9 research outputs found

    Streaming Infrastructure and Natural Language Modeling with Application to Streaming Big Data

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    Streaming data are produced in great velocity and diverse variety. The vision of this research is to build an end-to-end system that handles the collection, curation and analysis of streaming data. The streaming data used in this thesis contain both numeric type data and text type data. First, in the field of data collection, we design and evaluate a data delivery framework that handles the real-time nature of streaming data. In this component, we use streaming data in automotive domain since it is suitable for testing and evaluating our data delivery system. Secondly, in the field of data curation, we use a language model to analyze two online automotive forums as an example for streaming text data curation. Last but not least, we present our approach for automated query expansion on Twitter data as an example of streaming social media data analysis. This thesis provides a holistic view of the end-to-end system we have designed, built and analyzed. To study the streaming data in automotive domain, a complex and massive amount of data is being collected from on-board sensors of operational connected vehicles (CVs), infrastructure data sources such as roadway sensors and traffic signals, mobile data sources such as cell phones, social media sources such as Twitter, and news and weather data services. Unfortunately, these data create a bottleneck at data centers for processing and retrievals of collected data, and require the deployment of additional message transfer infrastructure between data producers and consumers to support diverse CV applications. The first part of this dissertation, we present a strategy for creating an efficient and low-latency distributed message delivery system for CV systems using a distributed message delivery platform. This strategy enables large-scale ingestion, curation, and transformation of unstructured data (roadway traffic-related and roadway non-traffic-related data) into labeled and customized topics for a large number of subscribers or consumers, such as CVs, mobile devices, and data centers. We evaluate the performance of this strategy by developing a prototype infrastructure using Apache Kafka, an open source message delivery system, and compared its performance with the latency requirements of CV applications. We present experimental results of the message delivery infrastructure on two different distributed computing testbeds at Clemson University. Experiments were performed to measure the latency of the message delivery system for a variety of testing scenarios. These experiments reveal that measured latencies are less than the U.S. Department of Transportation recommended latency requirements for CV applications, which provides evidence that the system is capable for managing CV related data distribution tasks. Human-generated streaming data are large in volume and noisy in content. Direct acquisition of the full scope of human-generated data is often ineffective. In our research, we try to find an alternative resource to study such data. Common Crawl is a massive multi-petabyte dataset hosted by Amazon. It contains archived HTML web page data from 2008 to date. Common Crawl has been widely used for text mining purposes. Using data extracted from Common Crawl has several advantages over a direct crawl of web data, among which is removing the likelihood of a user\u27s home IP address becoming blacklisted for accessing a given web site too frequently. However, Common Crawl is a data sample, and so questions arise about the quality of Common Crawl as a representative sample of the original data. We perform systematic tests on the similarity of topics estimated from Common Crawl compared to topics estimated from the full data of online forums. Our target is online discussions from a user forum for car enthusiasts, but our research strategy can be applied to other domains and samples to evaluate the representativeness of topic models. We show that topic proportions estimated from Common Crawl are not significantly different than those estimated on the full data. We also show that topics are similar in terms of their word compositions, and not worse than topic similarity estimated under true random sampling, which we simulate through a series of experiments. Our research will be of interest to analysts who wish to use Common Crawl to study topics of interest in user forum data, and analysts applying topic models to other data samples. Twitter data is another example of high-velocity streaming data. We use it as an example to study the query expansion application in streaming social media data analysis. Query expansion is a problem concerned with gathering more relevant documents from a given set that cover a certain topic. Here in this thesis we outline a number of tools for a query expansion system that will allow its user to gather more relevant documents (in this case, tweets from the Twitter social media system), while discriminating from irrelevant documents. These tools include a method for triggering a given query expansion using a Jaccard similarity threshold between keywords, and a query expansion method using archived news reports to create a vector space of novel keywords. As the nature of streaming data, Twitter stream contains emerging events that are constantly changing and therefore not predictable using static queries. Since keywords used in static query method often mismatch the words used in topics around emerging events. To solve this problem, our proposed approach of automated query expansion detects the emerging events in the first place. Then we combine both local analysis and global analysis methods to generate queries for capturing the emerging topics. Experiment results show that by combining the global analysis and local analysis method, our approach can capture the semantic information in the emerging events with high efficiency

