4 research outputs found

    Automatic vision based fault detection on electricity transmission components using very highresolution

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial TechnologiesElectricity is indispensable to modern-day governments and citizenry’s day-to-day operations. Fault identification is one of the most significant bottlenecks faced by Electricity transmission and distribution utilities in developing countries to deliver credible services to customers and ensure proper asset audit and management for network optimization and load forecasting. This is due to data scarcity, asset inaccessibility and insecurity, ground-surveys complexity, untimeliness, and general human cost. In this context, we exploit the use of oblique drone imagery with a high spatial resolution to monitor four major Electric power transmission network (EPTN) components condition through a fine-tuned deep learning approach, i.e., Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). This study explored the capability of the Single Shot Multibox Detector (SSD), a onestage object detection model on the electric transmission power line imagery to localize, classify and inspect faults present. The components fault considered include the broken insulator plate, missing insulator plate, missing knob, and rusty clamp. The adopted network used a CNN based on a multiscale layer feature pyramid network (FPN) using aerial image patches and ground truth to localise and detect faults via a one-phase procedure. The SSD Rest50 architecture variation performed the best with a mean Average Precision of 89.61%. All the developed SSD based models achieve a high precision rate and low recall rate in detecting the faulty components, thus achieving acceptable balance levels F1-score and representation. Finally, comparable to other works of literature within this same domain, deep-learning will boost timeliness of EPTN inspection and their component fault mapping in the long - run if these deep learning architectures are widely understood, adequate training samples exist to represent multiple fault characteristics; and the effects of augmenting available datasets, balancing intra-class heterogeneity, and small-scale datasets are clearly understood

    Detection of imaged objects with estimated scales

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    Dealing with multiple sizes of the object in the image has always been a challenge in object detection. Predefined multi-size anchors are usually adopted to address this issue, but they can only accommodate a limited number of object scales and aspect ratios. To cover a wider multi-size variation, we propose a detection method that utilizes depth information to estimate the size of anchors. To be more specific, a general 3D shape is selected, for each class of objects, that represents different sizes of 2D bounding boxes in the image according to the corresponding object depths. Given these 2D bounding boxes, a neural network is used to classify them into different categories and do the regression to obtain more accurate 2D bounding boxes. The KITTI benchmark dataset is used to validate the proposed approach. Compared with the detection method using pre-defined anchors, the proposed method has achieved a significant improvement in detection accuracy