverages existing knowledge on cognitive-level behaviour with single-user interfaces by expanding its application to multi-user interfaces. To do this, I show that the key differences between users interacting with the computer and interacting with other users through the computer can be supported by specialised groupware information flows and input/output devices. The second contribution of this dissertation is a pair of methods for predicting groupware usability at the cognitive level of human action. The first method applies to scenarios of collaboration occurring routinely in shared workspaces. The second aims at capturing the intertwined nature of mixed-focus collaboration, encompassing shared and private workspaces. I use the methods to evaluate and compare the usability of competing designs in four scenarios of collaboration. The methods do not require user testing or functioning prototypes, so they can be integrated into the iterative process of interactive systems design. The third contribution of this research is the evaluation of an attentive electronic brainstorming tool, which implements a novel attentive device that adjusts the delivery of group awareness information according to users’ natural task switching between doing individual work and attending to the group. I present results from a laboratory experiment, which indicate that groups produced 9.6% more ideas when compared to the immediate broadcast of ideas and provide evidence suggesting that the usability improvement was due to the mitigation of information overload.Esta dissertação explora a importância do nível cognitivo da actividade humana, no qual as tarefas demoram segundos a realizar e são tipicamente repetitivas, na avaliação e melhoria da usabilidade de sistemas de trabalho cooperativo suportado por computador, também designados por groupware. Estes sistemas de computadores permitem que grupos de interesse, como amigos e colegas, possam partilhar e organizar actividades de forma flexível e económica, onde o tempo e a distância deixam de ser obstáculos à colaboração. Alguns exemplos de groupware incluem os mensageiros instantâneos, usados por centenas de milhões de pessoas no mundo inteiro, os jogos multi-utilizador, que já atingiram cerca de dezasseis milhões de jogadores, bem como uma gama cada vez mais alargada de aplicações de escritório que estão a ser disponibilizadas na Internet. Com base nesta evidência, uma assumpção desta dissertação é que os sistemas de groupware estão a ficar cada vez mais ubíquos. O problema abordado nesta investigação é que os métodos actuais de avaliação da usabilidade de groupware omitem o nível cognitivo da actividade humana, e, no entanto, as nossas características psicológicas, como a percepção, cognição, e capacidade motora, dominam a execução de tarefas de colaboração rápidas, mas normalmente muito repetitivas. Uma consequência desta situação é que faltam instrumentos aos designers e investigadores de groupware que lhes permitam fazer optimizações de usabilidade de granularidade fina. Isto acontece porque os métodos actuais de avaliação da usabilidade visam tarefas colaborativas de relativa longa duração (que demoram minutos, horas, ou mais, a completar) e, portanto, baseiam-se em abstracções para conter o grau de complexidade da avaliação. Desta forma, as optimizações tendem a abranger vários passos de colaboração de granularidade fina de uma só vez, o que causa problemas porque a usabilidade de sistemas de groupware, como na maioria dos sistemas computacionais, está inerentemente ligada aos detalhes da interface com o utilizador. Estas optimizações, mesmo que de pequena expressão individual, podem acarretar um efeito multiplicador significativo dado o crescente número de utilizadores de groupware, especialmente na Internet. Outra consequência do nível cognitivo da acção humana ser negligenciado das avaliações de usabilidade de groupware é que o design da interface com o utilizador pode estar indevidamente alinhado com as características psicológicas humanas, o que pode fazer com que as tarefas colaborativas exijam uma carga de trabalho que excede as nossas capacidades limitadas de processamento de informação. Aliás, os utilizadores que realizam trabalho em grupo estão particularmente expostos a uma sobrecarga de informação porque têm de acompanhar o que se passa no grupo para além de realizarem trabalho individual, isto é, têm de dividir a atenção entre múltiplos fluxos de informação. Esta carga de trabalho pode penalizar a usabilidade dos sistemas de groupware devido ao aumento da probabilidade dos utilizadores não serem capazes de colaborar adequadamente. Dada esta situação, a minha questão de investigação é: como fazer avaliações ao nível cognitivo da actividade humana para melhorar a usabilidade de tarefas colaborativas realizadas através de sistemas de groupware? As avaliações de usabilidade ao nível cognitivo são bastante conhecidas no contexto das aplicações mono-utilizador, ao ponto de um conjunto de conhecimentos da psicologia aplicada ter sido reunido em modelos de engenharia de desempenho humano que predizem tempos de execução numa gama variada de tarefas de interacção pessoa-máquina. Estes modelos foram já, inclusivamente, aplicados no contexto de trabalho de grupo, mas sempre