56 research outputs found

    Generalized DFT: extensions in communications

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    Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is a restricted version of Generalized DFT (GDFT) which offers a very limited number of sets to be used in a multicarrier communication system. In contrast, as an extension on Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) from the linear phase to non-linear phase, the proposed GDFT provides many possible carrier sets of various lengths with comparable or better performance than DFT. The availability of the rich library of orthogonal constant amplitude transforms with good performance allows people to design adaptive systems where user code allocations are made dynamically to exploit the current channel conditions in order to deliver better performance. For MIMO Radar systems, the ideal case to detect a moving target is when all waveforms are orthogonal, which can provide an accurate estimation. But this is not practical in distributed MIMO radars, where sensors are at varying distances from a target. Orthogonal waveforms with low auto- and cross-correlations are of great interest for MIMO radar applications with distributed antennas. Finite length orthogonal codes are required in real-world applications where frequency selectivity and signal correlation features of the optimal subspace are compromised. In the first part of the dissertation, a method is addressed to design optimal waveforms which meets above requirements for various radar systems by designing the phase shaping function (PSF) of GDFT framework with non-linear phase. Multicarrier transmission such as orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) has seen a rise in popularity in wireless communication, as it offers a promising choice for high speed data rate transmission. Meanwhile, high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) is one of the well-known drawbacks of the OFDM system due to reduced power efficiency in non-linear modules. Such a situation leads to inefficient amplification and increases the cost of the system, or increases in interference and signal distortion. Therefore, PAPR reduction techniques play an essential role to improve power efficiency in the OFDM systems. There has been a variety of PAPR reduction methods emphasizing different aspects proposed in the literature. The trade-off for PAPR reduction in the existing methods is either increased average power and/or added computational complexity. A new PAPR reduction scheme is proposed that implements a pre-designed symbol alphabet modifier matrix (SAM) to jointly modify the amplitude and phase values of the original data symbol alphabets prior to the IFFT operation of an OFDM system at the transmitter. The method formulated with the GDFT offers a low-complexity framework in four proposed cases devised to be independent of original data symbols. Without degrading the bit error rate (BER) performance, it formulates PAPR reduction problem elegantly and outperforms partial transmit sequences (PTS), selected mapping technique (SLM) and Walsh Hadamard transform (WHT-OFDM) significantly for the communication scenarios considered in the dissertation

    The Telecommunications and Data Acquisition Report

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    This quarterly publication provides archival reports on developments in programs managed by JPL's Telecommunications and Mission Operations Directorate (TMOD), which now includes the former Telecommunications and Data Acquisition (TDA) Office. In space communications, radio navigation, radio science, and ground-based radio and radar astronomy, it reports on activities of the Deep Space Network (DSN) in planning, supporting research and technology, implementation, and operations. Also included are standards activity at JPL for space data and information systems and reimbursable DSN work performed for other space agencies through NASA. The preceding work is all performed for NASA's Office of Space Communications (OSC)

    Design of large polyphase filters in the Quadratic Residue Number System

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    Temperature aware power optimization for multicore floating-point units

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    Middle Atmosphere Program. Handbook for MAP, volume 28

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    Extended abstracts from the fourth workshop on the technical and scientific aspects of MST (mesosphere stratosphere troposphere) radar are presented. Individual sessions addressed the following topics: meteorological applications of MST and ST radars, networks, and campaigns; dynamics of the equatorial middle atmosphere; interpretation of radar returns from clear air; techniques for studying gravity waves and turbulence; intercomparison and calibration of wind and wave measurements at various frequencies; progress in existing and planned MST and ST radars; hardware design for MST and ST radars and boundary layer/lower troposphere profilers; signal processing; and data management