    Spatio-temporal prediction of crimes using network analytic approach

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    It is quite evident that majority of the population lives in urban area today than in any time of the human history. This trend seems to increase in coming years. A study [5] says that nearly 80.7% of total population in USA stays in urban area. By 2030 nearly 60% of the population in the world will live in or move to cities. With the increase in urban population, it is important to keep an eye on criminal activities. By doing so, governments can enforce intelligent policing systems and hence many government agencies and local authorities have made the crime data publicly available. In this paper, we analyze Chicago city crime data fused with other social information sources using network analytic techniques to predict criminal activity for the next year. We observe that as we add more layers of data which represent different aspects of the society, the quality of prediction is improved. Our prediction models not just predict total number of crimes for the whole Chicago city, rather they predict number of crimes for all types of crimes and for different regions in City of Chicago

    A trend study on the impact of social media in decision making

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    Social media has grown steadily during the last decade and it is now considered as a new opportunity to use for different purposes such as decision making. The primary objective of this paper is to review articles related to social media and decision making using manual and bibliometrics anal-ysis methods, and to identify top themes in these articles. We have reviewed the papers published between 2008 and the first month of 2019 in Scopus where 1,159 articles were published in this period. These articles come from 733 sources and 3,459 authors. According to our survey, United States is the most productive country. Moreover, most collaborations occurred between two coun-tries of United States and United Kingdom as well as between United States and China. The bibliometrics analysis examines global research in this field from the different point of views

    Enhancing the Performance of Text Mining

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    The amount of text data produced in science, finance, social media, and medicine is growing at an unprecedented pace. The raw text data typically introduces major computational and analytical obstacles (e.g., extremely high dimensionality) to data mining and machine learning algorithms. Besides, the growth in the size of text data makes the search process more difficult for information retrieval systems, making retrieving relevant results to match the users’ search queries challenging. Moreover, the availability of text data in different languages creates the need to develop new methods to analyze multilingual topics to help policymakers in governmental and health systems to make risk decisions and to create policies to respond to public health crises, natural disasters, and political or social movements. The goal of this thesis is to develop new methods that handle computational and analytical problems for complex high-dimensional text data, develop a new query expansion approach to enhance the performance of information retrieval systems, and to present new techniques for analyzing multilingual topics using a translation service. First, in the field of dimensionality reduction, we develop a new method for detecting and eliminating domain-based words. In this method, we use three different datasets and five classifiers for testing and evaluating the performance of our new approach before and after eliminating domain-based words. We compare the performance of our approach with other feature selection methods. We find that the new approach improves the performance of the binary classifier and reduces the dimensionality of the feature space by 90%. Also, our approach reduces the execution time of the classifier and outperforms one of the feature selection methods. Second, in the field of information retrieval, we design and implement a method that integrates words from a current stream with external data sources in order to predict the occurrence of relevant words that have not yet appeared in the primary source. This algorithm enables the construction of new queries that effectively capture emergent events that a user may not have anticipated when initiating the data collection stream. The added value of using the external data sources appears when we have a stream of data and we want to predict something that has not yet happened instead of using only the stream that is limited to the available information at a specific time. We compare the performance of our approach with two alternative approaches. The first approach (static) expands user queries with words extracted from a probabilistic topic model of the stream. The second approach (emergent) reinforces user queries with emergent words extracted from the stream. We find that our method outperforms alternative approaches, exhibiting particularly good results in identifying future emergent topics. Third, in the field of the multilingual text, we present a strategy to analyze the similarity between multilingual topics in English and Arabic tweets surrounding the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. We make a descriptive comparison between topics in Arabic and English tweets about COVID-19 using tweets collected in the same way and filtered using the same keywords. We analyze Twitter’s discussion to understand the evolution of topics over time and reveal topic similarity among tweets across the datasets. We use probabilistic topic modeling to identify and extract the key topics of Twitter’s discussion in Arabic and English tweets. We use two methods to analyze the similarity between multilingual topics. The first method (full-text topic modeling approach) translates all text to English and then runs topic modeling to find similar topics. The second method (term-based topic modeling approach) runs topic modeling on the text before translation then translates the top keywords in each topic to find similar topics. We find similar topics related to COVID-19 pandemic covered in English and Arabic tweets for certain time intervals. Results indicate that the term-based topic modeling approach can reduce the cost compared to the full-text topic modeling approach and still have comparable results in finding similar topics. The computational time to translate the terms is significantly lower than the translation of the full text

