4 research outputs found

    Junction Point Detection Algorithm for SAR Image

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    In this paper, we propose a novel junction point detector based on an azimuth consensus for remote sensing images. To eliminate the impact of noise and some noncorrelated edges of SAR image, an azimuth consensus constraint is developed. In addition to detecting the locations of junctions at the subpixel level, this operator recognizes their structures as well. A new formula that includes a minimization criterion for the total weighted distance is proposed to compute the locations of junction points accurately. Compared with other well-known detectors, including Forstner, JUDOCA, and CPDA, the experimental results indicate that our operator outperforms them both in location accuracy of junction points and in angle accuracy of branch edges. Moreover, our method possesses satisfying robustness to the impact of noise and changes of the SAR images. Our operator can be potentially used to solve a number of problems in computer vision, such as SAR image registration, wide-baseline matching, and UAV navigation system

    Monocular Depth Ordering Using Occlusion Cues

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    English: This project proposes a system to relate the objects in an image using occlusion cues and arrange them according to depth. The system does not rely on a priori knowledge of the scene structure and focus on detecting special points, such as T-junctions and high convexity regions, to infer the depth relationships between objects in the scene. The system makes extensive use of the Binary Partition Tree (BPT) as the segmentation tool jointly with a new approach for T-junction candidate point estimation. In a BPT approach, as a bottom-up strategy, regions are iteratively merged and grown from pixels until only one region is left. At each step, our system estimates the junction points, where three regions meet. When the BPT is constructed and the pruning is performed, this information is used for depth ordering. Since many images may not have occlusion points formed by junctions, occlusion is also detected by examining convex shapes on region boundaries. Combining T-junctions and convexity lead to a system which only relies on low level depth cues and does not involve any learning process. However, it shows a similar performance with the state of the art

    Contribution à l'analyse de la dynamique des écritures anciennes pour l'aide à l'expertise paléographique