    Applications of compressive sensing to direction of arrival estimation

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    Die Schätzung der Einfallsrichtungen (Directions of Arrival/DOA) mehrerer ebener Wellenfronten mit Hilfe eines Antennen-Arrays ist eine der prominentesten Fragestellungen im Gebiet der Array-Signalverarbeitung. Das nach wie vor starke Forschungsinteresse in dieser Richtung konzentriert sich vor allem auf die Reduktion des Hardware-Aufwands, im Sinne der Komplexität und des Energieverbrauchs der Empfänger, bei einem vorgegebenen Grad an Genauigkeit und Robustheit gegen Mehrwegeausbreitung. Diese Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der Anwendung von Compressive Sensing (CS) auf das Gebiet der DOA-Schätzung mit dem Ziel, hiermit die Komplexität der Empfängerhardware zu reduzieren und gleichzeitig eine hohe Richtungsauflösung und Robustheit zu erreichen. CS wurde bereits auf das DOA-Problem angewandt unter der Ausnutzung der Tatsache, dass eine Superposition ebener Wellenfronten mit einer winkelabhängigen Leistungsdichte korrespondiert, die über den Winkel betrachtet sparse ist. Basierend auf der Idee wurden CS-basierte Algorithmen zur DOA-Schätzung vorgeschlagen, die sich durch eine geringe Rechenkomplexität, Robustheit gegenüber Quellenkorrelation und Flexibilität bezüglich der Wahl der Array-Geometrie auszeichnen. Die Anwendung von CS führt darüber hinaus zu einer erheblichen Reduktion der Hardware-Komplexität, da weniger Empfangskanäle benötigt werden und eine geringere Datenmenge zu verarbeiten und zu speichern ist, ohne dabei wesentliche Informationen zu verlieren. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird das Problem des Modellfehlers bei der CS-basierten DOA-Schätzung mit gitterbehafteten Verfahren untersucht. Ein häufig verwendeter Ansatz um das CS-Framework auf das DOA-Problem anzuwenden ist es, den kontinuierlichen Winkel-Parameter zu diskreditieren und damit ein Dictionary endlicher Größe zu bilden. Da die tatsächlichen Winkel fast sicher nicht auf diesem Gitter liegen werden, entsteht dabei ein unvermeidlicher Modellfehler, der sich auf die Schätzalgorithmen auswirkt. In der Arbeit wird ein analytischer Ansatz gewählt, um den Effekt der Gitterfehler auf die rekonstruierten Spektra zu untersuchen. Es wird gezeigt, dass sich die Messung einer Quelle aus beliebiger Richtung sehr gut durch die erwarteten Antworten ihrer beiden Nachbarn auf dem Gitter annähern lässt. Darauf basierend wird ein einfaches und effizientes Verfahren vorgeschlagen, den Gitterversatz zu schätzen. Dieser Ansatz ist anwendbar auf einzelne Quellen oder mehrere, räumlich gut separierte Quellen. Für den Fall mehrerer dicht benachbarter Quellen wird ein numerischer Ansatz zur gemeinsamen Schätzung des Gitterversatzes diskutiert. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit untersuchen wir das Design kompressiver Antennenarrays für die DOA-Schätzung. Die Kompression im Sinne von Linearkombinationen der Antennensignale, erlaubt es, Arrays mit großer Apertur zu entwerfen, die nur wenige Empfangskanäle benötigen und sich konfigurieren lassen. In der Arbeit wird eine einfache Empfangsarchitektur vorgeschlagen und ein allgemeines Systemmodell diskutiert, welches verschiedene Optionen der tatsächlichen Hardware-Realisierung dieser Linearkombinationen zulässt. Im Anschluss wird das Design der Gewichte des analogen Kombinations-Netzwerks untersucht. Numerische Simulationen zeigen die Überlegenheit der vorgeschlagenen kompressiven Antennen-Arrays im Vergleich mit dünn besetzten Arrays der gleichen Komplexität sowie kompressiver Arrays mit zufällig gewählten Gewichten. Schließlich werden zwei weitere Anwendungen der vorgeschlagenen Ansätze diskutiert: CS-basierte Verzögerungsschätzung und kompressives Channel Sounding. Es wird demonstriert, dass die in beiden Gebieten durch die Anwendung der vorgeschlagenen Ansätze erhebliche Verbesserungen erzielt werden können.Direction of Arrival (DOA) estimation of plane waves impinging on an array of sensors is one of the most important tasks in array signal processing, which have attracted tremendous research interest over the past several decades. The estimated DOAs are used in various applications like localization of transmitting sources, massive MIMO and 5G Networks, tracking and surveillance in radar, and many others. The major objective in DOA estimation is to develop approaches that allow to reduce the hardware complexity in terms of receiver costs and power consumption, while providing a desired level of estimation accuracy and robustness in the presence of multiple sources and/or multiple paths. Compressive sensing (CS) is a novel sampling methodology merging signal acquisition and compression. It allows for sampling a signal with a rate below the conventional Nyquist bound. In essence, it has been shown that signals can be acquired at sub-Nyquist sampling rates without loss of information provided they possess a sufficiently sparse representation in some domain and that the measurement strategy is suitably chosen. CS has been recently applied to DOA estimation, leveraging the fact that a superposition of planar wavefronts corresponds to a sparse angular power spectrum. This dissertation investigates the application of compressive sensing to the DOA estimation problem with the goal to reduce the hardware complexity and/or achieve a high resolution and a high level of robustness. Many CS-based DOA estimation algorithms have been proposed in recent years showing tremendous advantages with respect to the complexity of the numerical solution while being insensitive to source correlation and allowing arbitrary array geometries. Moreover, CS has also been suggested to be applied in the spatial domain with the main goal to reduce the complexity of the measurement process by using fewer RF chains and storing less measured data without the loss of any significant information. In the first part of the work we investigate the model mismatch problem for CS based DOA estimation algorithms off the grid. To apply the CS framework a very common approach is to construct a finite dictionary by sampling the angular domain with a predefined sampling grid. Therefore, the target locations are almost surely not located exactly on a subset of these grid points. This leads to a model mismatch which deteriorates the performance of the estimators. We take an analytical approach to investigate the effect of such grid offsets on the recovered spectra showing that each off-grid source can be well approximated by the two neighboring points on the grid. We propose a simple and efficient scheme to estimate the grid offset for a single source or multiple well-separated sources. We also discuss a numerical procedure for the joint estimation of the grid offsets of closer sources. In the second part of the thesis we study the design of compressive antenna arrays for DOA estimation that aim to provide a larger aperture with a reduced hardware complexity and allowing reconfigurability, by a linear combination of the antenna outputs to a lower number of receiver channels. We present a basic receiver architecture of such a compressive array and introduce a generic system model that includes different options for the hardware implementation. We then discuss the design of the analog combining network that performs the receiver channel reduction. Our numerical simulations demonstrate the superiority of the proposed optimized compressive arrays compared to the sparse arrays of the same complexity and to compressive arrays with randomly chosen combining kernels. Finally, we consider two other applications of the sparse recovery and compressive arrays. The first application is CS based time delay estimation and the other one is compressive channel sounding. We show that the proposed approaches for sparse recovery off the grid and compressive arrays show significant improvements in the considered applications compared to conventional methods