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationDue to the popularity of Web 2.0 and Social Media in the last decade, the percolation of user generated content (UGC) has rapidly increased. In the financial realm, this results in the emergence of virtual investing communities (VIC) to the investing public. There is an on-going debate among scholars and practitioners on whether such UGC contain valuable investing information or mainly noise. I investigate two major studies in my dissertation. First I examine the relationship between peer influence and information quality in the context of individual characteristics in stock microblogging. Surprisingly, I discover that the set of individual characteristics that relate to peer influence is not synonymous with those that relate to high information quality. In relating to information quality, influentials who are frequently mentioned by peers due to their name value are likely to possess higher information quality while those who are better at diffusing information via retweets are likely to associate with lower information quality. Second I propose a study to explore predictability of stock microblog dimensions and features over stock price directional movements using data mining classification techniques. I find that author-ticker-day dimension produces the highest predictive accuracy inferring that this dimension is able to capture both relevant author and ticker information as compared to author-day and ticker-day. In addition to these two studies, I also explore two topics: network structure of co-tweeted tickers and sentiment annotation via crowdsourcing. I do this in order to understand and uncover new features as well as new outcome indicators with the objective of improving predictive accuracy of the classification or saliency of the explanatory models. My dissertation work extends the frontier in understanding the relationship between financial UGC, specifically stock microblogging with relevant phenomena as well as predictive outcomes

    Knowledge and Management Models for Sustainable Growth

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    In the last years sustainability has become a topic of global concern and a key issue in the strategic agenda of both business organizations and public authorities and organisations. Significant changes in business landscape, the emergence of new technology, including social media, the pressure of new social concerns, have called into question established conceptualizations of competitiveness, wealth creation and growth. New and unaddressed set of issues regarding how private and public organisations manage and invest their resources to create sustainable value have brought to light. In particular the increasing focus on environmental and social themes has suggested new dimensions to be taken into account in the value creation dynamics, both at organisations and communities level. For companies the need of integrating corporate social and environmental responsibility issues into strategy and daily business operations, pose profound challenges, which, in turn, involve numerous processes and complex decisions influenced by many stakeholders. Facing these challenges calls for the creation, use and exploitation of new knowledge as well as the development of proper management models, approaches and tools aimed to contribute to the development and realization of environmentally and socially sustainable business strategies and practices

    Advances in Public Transport Platform for the Development of Sustainability Cities

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    Modern societies demand high and varied mobility, which in turn requires a complex transport system adapted to social needs that guarantees the movement of people and goods in an economically efficient and safe way, but all are subject to a new environmental rationality and the new logic of the paradigm of sustainability. From this perspective, an efficient and flexible transport system that provides intelligent and sustainable mobility patterns is essential to our economy and our quality of life. The current transport system poses growing and significant challenges for the environment, human health, and sustainability, while current mobility schemes have focused much more on the private vehicle that has conditioned both the lifestyles of citizens and cities, as well as urban and territorial sustainability. Transport has a very considerable weight in the framework of sustainable development due to environmental pressures, associated social and economic effects, and interrelations with other sectors. The continuous growth that this sector has experienced over the last few years and its foreseeable increase, even considering the change in trends due to the current situation of generalized crisis, make the challenge of sustainable transport a strategic priority at local, national, European, and global levels. This Special Issue will pay attention to all those research approaches focused on the relationship between evolution in the area of transport with a high incidence in the environment from the perspective of efficiency