4,456 research outputs found

    Boosting Image Forgery Detection using Resampling Features and Copy-move analysis

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    Realistic image forgeries involve a combination of splicing, resampling, cloning, region removal and other methods. While resampling detection algorithms are effective in detecting splicing and resampling, copy-move detection algorithms excel in detecting cloning and region removal. In this paper, we combine these complementary approaches in a way that boosts the overall accuracy of image manipulation detection. We use the copy-move detection method as a pre-filtering step and pass those images that are classified as untampered to a deep learning based resampling detection framework. Experimental results on various datasets including the 2017 NIST Nimble Challenge Evaluation dataset comprising nearly 10,000 pristine and tampered images shows that there is a consistent increase of 8%-10% in detection rates, when copy-move algorithm is combined with different resampling detection algorithms

    A cell outage management framework for dense heterogeneous networks

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    In this paper, we present a novel cell outage management (COM) framework for heterogeneous networks with split control and data planes-a candidate architecture for meeting future capacity, quality-of-service, and energy efficiency demands. In such an architecture, the control and data functionalities are not necessarily handled by the same node. The control base stations (BSs) manage the transmission of control information and user equipment (UE) mobility, whereas the data BSs handle UE data. An implication of this split architecture is that an outage to a BS in one plane has to be compensated by other BSs in the same plane. Our COM framework addresses this challenge by incorporating two distinct cell outage detection (COD) algorithms to cope with the idiosyncrasies of both data and control planes. The COD algorithm for control cells leverages the relatively larger number of UEs in the control cell to gather large-scale minimization-of-drive-test report data and detects an outage by applying machine learning and anomaly detection techniques. To improve outage detection accuracy, we also investigate and compare the performance of two anomaly-detecting algorithms, i.e., k-nearest-neighbor- and local-outlier-factor-based anomaly detectors, within the control COD. On the other hand, for data cell COD, we propose a heuristic Grey-prediction-based approach, which can work with the small number of UE in the data cell, by exploiting the fact that the control BS manages UE-data BS connectivity and by receiving a periodic update of the received signal reference power statistic between the UEs and data BSs in its coverage. The detection accuracy of the heuristic data COD algorithm is further improved by exploiting the Fourier series of the residual error that is inherent to a Grey prediction model. Our COM framework integrates these two COD algorithms with a cell outage compensation (COC) algorithm that can be applied to both planes. Our COC solution utilizes an actor-critic-based reinforcement learning algorithm, which optimizes the capacity and coverage of the identified outage zone in a plane, by adjusting the antenna gain and transmission power of the surrounding BSs in that plane. The simulation results show that the proposed framework can detect both data and control cell outage and compensate for the detected outage in a reliable manner

    Cross-Layer Peer-to-Peer Track Identification and Optimization Based on Active Networking

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    P2P applications appear to emerge as ultimate killer applications due to their ability to construct highly dynamic overlay topologies with rapidly-varying and unpredictable traffic dynamics, which can constitute a serious challenge even for significantly over-provisioned IP networks. As a result, ISPs are facing new, severe network management problems that are not guaranteed to be addressed by statically deployed network engineering mechanisms. As a first step to a more complete solution to these problems, this paper proposes a P2P measurement, identification and optimisation architecture, designed to cope with the dynamicity and unpredictability of existing, well-known and future, unknown P2P systems. The purpose of this architecture is to provide to the ISPs an effective and scalable approach to control and optimise the traffic produced by P2P applications in their networks. This can be achieved through a combination of different application and network-level programmable techniques, leading to a crosslayer identification and optimisation process. These techniques can be applied using Active Networking platforms, which are able to quickly and easily deploy architectural components on demand. This flexibility of the optimisation architecture is essential to address the rapid development of new P2P protocols and the variation of known protocols

    A New Tool for Detecting Intraday Periodicities with Application to High Frequency Exchange Rates

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    In this paper we investigate the claim that hedge funds offer investors a superior risk-return trade-off. We do so using a continuous time version of Dybvig’s (1988a, 1988b) payoff distribution pricing model. The evaluation model, which does not require any assumptions with regard to the return distribution of the funds in question, is applied to the monthly returns of 77 hedge funds and 13 hedge fund indices over the period May 1990 – April 2000. The results show that as a stand-alone investment hedge funds do not offer a superior risk-return profile. We find 12 indices and 72 individual funds to be inefficient, with the average efficiency loss amounting to 2.76% per annum for indices and 6.42% for individual funds. Part of the inefficiency cost of individual funds can be diversified away. Funds of funds, however, are not the preferred vehicle for this as their performance appears to suffer badly from their double fee structure. Looking at hedge funds in a portfolio context results in a marked improvement in the evaluation outcomes. Seven of the 12 hedge fund indices and 58 of the 72 individual funds classified as inefficient on a stand-alone basis are capable of producing an efficient payoff profile when mixed with the S&P 500. The best results are obtained when 10-20% of the portfolio value is invested in hedge funds.Spectral Analysis, Periodicities, Seasonality, Forecasting Exchange Rates, Trading Rules

    Towards automated visual surveillance using gait for identity recognition and tracking across multiple non-intersecting cameras

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    Despite the fact that personal privacy has become a major concern, surveillance technology is now becoming ubiquitous in modern society. This is mainly due to the increasing number of crimes as well as the essential necessity to provide secure and safer environment. Recent research studies have confirmed now the possibility of recognizing people by the way they walk i.e. gait. The aim of this research study is to investigate the use of gait for people detection as well as identification across different cameras. We present a new approach for people tracking and identification between different non-intersecting un-calibrated stationary cameras based on gait analysis. A vision-based markerless extraction method is being deployed for the derivation of gait kinematics as well as anthropometric measurements in order to produce a gait signature. The novelty of our approach is motivated by the recent research in biometrics and forensic analysis using gait. The experimental results affirmed the robustness of our approach to successfully detect walking people as well as its potency to extract gait features for different camera viewpoints achieving an identity recognition rate of 73.6 % processed for 2270 video sequences. Furthermore, experimental results confirmed the potential of the proposed method for identity tracking in real surveillance systems to recognize walking individuals across different views with an average recognition rate of 92.5 % for cross-camera matching for two different non-overlapping views.<br/

    Onset Event Decoding Exploiting the Rhythmic Structure of Polyphonic Music

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    (c)2011 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works. Published version: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 5(6): 1228-1239, Oct 2011. DOI:10.1109/JSTSP.2011.214622

    Speech and crosstalk detection in multichannel audio

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    The analysis of scenarios in which a number of microphones record the activity of speakers, such as in a round-table meeting, presents a number of computational challenges. For example, if each participant wears a microphone, speech from both the microphone's wearer (local speech) and from other participants (crosstalk) is received. The recorded audio can be broadly classified in four ways: local speech, crosstalk plus local speech, crosstalk alone and silence. We describe two experiments related to the automatic classification of audio into these four classes. The first experiment attempted to optimize a set of acoustic features for use with a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) classifier. A large set of potential acoustic features were considered, some of which have been employed in previous studies. The best-performing features were found to be kurtosis, "fundamentalness," and cross-correlation metrics. The second experiment used these features to train an ergodic hidden Markov model classifier. Tests performed on a large corpus of recorded meetings show classification accuracies of up to 96%, and automatic speech recognition performance close to that obtained using ground truth segmentation