    Ultra Wideband

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    Ultra wideband (UWB) has advanced and merged as a technology, and many more people are aware of the potential for this exciting technology. The current UWB field is changing rapidly with new techniques and ideas where several issues are involved in developing the systems. Among UWB system design, the UWB RF transceiver and UWB antenna are the key components. Recently, a considerable amount of researches has been devoted to the development of the UWB RF transceiver and antenna for its enabling high data transmission rates and low power consumption. Our book attempts to present current and emerging trends in-research and development of UWB systems as well as future expectations

    Space programs summary no. 37-61, volume 2 for the period 1 November - 31 December 1969. The deep space network

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    Research and developments in Deep Space Network progra

    Preclinical MRI of the Kidney

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    This Open Access volume provides readers with an open access protocol collection and wide-ranging recommendations for preclinical renal MRI used in translational research. The chapters in this book are interdisciplinary in nature and bridge the gaps between physics, physiology, and medicine. They are designed to enhance training in renal MRI sciences and improve the reproducibility of renal imaging research. Chapters provide guidance for exploring, using and developing small animal renal MRI in your laboratory as a unique tool for advanced in vivo phenotyping, diagnostic imaging, and research into potential new therapies. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Cutting-edge and thorough, Preclinical MRI of the Kidney: Methods and Protocols is a valuable resource and will be of importance to anyone interested in the preclinical aspect of renal and cardiorenal diseases in the fields of physiology, nephrology, radiology, and cardiology. This publication is based upon work from COST Action PARENCHIMA, supported by European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST). COST (www.cost.eu) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. COST Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation. PARENCHIMA (renalmri.org) is a community-driven Action in the COST program of the European Union, which unites more than 200 experts in renal MRI from 30 countries with the aim to improve the reproducibility and standardization of renal MRI biomarkers