com a limitação de os utilizadores estarem restringidos a papéis individualistas e de a colaboração ficar de fora dos limites do sistema ou então ser abstraída. Em contraste, nesta dissertação estou interessado em avaliar as tarefas de colaboração realizadas através do sistema de groupware. A primeira contribuição desta investigação é um modelo da interface do groupware, o qual alavanca o conhecimento existente sobre o comportamento humano com interfaces mono-utilizador, baseado em modelos de engenharia que predizem o desempenho humano, através da expansão da sua aplicação a interfaces multi-utilizador. Para fazer isto mostro que as diferenças fundamentais entre os utilizadores interagirem com o computador (para trabalharem individualmente) e interagirem com outros utilizadores através do computador (para colaborar) podem ser suportadas por fluxos de informação e dispositivos de input/output especializados. Este modelo tem como propósito ajudar o designer a organizar o espaço de soluções numa gama alargada de sistemas de groupware. A segunda contribuição desta dissertação é um par de métodos para avaliar a usabilidade de sistemas de groupware ao nível cognitivo da actividade humana. O primeiro método é aplicável a cenários críticos de colaboração que ocorram rotineiramente em espaços de trabalho partilhados e define usabilidade em termos do tempo necessário para executar tarefas colaborativas, tal como estimado pelos modelos de engenharia de desempenho humano. Na dissertação aplico este método para avaliar e comparar a usabilidade de alternativas de design em três casos de colaboração em espaços partilhados. O segundo método visa capturar a natureza complexa e entrecruzada da colaboração que abrange tanto espaços partilhados como privados, bem como capturar os objectivos frequentemente conflituosos dos utilizadores enquanto estão a trabalhar individualmente ou quando estão a interagir com o grupo. Para fazer isto, combino estimativas de tempos de execução de tarefas com contribuições dessas tarefas para a progressão do grupo em direcção a um objectivo comum, em termos de produtividade individual, oportunidades criadas para os outros, e restrições para o trabalho de outros utilizadores. Na dissertação aplico este método a um jogo colaborativo, e mostro que, se para alguma outra coisa mais, este método serve para forçar o designer de groupware a pensar sobre as contrapartidas entre uma interface que permite aos utilizadores enquanto indivíduos serem mais produtivos e outra que permite um melhor desempenho do grupo enquanto um todo. Os dois métodos de avaliação não requerem testes com utilizadores ou a construção de protótipos de groupware para produzirem resultados de usabilidade, o que atesta a sua natureza formativa, e permite a sua integração no processo iterativo de design de sistemas interactivos. A terceira contribuição desta investigação é a avaliação da usabilidade de um sistema de groupware atentivo, que implementa um novo dispositivo de gestão da atenção humana, chamado opportunity seeker , o qual tem como propósito mitigar a sobrecarga de informação em cenários de colaboração síncrona, isto é, em que todos os elementos do grupo estão a trabalhar em simultâneo. O opportunity seeker intercepta e guarda numa memória tampão a informação de estado sobre o grupo e ajusta automaticamente a entrega dessa informação a cada utilizador em função da alternância natural entre este estar a realizar trabalho individual e estar a prestar atenção ao grupo. Na dissertação mostro como este dispositivo pode ser adaptado e instalado numa ferramenta electrónica para geração de ideias, chamada ABTool, e como a fronteira entre os dois estados de atenção pode ser detectada através de actividade no teclado. Para avaliar os efeitos do opportunity seeker na usabilidade da ferramenta ABTool, realizei uma experiência de laboratório em que pedi a grupos de voluntários para submeterem ideias em paralelo o mais rapidamente possível, e recolhi evidência de que quando os grupos estiveram sob a influência do opportunity seeker o número de ideias geradas aumentou em 9.6% em comparação com a condição em que todas as ideias eram imediatamente difundidas por todos os utilizadores. Adicionalmente, levei a cabo uma análise post-hoc que mostra que o opportunity seeker reduziu o número de entregas de ideias em 44.1%, pois combinou as ideias em pequenos lotes, e que isso se traduziu em 54.7% mais tempo para os utilizadores escreverem ideias sem serem interrompidos pela recepção de ideias de outros utilizadores. Nestas condições, os utilizadores foram 18.8% mais rápidos a alternar entre a escrita de uma ideia, o que fizeram em 16.3% menos tempo, e ler novas ideias de outros utilizadores. Estes resultados evidenciam que o opportunity seeker criou condições para mitigar a sobrecarga de informação e mostram que a usabilidade de sistemas de groupware pode ser melhorada através de avaliações focadas nas limitações da capacidade de processamento de informação humana. Com este conjunto de contribuições, mostrei que o nível cognitivo da actividade humana tem um papel determinante na avaliação da usabilidade de sistemas de groupware, complementando os níveis racional e social que têm sido tradicionalmente considerados por outros métodos de avaliação.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology(Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia), through project PTDC/EIA/67589/2006 and the Multiannual Funding Programme

