2,891 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study was to teach preschool children with autism spectrum disorders to make requests with a speech generating device using a naturalistic time delay prompting procedure. The participants in this study were two males, enrolled in a public preschool program, between four and five years old. Both participants showed significant delays in expressive communication requiring alternative and augmented communication. The study utilized a multiple probe design across behaviors. Results showed utilizing naturalistic time delay increases independent requests using a speech generating device

    Executive performance on the preschool executive task assessment in children with sickle cell anemia and matched controls

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    Executive deficits are commonly reported in children with sickle cell anemia. Earlier identification of executive deficits would give more scope for intervention, but this cognitive domain has not been routinely investigated due to a lack of age-appropriate tasks normed for preschool children. In particular, information relating to patient performance on an executive task that reflects an everyday activity in the classroom could provide important insight and practical recommendations for the classroom teacher at this key developmental juncture as they enter the academic domain. The performance of 22 children with sickle cell anemia was compared to 24 matched control children on the Preschool Executive Task Assessment. Findings reveal that children with sickle cell anemia are performing poorer than their matched peers on this multi-step assessment. In particular, children with sickle cell anemia required more structured support to shift focus after a completed step, as reflected by poorer scores in the quantitative Sequencing and Completion domains. They also required more support to stay on task, as seen by poorer ratings in the qualitative Distractibility domain. ABBREVIATIONS: PETA: Preschool Executive Task Assessment; SCA: Sickle Cell Anemia; EF: Executive Functioning

    Zur Plastizität von sozio-emotionalen Kompetenzen auf Verhaltens- und Gehirnebene: Eine EEG-begleitete Trainingsstudie bei Vorschulkindern mittels des computergestützten Trainingsprogramms Zirkus Empathico

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    Die Förderung funktionaler sozio-emotionaler Kompetenz in der Vorschulzeit (Altersspanne 3 bis 6 Jahre) ist von entscheidender Bedeutung, um der Entstehung psychischer Störungen vorzubeugen. Bislang gibt es nur wenige Studien, die die Auswirkungen digitaler Trainings auf die sozio-emotionale Entwicklung von Vorschulkindern untersuchen. Ebenso liefert die Forschung umfangreiche Informationen über typisches sozio-emotionales Verhalten bei Vorschulkindern, während weniger darüber bekannt ist, wie das Gehirn diese Funktionen umsetzt. Ziel der Dissertation war es daher, grundlegende und komplexe Aspekte der sozio-emotionalen Kompetenz von Vorschulkindern zu untersuchen, indem ihre Reife und Trainierbarkeit mit Verhaltens- und neuronalen Maßen erfasst wurden. In den Studien 1 und 2 wurden ereigniskorrelierte Potenziale und die Fast Periodic Visual Stimulation Methode eingesetzt, um neuronale Mechanismen der Emotionserkennung zu quantifizieren. Beide Studien ergaben das Vorhandensein grundlegender Mechanismen der Emotionserkennung in dieser Altersgruppe. Darüber hinaus zeigten Vorschulkinder einen Verarbeitungsvorteil von fröhlichen gegenüber ärgerlichen oder neutralen Gesichtern. Studie 3 untersuchte die Trainierbarkeit sozio-emotionaler Kompetenz anhand des digitalen Trainings Zirkus Empathico. Die Zirkus-Empathico-Gruppe zeigte im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe einen Anstieg sowohl der grundlegenden als auch der komplexen sozio-emotionalen Kompetenzen. Darüber hinaus ergab sich für die Zirkus-Empathico-Gruppe auf der neuronalen Ebene einen Verarbeitungsvorteil für fröhliche Gesichter. Zusammenfassend zeigt sich ein erheblicher Nutzen neuronaler Marker für das Verständnis von Mechanismen, welchen der Emotionserkennung von Vorschulkindern zugrunde liegen. Die vielversprechende Evidenz für die Wirksamkeit eines digitalen sozio-emotionalen Kompetenztrainings ermöglicht darüber hinaus weitere Überlegungen zur Nachhaltigkeit der Effekte sowie der gesellschaftlichen Bedeutung.Promoting functional socio-emotional competence in the preschool years (age range 3 to 6 years) is crucial to prevent the development of psychological disorders. To date, there are few studies examining the effects of digital training on the socio-emotional development of preschool children. Similarly, research provides extensive information on typical socio-emotional behaviors in preschool children, while less is known about how the brain implements these functions. Therefore, the goal of this dissertation was to examine fundamental and complex aspects of preschoolers' socio-emotional competence by assessing their maturity and trainability with behavioral and neuronal measures. Studies 1 and 2 used event-related potentials and the Fast Periodic Visual Stimulation method to quantify neural mechanisms of emotion recognition. Both studies revealed the presence of basic emotion recognition mechanisms in this age group. In addition, preschoolers showed a processing advantage of happy over angry or neutral faces. Study 3 investigated the trainability of socio-emotional competence using the digital training Zirkus Empathico. The Zirkus Empathico group showed an increase in both basic and complex socio-emotional competencies compared to the control group. In addition, the Zirkus Empathico group showed a processing advantage for happy faces at the neuronal level. In summary, neuronal markers show considerable utility for understanding mechanisms underlying emotion recognition in preschool children. The promising evidence for the efficacy of digital socio-emotional skills training also allows further consideration of the sustainability of the effects as well as the societal significance

