4,115 research outputs found

    A 2D processing algorithm for detecting landmines using Ground Penetrating Radar data

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    Ground Penetrating Radar(GPR) is one of a number of technologies that have been used to improve landmine detection efficiency. The clutter environment within the first few cm of the soil where landmines are buried, exhibits strong reflections with highly non-stationary statistics. An antipersonnel mine(AP) can have a diameter as low as 2cm whereas many soils have very high attenuation frequencies above 3GHZ. The landmine detection problem can be solved by carrying out system level analysis of the issues involved to synthesise an image which people can readily understand. The SIMCA (’SIMulated Correlation Algorithm’) is a technique that carries out correlation between the actual GPR trace that is recorded at the field and the ideal trace which is obtained by carrying out GPR simulation. The SIMCA algorithm firstly calculates by forward modelling a synthetic point spread function of the GPR by using the design parameters of the radar and soil properties to carry out radar simulation. This allows the derivation of the correlation kernel. The SIMCA algorithm then filters these unwanted components or clutter from the signal to enhance landmine detection. The clutter removed GPR B scan is then correlated with the kernel using the Pearson correlation coefficient. This results in a image which emphasises the target features and allows the detection of the target by looking at the brightest spots. Raising of the image to an odd power >2 enhances the target/background separation. To validate the algorithm, the length of the target in some cases and the diameter of the target in other cases, along with the burial depth obtained by the SIMCA system are compared with the actual values used during the experiments for the burial depth and those of the dimensions of the actual target. Because, due to the security intelligence involved with landmine detection and most authors work in collaboration with the national government military programs, a database of landmine signatures is not existant and the authors are also not able to publish fully their algorithms. As a result, in this study we have compared some of the cleaned images from other studies with the images obtained by our method, and I am sure the reader would agree that our algorithm produces a much clearer interpretable image

    Near-Surface Interface Detection for Coal Mining Applications Using Bispectral Features and GPR

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    The use of ground penetrating radar (GPR) for detecting the presence of near-surface interfaces is a scenario of special interest to the underground coal mining industry. The problem is difficult to solve in practice because the radar echo from the near-surface interface is often dominated by unwanted components such as antenna crosstalk and ringing, ground-bounce effects, clutter, and severe attenuation. These nuisance components are also highly sensitive to subtle variations in ground conditions, rendering the application of standard signal pre-processing techniques such as background subtraction largely ineffective in the unsupervised case. As a solution to this detection problem, we develop a novel pattern recognition-based algorithm which utilizes a neural network to classify features derived from the bispectrum of 1D early time radar data. The binary classifier is used to decide between two key cases, namely whether an interface is within, for example, 5 cm of the surface or not. This go/no-go detection capability is highly valuable for underground coal mining operations, such as longwall mining, where the need to leave a remnant coal section is essential for geological stability. The classifier was trained and tested using real GPR data with ground truth measurements. The real data was acquired from a testbed with coal-clay, coal-shale and shale-clay interfaces, which represents a test mine site. We show that, unlike traditional second order correlation based methods such as matched filtering which can fail even in known conditions, the new method reliably allows the detection of interfaces using GPR to be applied in the near-surface region. In this work, we are not addressing the problem of depth estimation, rather confining ourselves to detecting an interface within a particular depth range

    SPOT-GPR: a freeware tool for target detection and localizationin GPR data developed within the COST action TU1208

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    SPOT-GPR (release 1.0) is a new freeware tool implementing an innovative Sub-Array Processing method, for the analysis of Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) data with the main purposes of detecting and localizing targets. The software is implemented in Matlab, it has a graphical user interface and a short manual. This work is the outcome of a series of three Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) funded by European COoperation in Science and Technology (COST) and carried out in the framework of the COST Action TU1208 “Civil Engineering Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar” (www.GPRadar.eu). The input of the software is a GPR radargram (B-scan). The radargram is partitioned in subradargrams, composed of a few traces (A-scans) each. The multi-frequency information enclosed in each trace is exploited and a set of dominant Directions of Arrival (DoA) of the electromagnetic field is calculated for each sub-radargram. The estimated angles are triangulated, obtaining a pattern of crossings that are condensed around target locations. Such pattern is filtered, in order to remove a noisy background of unwanted crossings, and is then processed by applying a statistical procedure. Finally, the targets are detected and their positions are predicted. For DoA estimation, the MUltiple SIgnal Classification (MUSIC) algorithm is employed, in combination with the matched filter technique. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time the matched filter technique is used for the processing of GPR data. The software has been tested on GPR synthetic radargrams, calculated by using the finite-difference timedomain simulator gprMax, with very good results