    Integrating Culture in Designing Groupware Applications as Contribution to Intercultural Collaboration Technology

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    Many industries are now dealing with the issue of globalization and emphasized the need of the influence of a global marketplace. Globalization extends computing, information, and communication technologies across an increasing number of cultural boundaries, generating a corresponding need for cross-cultural partnerships. Due to globalization, global virtual teams with members from different cultures are an emerging trend. The use of collaborative projects is increasing and affects users’ approach to work in a collaboration application, so called groupware. Groupware is a collaboration application designed to support the work of groups. It can allow globalized industries and organizations greater coordination of activities, reducing and eliminating time and geography barriers, and speeding the decision making process. Groupware users are influenced by demographic, social, cultural, psychological and contextual factors, which complicate the understanding of groupware use. The different backgrounds of users may cause them to have different expectations and attitudes towards their acceptance of using groupware. In order for a specific technology application to be useful, applying technology appropriately to the needs of its users is very important. Groupware that only determines structures of communication, such as floor control, turn-taking, communication procedures, and so on may disadvantage and discourage people from different cultural communication styles. These factors should be considered by designers when designing such groupware application in order to be successful. A groupware targeted for multicultural users should have a flexible intercultural support which means can adaptively manage the cultural differences of its users. A great attention should be given for the cultural element in creating products and interfaces that are culture “fit” to its users. Understanding these social and cultural differences is very important in groupware to support cross-cultural collaboration. This dissertation offers solutions to the design issues in groupware for multicultural user to avoid a failed system. Most software engineers when designing applications focuses only on the technical issues and fail to include the social factors that are very important in developing technologies that serves as social applications. Therefore in this dissertation, two extension layers are introduced extending the well know 7-layers OSI model. These two extension layers of ISO/OSI layer model mainly focus on the end-user of the applications consisting of social layer as the 8th layer and cultural layer as the 9th layer, used to link applications to human needs. The social layer representing the support of groups and the cultural layer representing the communication as it is influenced through different cultural backgrounds of users using the tools. These extension layers help software engineers to develop applications within a socio-cultural deployment context. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is extended in this dissertation to understand the mechanism by which cultural differences could explain users’ behaviors toward the acceptance of groupware applications as a remote collaboration tool for global virtual team. A new approach, called culture-centered design and cultural engineering as the anchor for groupware development in multicultural context is introduced to define the requirements, features and functions that should be included in groupware as an intercultural collaboration tool. An expert system to be embedded in groupware, called Intercultural Collaboration Environment Expert System (ICEES), is also developed in the context of a cross-cultural collaboration and is expected to support PASSENGER 2, a new innovative groupware that is currently under development at the Institute of Computer Engineering, University Duisburg-Essen. ICEES provide advice to the group in selecting the most suitable tools for enhancing the group discussion. This dissertation is expected to serve as a benchmark for future research on groupware design for multicultural users across different countries

    Human and social aspects of software development for complex organisations: an online ethnography of software developers