    Preschool predictors of mathematics in first grade children with autism spectrum disorder

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    AbstractUp till now, research evidence on the mathematical abilities of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has been scarce and provided mixed results. The current study examined the predictive value of five early numerical competencies for four domains of mathematics in first grade. Thirty-three high-functioning children with ASD were followed up from preschool to first grade and compared with 54 typically developing children, as well as with normed samples in first grade. Five early numerical competencies were tested in preschool (5–6 years): verbal subitizing, counting, magnitude comparison, estimation, and arithmetic operations. Four domains of mathematics were used as outcome variables in first grade (6–7 years): procedural calculation, number fact retrieval, word/language problems, and time-related competences. Children with ASD showed similar early numerical competencies at preschool age as typically developing children. Moreover, they scored average on number fact retrieval and time-related competences and higher on procedural calculation and word/language problems compared to the normed population in first grade. When predicting first grade mathematics performance in children with ASD, both verbal subitizing and counting seemed to be important to evaluate at preschool age. Verbal subitizing had a higher predictive value in children with ASD than in typically developing children. Whereas verbal subitizing was predictive for procedural calculation, number fact retrieval, and word/language problems, counting was predictive for procedural calculation and, to a lesser extent, number fact retrieval. Implications and directions for future research are discussed

    A randomized controlled pilot trial of classroom-based mindfulness meditation compared to an active control condition in sixth-grade children

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    The current study is a pilot trial to examine the effects of a nonelective, classroom-based, teacher-implemented, mindfulness meditation intervention on standard clinical measures of mental health and affect in middle school children. A total of 101 healthy sixth-grade students (55 boys, 46 girls) were randomized to either an Asian history course with daily mindfulness meditation practice (intervention group) or an African history course with a matched experiential activity (active control group). Self-reported measures included the Youth Self Report (YSR), a modified Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and the Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness Measure –Revised. Both groups decreased significantly on clinical syndrome subscales and affect but did not differ in the extent of their improvements. Meditators were significantly less likely to develop suicidal ideation or thoughts of self-harm than controls. These results suggest that mindfulness training may yield both unique and non-specific benefits that are shared by other novel activities

    Phonological Awareness Activities for the Elementary Classroom

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    The purpose of this project was to create a manual for teachers to guide decision making about how and when to include phonological awareness instruction in the elementary classroom. The manual includes assessments and sample activities to facilitate acquisition of phonological awareness. Activities were designed based on research which suggests that phonological awareness be taught in the following order: rhymes & alliteration, oddity tasks, blend & split syllables, phonological segmentation, and phoneme manipulation. Many of the activities were field tested with a class of 19 first graders in the last quarter of the school year

    Identification of Early Behavioral Markers of Anxiety and Social Withdrawal in Preschool Children

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    This study examined an observational method for identifying specific behaviors to indicate social anxiety and social withdrawal in preschool children. During an interaction task with a novel adult, 28 children (ages 4 and 5) were observed for specific verbal and non-verbal behaviors (i.e., total utterances, commands, questions, unsolicited conversation, direct responses, eye gaze aversion, non-verbal response, physical distancing, freezing, smiling ) and global behaviors (i.e., shyness, volume or speech, and postural rigidity), theoretically relevant to early childhood social anxiety. Behaviors observed during the interaction task were examined in relation to the parent-reported Spence Preschool Anxiety Scale\u27s social anxiety subscale (Spence, Rapee, Edwards, & Ingram, 2001) and the percentage of solitary behavior observed during unstructured play at preschool (Morris, Messer, & Gross, 1995). Four years later, participants were re-contacted and 15 parents and children completed the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory for Children, Parent Report (P-SPAIC; Beidel, Turner, Hamlin, & Morris, 2000), the Child Behavior Checklist Social Competence Subscale (CBCL, Social Competence; Achenbach, 1991), and the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory for Children, Item 10 self-report (SPAIC-10, T. Morris, personal communication). Preliminary analyses revealed that the specific verbal and non-verbal behaviors (with the exception of physical distancing and commands) were significantly correlated with the global behaviors. The global behaviors did not predict a significant amount of variance in solitary behavior during unstructured play. None of the specific verbal or non-verbal behaviors were significantly related to solitary behavior during unstructured play or the Spence Preschool Anxiety Scale\u27s social anxiety subscale. Although solitary behavior during unstructured play and the Spence Preschool Anxiety Scale\u27s social anxiety subscale were significantly related, neither one was significantly differentially related to any of the specific verbal or non-verbal behaviors observed during the interaction task. Unsolicited conversation and direct responses were significantly related to CBCL Social Competence at follow-up. Although a significant difference was not detected, a large effect was seen for total utterances, commands, and non-verbal responses to direct questions for those children who were elevated on one or more of the follow-up measures compared to children who were not elevated on any follow-up measure. Although limited by a lack of adequate statistical power and a restricted range of social anxiety at baseline, the study has important implications for the identification of specific behaviors in preschool that may be risk-factors for social anxiety childhood
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