12 research outputs found

    Detection of Wind Turbines in Intertidal Areas Using SAR Polarimetry

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    The detection of wind turbines in a strong clutter background is analyzed at variance of polarimetric synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) configurations. The area of interest is the intertidal zone near Jiangsu, China and two detectors are used, the polarimetric notch filter (PNF) and a change detector that optimizes the ratio between covariance matrices. The detection performance is quantitatively analyzed using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, while the scattering mechanisms that characterize wind turbines are analyzed using the Yamaguchi decomposition. Experimental analysis shows that: 1) wind turbines result in a nontrivial scattering mechanism and 2) full-polarimetric measurements achieve the best detection performance independently of the two detectors

    Microwave Satellite Measurements for Coastal Area and Extreme Weather Monitoring

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    In this project report, the main outcomes relevant to the Sino-European Dragon-4 cooperation project ID 32235 “Microwave satellite measurements for coastal area and extreme weather monitoring” are reported. The project aimed at strengthening the Sino-European research cooperation in the exploitation of European Space Agency, Chinese and third-party mission Earth Observation (EO) microwave satellite data. The latter were exploited to perform an effective monitoring of coastal areas, even under extreme weather conditions. An integrated multifrequency/polarization approach based on complementary microwave sensors (e.g., Synthetic Aperture Radar, scatterometer, radiometer), together with ancillary information coming from independent sources, i.e., optical imagery, numerical simulations and ground measurements, was designed. In this framework, several tasks were addressed including marine target detection, sea pollution, sea surface wind estimation and coastline extraction/classification. The main outcomes are both theoretical (i.e., new models and algorithms were developed) and applicative (i.e., user-friendly maps were provided to the end-user community of coastal area management according to smart processing of remotely sensed data). The scientific relevance consists in the development of new algorithms, the effectiveness and robustness of which were verified on actual microwave measurements, and the improvement of existing methodologies to deal with challenging test cases

    Microwave satellite remote sensing for a sustainable sea

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    The oceans cover roughly 2/3 of the Earth’s surface and are a fundamental ecosystem regulating climate, weather and representing a huge reservoir of biodiversity and natural resources. The preservation of the oceans is therefore not only relevant on an environmental perspective but also on an economical one. A sustainable approach is requested that cannot be simply achieved by improving technologies but calls for a shared new vision of common goods.Within such a complex and holistic problem, the role of satellite microwave remote sensing to observe marine ecosystem and to assist a sustainable development of human activities must be considered. In such a view the paper is meant. Accordingly, the key microwave sensor technologies are reviewed paying particular emphasis on those applications that can provide effective support to pursue some of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Three meaningful sectors are showcased:oil and gas, where microwave sensors can provide continuous fine-resolution monitoring of critical infrastructures; renewable energy, where microwave satellite remote sensing allows supporting the management of offshore wind farms during both feasibility and operational stages; plastic pollution, where microwave technologies that exploit signals of opportunity offer large-scale monitoring capability to provide marine litter maps of the oceans

    PolSAR Ship Detection Based on Neighborhood Polarimetric Covariance Matrix

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    The detection of small ships in polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) images is still a topic for further investigation. Recently, patch detection techniques, such as superpixel-level detection, have stimulated wide interest because they can use the information contained in similarities among neighboring pixels. In this article, we propose a novel neighborhood polarimetric covariance matrix (NPCM) to detect the small ships in PolSAR images, leading to a significant improvement in the separability between ship targets and sea clutter. The NPCM utilizes the spatial correlation between neighborhood pixels and maps the representation for a given pixel into a high-dimensional covariance matrix by embedding spatial and polarization information. Using the NPCM formalism, we apply a standard whitening filter, similar to the polarimetric whitening filter (PWF). We show how the inclusion of neighborhood information improves the performance compared with the traditional polarimetric covariance matrix. However, this is at the expense of a higher computation cost. The theory is validated via the simulated and measured data under different sea states and using different radar platforms

    The Polarimetric Detection Optimization Filter and Its Statistical Test for Ship Detection

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    Ship detection via synthetic aperture radar (SAR) has been demonstrated to be very useful as polarimetric information helps discriminate between targets and sea clutter. Among the available polarimetric detectors, optimal polarimetric detection (OPD) theoretically provides the best detection performance under the assumption that the fully developed speckle hypothesis stands. This study proposes a polarimetric detection optimization filter (PDOF). The target clutter ratio (TCR) over the speckle variation was maximized using a matrix transform to derive the PDOF. The objective function based on a matrix transform instead of a vector transform is optimized to obtain synthetic effects by combining a polarimetric whitening filter (PWF) and a polarimetric matched filter (PMF). Subspace form of the PDOF (SPDOF) is also proposed, which gives performance comparable to the PDOF. Assuming a Wishart distribution, the exact and approximate expressions of the closed-form probability density function (PDF) of the PDOF are derived. The probability of false alarm (PFA) was derived in a closed-form expression, which allows obtaining the PDOF threshold analytically. Moreover, the gamma model is extended to a generalized gamma distribution (GΓD) to adapt complicated resolutions and sea states. Experiments with simulated and real data validate the correctness and effectiveness of the results. The PDOF detector achieves the best performance in most virtual and real-world environments, especially in cases where the target statistics and clutter are not Wishart-distributed

    Joint Polarimetric Subspace Detector Based on Modified Linear Discriminant Analysis

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    Polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) is widely used in remote sensing and has important applications in the detection of ships. Although many polarimetric detectors have been proposed, they are not well combined. Recently, a polarimetric detection optimization filter (PDOF) was proposed that performs well in most environments. In this study, a novel subspace form of the PDOF (SPDOF) was further developed based on the Cauchy inequality and matrix decomposition theories, enhancing detection performance. Furthermore, a simple method to determine the optimal dimension of the subspace detector based on the trace ratio form was proposed by calculating the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, reaching the best detection performance among the subspaces of the detector. Moreover, to combine different subspace detectors, a modified linear discriminant analysis was proposed and developed to the diagonal loading detector (DLD) based on polarimetric subspaces. The experimental results demonstrate the superiority of these joint polarimetric subspace detectors. Most importantly, DLD solves for previous limitations due to the complex clutter background and achieves a performance comparable to that of the Wishart (Gaussian) distribution, particularly in the low target clutter ratio (TCR) case

    Women in Science 2013

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    “Women in Science” summarizes research done by Smith College’s Summer Research Fellowship (SURF) Program participants. Ever since its 1967 start, SURF has been a cornerstone of Smith’s science education. In 2013, 167 students participated in SURF, supervised by 57 faculty mentor-advisors drawn from the Clark Science Center’s fourteen science, mathematics, and engineering departments and programs, and associated centers and units. At summer’s end, SURF participants were asked to summarize their research experiences for this publication.https://scholarworks.smith.edu/clark_womeninscience/1000/thumbnail.jp