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    This thesis addresses the problem of human and social issues that affect software development. It is situated within the field of Information Systems and focuses on the processes of software production used within complex organisational processes: particularly decision-making, collaboration and workflow. Human and social issues are problems and situations caused by the members of the target organisations, software developers, and the dynamics of their working and social interactions.The objective of this thesis is to identify these human and social issues and see how they affect software developers' work. The methodological approach adopted here, is designed from the interpretive point of view. This study takes the perspective of software developers as they possess practical knowledge of complex business settings and current software development practices. Online ethnography is the chosen method that allows this investigation access to virtual communities in which software developers work and exchange experiences. The design of this thesis is as follows:1. Online data is collected which reflect software developers' beliefs about their work and their target organisations.2. Data categories are created which show a picture of the current state of affairs in software development.3. An interpretive theory building strategy is used to create a model of software development based on data categories.The final outcome of this thesis is developed as a complement to Orlikowski's (2000) structurational model of enactment of technologies-in-practice and takes the form of a descriptive, theory based model. This model contributes to the deeper understanding of software development issues. It presents human and social issues that affect the production of software within three different contexts: software development environment, software development practices and complex business organisations. The model generated in this thesis also suggests that software developers' perceptions of human and social issues in complex business organisations are influenced by the developers' background knowledge and experience

    A virtual-community-centric model for coordination in the South African public sector

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    Organizations face challenges constantly owing to limited resources. As such, to take advantage of new opportunities and to mitigate possible risks they look for new ways to collaborate, by sharing knowledge and competencies. Coordination among partners is critical in order to achieve success. The segmented South African public sector is no different. Driven by the desire to ensure proper service delivery in this sector, various government bodies and service providers play different roles towards the attainment of common goals. This is easier said than done, given the complexity of the distributed nature of the environment. Heterogeneity, autonomy, and the increasing need to collaborate provoke the need to develop an integrative and dynamic coordination support service system in the SA public sector. Thus, the research looks to theories/concepts and existing coordination practices to ground the process of development. To inform the design of the proposed artefact the research employs an interdisciplinary approach championed by coordination theory to review coordination-related theories and concepts. The effort accounts for coordination constructs that characterize and transform the problem and solution spaces. Thus, requirements are explicit towards identifying coordination breakdowns and their resolution. Furthermore, how coordination in a distributed environment is supported in practice is considered from a socio-technical perspective in an effort to account holistically for coordination support. Examining existing solutions identified shortcomings that, if addressed, can help to improve the solutions for coordination, which are often rigidly and narrowly defined. The research argues that introducing a mediating technological artefact conceived from a virtual community and service lenses can serve as a solution to the problem. By adopting a design-science research paradigm, the research develops a model as a primary artefact to support coordination from a collaboration standpoint. The suggestions from theory and practice and the unique case requirement identified through a novel case analysis framework form the basis of the model design. The proposed model support operation calls for an architecture which employs a design pattern that divides a complex whole into smaller, simpler parts, with the aim of reducing the system complexity. Four fundamental functions of the supporting architecture are introduced and discussed as they would support the operation and activities of the proposed collaboration lifecycle model geared towards streamlining coordination in a distributed environment. As part of the model development knowledge contributions are made in several ways. Firstly, an analytical instrument is presented that can be used by an enterprise architect or business analyst to study the coordination status quo of a collaborative activity in a distributed environment. Secondly, a lifecycle model is presented as meta-process model with activities that are geared towards streamlining the coordination of dynamic collaborative activities or projects. Thirdly, an architecture that will enable the technical virtual community-centric, context-aware environment that hosts the process-based operations is offered. Finally, the validation tool that represents the applied contribution to the research that promises possible adaptation for similar circumstances is presented. The artefacts contribute towards a design theory in IS research for the development and improvement of coordination support services in a distributed environment such as the South African public sector