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    Mes travaux de thèse s inscrivent dans le cadre du projet ANR GRAPHEM1 (Graphemebased Retrieval and Analysis for PaleograpHic Expertise of Middle Age Manuscripts). Ilsprésentent une contribution méthodologique applicable à l'analyse automatique des écrituresanciennes pour assister les experts en paléographie dans le délicat travail d étude et dedéchiffrage des écritures.L objectif principal est de contribuer à une instrumetation du corpus des manuscritsmédiévaux détenus par l Institut de Recherche en Histoire des Textes (IRHT Paris) en aidantles paléographes spécialisés dans ce domaine dans leur travail de compréhension de l évolutiondes formes de l écriture par la mise en place de méthodes efficaces d accès au contenu desmanuscrits reposant sur une analyse fine des formes décrites sous la formes de petits fragments(les graphèmes). Dans mes travaux de doctorats, j ai choisi d étudier la dynamique del élément le plus basique de l écriture appelé le ductus2 et qui d après les paléographes apportebeaucoup d informations sur le style d écriture et l époque d élaboration du manuscrit.Mes contributions majeures se situent à deux niveaux : une première étape de prétraitementdes images fortement dégradées assurant une décomposition optimale des formes en graphèmescontenant l information du ductus. Pour cette étape de décomposition des manuscrits, nousavons procédé à la mise en place d une méthodologie complète de suivi de traits à partir del extraction d un squelette obtenu à partir de procédures de rehaussement de contraste et dediffusion de gradients. Le suivi complet du tracé a été obtenu à partir de l application des règlesfondamentales d exécution des traits d écriture, enseignées aux copistes du Moyen Age. Il s agitd information de dynamique de formation des traits portant essentiellement sur des indicationsde directions privilégiées.Dans une seconde étape, nous avons cherché à caractériser ces graphèmes par desdescripteurs de formes visuelles compréhensibles à la fois par les paléographes et lesinformaticiens et garantissant une représentation la plus complète possible de l écriture d unpoint de vue géométrique et morphologique. A partir de cette caractérisation, nous avonsproposé une approche de clustering assurant un regroupement des graphèmes en classeshomogènes par l utilisation d un algorithme de classification non-supervisé basée sur lacoloration de graphe. Le résultat du clustering des graphèmes a conduit à la formation dedictionnaires de formes caractérisant de manière individuelle et discriminante chaque manuscrittraité. Nous avons également étudié la puissance discriminatoire de ces descripteurs afin d obtenir la meilleure représentation d un manuscrit en dictionnaire de formes. Cette étude a étéfaite en exploitant les algorithmes génétiques par leur capacité à produire de bonne sélection decaractéristiques.L ensemble de ces contributions a été testé à partir d une application CBIR sur trois bases demanuscrits dont deux médiévales (manuscrits de la base d Oxford et manuscrits de l IRHT, baseprincipale du projet), et une base comprenant de manuscrits contemporains utilisée lors de lacompétition d identification de scripteurs d ICDAR 2011. L exploitation de notre méthode dedescription et de classification a été faite sur une base contemporaine afin de positionner notrecontribution par rapport aux autres travaux relevant du domaine de l identification d écritures etétudier son pouvoir de généralisation à d autres types de documents. Les résultats trèsencourageants que nous avons obtenus sur les bases médiévales et la base contemporaine, ontmontré la robustesse de notre approche aux variations de formes et de styles et son caractèrerésolument généralisable à tout type de documents écrits.My thesis work is part of the ANR GRAPHEM Project (Grapheme based Retrieval andAnalysis for Expertise paleographic Manuscripts of Middle Age). It represents a methodologicalcontribution applicable to the automatic analysis of ancient writings to assist the experts inpaleography in the delicate work of the studying and deciphering the writing.The main objective is to contribute to an instrumentation of the corpus of medievalmanuscripts held by Institut de Recherche en Histoire de Textes (IRHT-Paris), by helping thepaleographers specialized in this field in their work of understanding the evolution of forms inthe writing, with the establishment of effective methods to access the contents of manuscriptsbased on a fine analysis of the forms described in the form of small fragments (graphemes). Inmy PhD work, I chose to study the dynamic of the most basic element of the writing called theductus and which according to the paleographers, brings a lot of information on the style ofwriting and the era of the elaboration of the manuscript.My major contribution is situated at two levels: a first step of preprocessing of severelydegraded images to ensure an optimal decomposition of the forms into graphemes containingthe ductus information. For this decomposition step of manuscripts, we have proceeded to theestablishment of a complete methodology for the tracings of strokes by the extraction of theskeleton obtained from the contrast enhancement and the diffusion of the gradient procedures.The complete tracking of the strokes was obtained from the application of fundamentalexecution rules of the strokes taught to the scribes of the Middle Ages. It is related to thedynamic information of the formation of strokes focusing essentially on indications of theprivileged directions.In a second step, we have tried to characterize the graphemes by visual shape descriptorsunderstandable by both the computer scientists and the paleographers and thus unsuring themost complete possible representation of the wrting from a geometrical and morphological pointof view. From this characterization, we have have proposed a clustering approach insuring agrouping of graphemes into homogeneous classes by using a non-supervised classificationalgorithm based on the graph coloring. The result of the clustering of graphemes led to theformation of a codebook characterizing in an individual and discriminating way each processedmanuscript. We have also studied the discriminating power of the descriptors in order to obtaina better representation of a manuscript into a codebook. This study was done by exploiting thegenetic algorithms by their ability to produce a good feature selection.The set of the contributions was tested from a CBIR application on three databases ofmanuscripts including two medieval databases (manuscripts from the Oxford and IRHTdatabases), and database of containing contemporary manuscripts used in the writersidentification contest of ICDAR 2011. The exploitation of our description and classificationmethod was applied on a cotemporary database in order to position our contribution withrespect to other relevant works in the writrings identification domain and study itsgeneralization power to other types of manuscripts. The very encouraging results that weobtained on the medieval and contemporary databases, showed the robustness of our approachto the variations of the shapes and styles and its resolutely generalized character to all types ofhandwritten documents.PARIS5-Bibliotheque electronique (751069902) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Monocular depth estimation in images and sequences using occlusion cues

