2,342 research outputs found

    Disordered proteins and network disorder in network descriptions of protein structure, dynamics and function. Hypotheses and a comprehensive review

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    During the last decade, network approaches became a powerful tool to describe protein structure and dynamics. Here we review the links between disordered proteins and the associated networks, and describe the consequences of local, mesoscopic and global network disorder on changes in protein structure and dynamics. We introduce a new classification of protein networks into ‘cumulus-type’, i.e., those similar to puffy (white) clouds, and ‘stratus-type’, i.e., those similar to flat, dense (dark) low-lying clouds, and relate these network types to protein disorder dynamics and to differences in energy transmission processes. In the first class, there is limited overlap between the modules, which implies higher rigidity of the individual units; there the conformational changes can be described by an ‘energy transfer’ mechanism. In the second class, the topology presents a compact structure with significant overlap between the modules; there the conformational changes can be described by ‘multi-trajectories’; that is, multiple highly populated pathways. We further propose that disordered protein regions evolved to help other protein segments reach ‘rarely visited’ but functionally-related states. We also show the role of disorder in ‘spatial games’ of amino acids; highlight the effects of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) on cellular networks and list some possible studies linking protein disorder and protein structure networks

    Dense Subgraphs in Random Graphs

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    For a constant γ[0,1]\gamma \in[0,1] and a graph GG, let ωγ(G)\omega_{\gamma}(G) be the largest integer kk for which there exists a kk-vertex subgraph of GG with at least γ(k2)\gamma\binom{k}{2} edges. We show that if 0<p<γ<10<p<\gamma<1 then ωγ(Gn,p)\omega_{\gamma}(G_{n,p}) is concentrated on a set of two integers. More precisely, with α(γ,p)=γlogγp+(1γ)log1γ1p\alpha(\gamma,p)=\gamma\log\frac{\gamma}{p}+(1-\gamma)\log\frac{1-\gamma}{1-p}, we show that ωγ(Gn,p)\omega_{\gamma}(G_{n,p}) is one of the two integers closest to 2α(γ,p)(lognloglogn+logeα(γ,p)2)+12\frac{2}{\alpha(\gamma,p)}\big(\log n-\log\log n+\log\frac{e\alpha(\gamma,p)}{2}\big)+\frac{1}{2}, with high probability. While this situation parallels that of cliques in random graphs, a new technique is required to handle the more complicated ways in which these "quasi-cliques" may overlap

    A Novel Approach to Finding Near-Cliques: The Triangle-Densest Subgraph Problem

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    Many graph mining applications rely on detecting subgraphs which are near-cliques. There exists a dichotomy between the results in the existing work related to this problem: on the one hand the densest subgraph problem (DSP) which maximizes the average degree over all subgraphs is solvable in polynomial time but for many networks fails to find subgraphs which are near-cliques. On the other hand, formulations that are geared towards finding near-cliques are NP-hard and frequently inapproximable due to connections with the Maximum Clique problem. In this work, we propose a formulation which combines the best of both worlds: it is solvable in polynomial time and finds near-cliques when the DSP fails. Surprisingly, our formulation is a simple variation of the DSP. Specifically, we define the triangle densest subgraph problem (TDSP): given G(V,E)G(V,E), find a subset of vertices SS^* such that τ(S)=maxSVt(S)S\tau(S^*)=\max_{S \subseteq V} \frac{t(S)}{|S|}, where t(S)t(S) is the number of triangles induced by the set SS. We provide various exact and approximation algorithms which the solve the TDSP efficiently. Furthermore, we show how our algorithms adapt to the more general problem of maximizing the kk-clique average density. Finally, we provide empirical evidence that the TDSP should be used whenever the output of the DSP fails to output a near-clique.Comment: 42 page

    Proximity in chromatin : opportunities for innovations

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    Mammalian chromosomes extensively communicate with each other via long-range chromatin interactions. These interactions are mostly mediated by proteins, which work as teams to control genes in the cells. These interactions could also help to unravel the mechanisms of diseases such as cancer, from new perspectives. The packaging of the chromatin fiber and how it relates to epigenetic marks that regulate its accessibility to govern lineage-specific gene expression repertoires is currently the focus of immense efforts worldwide. Moreover, how chromosomes are hierarchically folded and how they relate to each other as well as to structural hallmarks of the nucleus is a largely unchartered territory in large cell populations not to mention in individual cells. This thesis has an emphasis on the analysis of pivotal chromatin features of single cells. Thus, interactions between a genome organizer termed CTCF and a factor involved in DNA repair, PARP1, could be demonstrated using the ISPLA technique. Such interactions likely underlie the formation of chromatin networks. Next, novel strategies/techniques were developed to visualize chromosomal structures and 3D networks by scoring for chromatin proximities within individual cells. One strategy included a novel method termed Chromatin In Situ Proximity (ChrISP) to visualize and identify proximities between chromatin fibers and other structural hallmarks in single cells at a resolution < 170 Å beyond that of the light microscope. Thus, large-scale changes in conformations of a single human chromosome upon the administration of reprogramming cues could be visualized. Finally, this innovation was further developed to explore differences in proximities of chromatin fibers that organize chromosome territories. The novel design, termed “rainbow ChrISP” translates physical distances in 3D, between chromatin fibres into different colors visualized with conventional microscope. This technique produced new insights into chromosome conformations and their regulation to enhance our understanding of their governing principles in single cells during development and disease