    A practical guide on using SPOT-GPR, a freeware tool implementing a SAP-DoA technique

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    This is a software paper, which main objective is to provide practical information on how to use SPOT-GPR release 1.0, a MATLAB¼-based software for the analysis of ground penetrating radar (GPR) profiles. The software allows detecting targets and estimating their position in a two-dimensional scenario, it has a graphical user interface and implements an innovative sub-array processing method. SPOT-GPR was developed in the framework of the COST Action TU1208 “Civil Engineering Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar” and is available for free download on the website of the Action (www.GPRadar.eu)

    The SIMCA algorithm for processing Ground Penetrating Radar data and its use in locating foundations in demolished buildings

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    Abstract—The main challenge of ground penetrating radar GPR) based foundation detection is to have an accurate image analysis method. In order to solve the detection problem a system level analysis of the issues involved with the recognition of foundations using image reconstruction is required. The SIMCA (’SIMulated Correlation Algorithm’) is a technique based on an area correlation between the trace that would be returned by an ideal point reflector in the soil conditions at the site and the actual trace. During an initialization phase, SIMCA carries out radar simulation using the design parameters of the radar and soil properties. Then SIMCA takes the raw data as the radar is scanned over the ground and in real-time uses a clutter removal technique to remove various clutter such as cross talk, initial ground reflection and antenna ringing. The trace which would be returned by a target under these conditions is then used to form a correlation kernel. The GPR b-scan is then correlated with the kernel using the Pearson correlation coefficient, resulting in a correlated image which is brightest at points most similar to the canonical target. This image is then raised to an odd power >2 to enhance the target/background separation. To validate and compare the algorithm, photographs of the building before it was demolished along with processed data using the REFLEXW package were used. The results produced by the SIMCA algorithm were very promising and were able to locate some features that the REFLEXW package were not able to identify

    Microwave detection of buried mines using non-contact, synthetic near-field focusing

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    Existing ground penetrating radars (GPR) are limited in their 3-D resolution. For the detection of buried land-mines, their performance is also seriously restricted by `clutter'. Previous work by the authors has concentrated on removing these limitations by employing multi-static synthetic focusing from a 2-D real aperture. This contribution presents this novel concept, describes the proposed implementation, examines the influence of clutter and of various ground features on the system's performance, and discusses such practicalities as digitisation and time-sharing of a single transmitter and receiver. Experimental results from a variety of scenarios are presented

    Time-lapse geophysical investigations over a simulated urban clandestine grave

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    A simulated clandestine shallow grave was created within a heterogeneous, made-ground, urban environment where a clothed, plastic resin, human skeleton, animal products, and physiological saline were placed in anatomically correct positions and re-covered to ground level. A series of repeat (time-lapse), near-surface geophysical surveys were undertaken: (1) prior to burial (to act as control), (2) 1 month, and (3) 3 months post-burial. A range of different geophysical techniques was employed including: bulk ground resistivity and conductivity, fluxgate gradiometry and high-frequency ground penetrating radar (GPR), soil magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), and self potential (SP). Bulk ground resistivity and SP proved optimal for initial grave location whilst ERT profiles and GPR horizontal "time-slices" showed the best spatial resolutions. Research suggests that in complex urban made-ground environments, initial resistivity surveys be collected before GPR and ERT follow-up surveys are collected over the identified geophysical anomalies

    Opacity, variability and kinematics of AGN jets

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    Synchrotron self-absorption in active galactic nuclei (AGN) jets manifests itself as a time delay between flares observed at high and low radio frequencies. It is also responsible for the observing frequency dependent change in size and position of the apparent base of the jet, aka the core shift effect, detected with very long baseline interferometry (VLBI). We measure the time delays and the core shifts in 11 radio-loud AGN to estimate the speed of their jets without relying on multi-epoch VLBI kinematics analysis. The 15−-8 GHz total flux density time lags are obtained using Gaussian process regression, the core shift values are measured using VLBI observations and adopted from the literature. A strong correlation is found between the apparent core shift and the observed time delay. Our estimate of the jet speed is higher than the apparent speed of the fastest VLBI components by the median coefficient of 1.4. The coefficient ranges for individual sources from 0.5 to 20. We derive Doppler factors, Lorentz factors and viewing angles of the jets, as well as the corresponding de-projected distance from the jet base to the core. The results support evidence for acceleration of the jets with bulk motion Lorentz factor Γ∝R0.52±0.03\Gamma\propto R^{0.52\pm0.03} on de-projected scales RR of 0.5−-500 parsecs.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS; 11 pages, 11 figures, 3 table