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    When humans observe a scene, they are able to perfectly distinguish the different parts composing it. Moreover, humans can easily reconstruct the spatial position of these parts and conceive a consistent structure. The mechanisms involving visual perception have been studied since the beginning of neuroscience but, still today, not all the processes composing it are known. In usual situations, humans can make use of three different methods to estimate the scene structure. The first one is the so called divergence and it makes use of both eyes. When objects lie in front of the observed at a distance up to hundred meters, subtle differences in the image formation in each eye can be used to determine depth. When objects are not in the field of view of both eyes, other mechanisms should be used. In these cases, both visual cues and prior learned information can be used to determine depth. Even if these mechanisms are less accurate than divergence, humans can almost always infer the correct depth structure when using them. As an example of visual cues, occlusion, perspective or object size provide a lot of information about the structure of the scene. A priori information depends on each observer, but it is normally used subconsciously by humans to detect commonly known regions such as the sky, the ground or different types of objects. In the last years, since technology has been able to handle the processing burden of vision systems, there has been lots of efforts devoted to design automated scene interpreting systems. In this thesis we address the problem of depth estimation using only one point of view and using only occlusion depth cues. The thesis objective is to detect occlusions present in the scene and combine them with a segmentation system so as to generate a relative depth order depth map for a scene. We explore both static and dynamic situations such as single images, frame inside sequences or full video sequences. In the case where a full image sequence is available, a system exploiting motion information to recover depth structure is also designed. Results are promising and competitive with respect to the state of the art literature, but there is still much room for improvement when compared to human depth perception performance.Quan els humans observen una escena, son capaços de distingir perfectament les parts que la composen i organitzar-les espacialment per tal de poder-se orientar. Els mecanismes que governen la percepció visual han estat estudiats des dels principis de la neurociència, però encara no es coneixen tots els processos biològic que hi prenen part. En situacions normals, els humans poden fer servir tres eines per estimar l’estructura de l’escena. La primera és l’anomenada divergència. Aprofita l’ús de dos punts de vista (els dos ulls) i és capaç¸ de determinar molt acuradament la posició dels objectes ,que a una distància de fins a cent metres, romanen enfront de l’observador. A mesura que augmenta la distància o els objectes no es troben en el camp de visió dels dos ulls, altres mecanismes s’han d’utilitzar. Tant l’experiència anterior com certs indicis visuals s’utilitzen en aquests casos i, encara que la seva precisió és menor, els humans aconsegueixen quasi bé sempre interpretar bé el seu entorn. Els indicis visuals que aporten informació de profunditat més coneguts i utilitzats són per exemple, la perspectiva, les oclusions o el tamany de certs objectes. L’experiència anterior permet resoldre situacions vistes anteriorment com ara saber quins regions corresponen al terra, al cel o a objectes. Durant els últims anys, quan la tecnologia ho ha permès, s’han intentat dissenyar sistemes que interpretessin automàticament diferents tipus d’escena. En aquesta tesi s’aborda el tema de l’estimació de la profunditat utilitzant només un punt de vista i indicis visuals d’oclusió. L’objectiu del treball es la detecció d’aquests indicis i combinar-los amb un sistema de segmentació per tal de generar automàticament els diferents plans de profunditat presents a una escena. La tesi explora tant situacions estàtiques (imatges fixes) com situacions dinàmiques, com ara trames dins de seqüències de vídeo o seqüències completes. En el cas de seqüències completes, també es proposa un sistema automàtic per reconstruir l’estructura de l’escena només amb informació de moviment. Els resultats del treball son prometedors i competitius amb la literatura del moment, però mostren encara que la visió per computador té molt marge de millora respecte la precisió dels humans