    Communities in Networks

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    We survey some of the concepts, methods, and applications of community detection, which has become an increasingly important area of network science. To help ease newcomers into the field, we provide a guide to available methodology and open problems, and discuss why scientists from diverse backgrounds are interested in these problems. As a running theme, we emphasize the connections of community detection to problems in statistical physics and computational optimization.Comment: survey/review article on community structure in networks; published version is available at http://people.maths.ox.ac.uk/~porterm/papers/comnotices.pd

    Low-Diameter Clusters in Network Analysis

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    In this dissertation, we introduce several novel tools for cluster-based analysis of complex systems and design solution approaches to solve the corresponding optimization problems. Cluster-based analysis is a subfield of network analysis which utilizes a graph representation of a system to yield meaningful insight into the system structure and functions. Clusters with low diameter are commonly used to characterize cohesive groups in applications for which easy reachability between group members is of high importance. Low-diameter clusters can be mathematically formalized using a clique and an s-club (with relatively small values of s), two concepts from graph theory. A clique is a subset of vertices adjacent to each other and an s-club is a subset of vertices inducing a subgraph with a diameter of at most s. A clique is actually a special case of an s-club with s = 1, hence, having the shortest possible diameter. Two topics of this dissertation focus on graphs prone to uncertainty and disruptions, and introduce several extensions of low-diameter models. First, we introduce a robust clique model in graphs where edges may fail with a certain probability and robustness is enforced using appropriate risk measures. With regard to its ability to capture underlying system uncertainties, finding the largest robust clique is a better alternative to the problem of finding the largest clique. Moreover, it is also a hard combinatorial optimization problem, requiring some effective solution techniques. To this aim, we design several heuristic approaches for detection of large robust cliques and compare their performance. Next, we consider graphs for which uncertainty is not explicitly defined, studying connectivity properties of 2-clubs. We notice that a 2-club can be very vulnerable to disruptions, so we enhance it by reinforcing additional requirements on connectivity and introduce a biconnected 2-club concept. Additionally, we look at the weak 2-club counterpart which we call a fragile 2-club (defined as a 2-club that is not biconnected). The size of the largest biconnected 2-club in a graph can help measure overall system reachability and connectivity, whereas the largest fragile 2-club can identify vulnerable parts of the graph. We show that the problem of finding the largest fragile 2-club is polynomially solvable whereas the problem of finding the largest biconnected 2-club is NP-hard. Furthermore, for the former, we design a polynomial time algorithm and for the latter - combinatorial branch-and-bound and branch-and-cut algorithms. Lastly, we once again consider the s-club concept but shift our focus from finding the largest s-club in a graph to the problem of partitioning the graph into the smallest number of non-overlapping s-clubs. This problem cannot only be applied to derive communities in the graph, but also to reduce the size of the graph and derive its hierarchical structure. The problem of finding the minimum s-club partitioning is a hard combinatorial optimization problem with proven complexity results and is also very hard to solve in practice. We design a branch-and-bound combinatorial optimization algorithm and test it on the problem of minimum 2-club partitioning

    Structural disruption of BAF chromatin remodeller impairs neuroblastoma metastasis by reverting an invasiveness epigenomic program

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    Background Epigenetic programming during development is essential for determining cell lineages, and alterations in this programming contribute to the initiation of embryonal tumour development. In neuroblastoma, neural crest progenitors block their course of natural differentiation into sympathoadrenergic cells, leading to the development of aggressive and metastatic paediatric cancer. Research of the epigenetic regulators responsible for oncogenic epigenomic networks is crucial for developing new epigenetic-based therapies against these tumours. Mammalian switch/sucrose non-fermenting (mSWI/SNF) ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling complexes act genome-wide translating epigenetic signals into open chromatin states. The present study aimed to understand the contribution of mSWI/SNF to the oncogenic epigenomes of neuroblastoma and its potential as a therapeutic target. Methods Functional characterisation of the mSWI/SNF complexes was performed in neuroblastoma cells using proteomic approaches, loss-of-function experiments, transcriptome and chromatin accessibility analyses, and in vitro and in vivo assays. Results Neuroblastoma cells contain three main mSWI/SNF subtypes, but only BRG1-associated factor (BAF) complex disruption through silencing of its key structural subunits, ARID1A and ARID1B, impairs cell proliferation by promoting cell cycle blockade. Genome-wide chromatin remodelling and transcriptomic analyses revealed that BAF disruption results in the epigenetic repression of an extensive invasiveness-related expression program involving integrins, cadherins, and key mesenchymal regulators, thereby reducing adhesion to the extracellular matrix and the subsequent invasion in vitro and drastically inhibiting the initiation and growth of neuroblastoma metastasis in vivo. Conclusions We report a novel ATPase-independent role for the BAF complex in maintaining an epigenomic program that allows neuroblastoma invasiveness and metastasis, urging for the development of new BAF pharmacological structural disruptors for therapeutic exploitation in metastatic neuroblastoma