4 research outputs found

    Toward Automatic Subpixel Registration of Unmanned Airborne Vehicle Images

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    Many applications require to register images within subpixel accuracy like computer vision especially super-resolution (SR) where the estimated subpixel shifts are very crucial in the reconstruction and restoration of SR images. In our work we have an optical sensor that is mounted on an unmanned airborne vehicle (UAV) and captures a set of images that contain sufficient overlapped area required to reconstruct a SR image. Due to the wind, The UAV may encounter rotational effects such as yaw, pitch and roll which can distort the acquired as well as processed images with shear, tilt or perspective distortions. In this paper we propose a hybrid algorithm to register these UAV images within subpixel accuracy to feed them in a SR reconstruction step. Our algorithm consists of two steps. The first step uses scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) to correct the distorted images. Because the resultant images are not registered to a subpixel precision, the second step registers the images using a fast Fourier transform (FFT) based method that is both efficient and robust to moderate noise and lens optical blur. Our FFT based method reduces the dimensionality of the Fourier matrix of the cross correlation and uses a forward and backward search in order to obtain an accurate estimation of the subpixel shifts. We discuss the relation between the dimensionality reduction factors and the image shifts as well as propose criteria that can be used to optimally select these factors. Finally, we compare the results of our approach to other subpixel techniques in terms of their efficiency and computational speed

    Super-Resolution of Unmanned Airborne Vehicle Images with Maximum Fidelity Stochastic Restoration

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    Super-resolution (SR) refers to reconstructing a single high resolution (HR) image from a set of subsampled, blurred and noisy low resolution (LR) images. One may, then, envision a scenario where a set of LR images is acquired with sensors on a moving platform like unmanned airborne vehicles (UAV). Due to the wind, the UAV may encounter altitude change or rotational effects which can distort the acquired as well as the processed images. Also, the visual quality of the SR image is affected by image acquisition degradations, the available number of the LR images and their relative positions. This dissertation seeks to develop a novel fast stochastic algorithm to reconstruct a single SR image from UAV-captured images in two steps. First, the UAV LR images are aligned using a new hybrid registration algorithm within subpixel accuracy. In the second step, the proposed approach develops a new fast stochastic minimum square constrained Wiener restoration filter for SR reconstruction and restoration using a fully detailed continuous-discrete-continuous (CDC) model. A new parameter that accounts for LR images registration and fusion errors is added to the SR CDC model in addition to a multi-response restoration and reconstruction. Finally, to assess the visual quality of the resultant images, two figures of merit are introduced: information rate and maximum realizable fidelity. Experimental results show that quantitative assessment using the proposed figures coincided with the visual qualitative assessment. We evaluated our filter against other SR techniques and its results were found to be competitive in terms of speed and visual quality

    Detecting Changes in Terrain Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    In recent years, small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been used for more than the thrill they bring to model airplane enthusiasts. Their flexibility and low cost have made them a viable option for low-altitude reconnaissance. In a recent effort, we acquired video data from a small UAV during several passes over the same flight path. The objective of the exercise was to determine if objects had been added to the terrain along the flight path between flight passes. Several issues accrue to this simple-sounding problem: (1) lighting variations may cause false detection of objects because of changes in shadow orientation and strength between passes; (2) variations in the flight path due to wind-speed, and heading change may cause misalignment of gross features making the task of detecting changes between the frames very difficult; and (3) changes in the aircraft orientation and altitude lead to a change in size of the features from frame-to-frame making a comparison difficult. In this paper, we discuss our efforts to perform this change detection, and the lessons that we learned from this exercise

    Detecting changes in terrain using unmanned aerial vehicles

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