6 research outputs found

    Manifesto - Model Engineering for Complex Systems

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    Complex systems are hard to define. Nevertheless they are more and more frequently encountered. Examples include a worldwide airline traffic management system, a global telecommunication or energy infrastructure or even the whole legacy portfolio accumulated for more than thirty years in a large insurance company. There are currently few engineering methods and tools to deal with them in practice. The purpose of this Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop on Model Engineering for Complex Systems was to study the applicability of Model Driven Engineering (MDE) to the development and management of complex systems. MDE is a software engineering field based on few simple and sound principles. Its power stems from the assumption of considering everything - engineering artefacts, manipulations of artefacts, etc - as a model. Our intuition was that MDE may provide the right level of abstraction to move the study of complex systems from an informal goal to more concrete grounds. In order to provide first evidence in support of this intuition, the workshop studied different visions and different approaches to the development and management of different kinds of complex systems. This note presents the summary of the discussions

    CASSIS: a Modeling Language for Customizable User Interface Designs

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    Abstract. Current user interface modeling languages usually focus on modeling a single user interface and have a fixed set of user interface components; adding another user interface component requires an extension of the language. In this paper we present CASSIS, a concise language that supports creation of user interface components using models instead of language extensions. It also allows the specification of design-time and runtime user interface variations. The support for variations has been used to generate constraints for custom user interface components, to specify design patterns and design decisions. CASSIS has been used in several projects including a multi-disciplinary applied research project

    A Tool for Automated Reasoning about Traces Based on Configurable Formal Semantics

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    We present Tarski, a tool for specifying configurable trace semantics to facilitate automated reasoning about traces. Software development projects require that various types of traces be modeled between and within development artifacts. For any given artifact (e.g., requirements, architecture models and source code), Tarski allows the user to specify new trace types and their configurable semantics, while, using the semantics, it automatically infers new traces based on existing traces provided by the user, and checks the consistency of traces. It has been evaluated on three industrial case studies in the automotive domain (https://modelwriter.github.io/Tarski/)

    Comparativa entre herramientas MDD enfocada en la versatilidad del lenguaje con respecto a la implementación de requerimientos. Caso práctico Integranova WebRatio

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    Within the analysis and development of software, it has been considered a fundamental aspect the implementation of standards that allow us to implement, design and integrate different elements for an application to meet or be framed within different characteristics. The requirements of users have become over time in real challenges to be met by software developers and has sought the need to lower costs with the goal of mass production of content. For this reason, that has been penetrated in new technologies that handle this type of paradigms with the objective of optimizing the necessary resources for the implementation of technological projects, we have found tools such as Integranova, WebRatio, Genexus, that have adopted the paradigm or part of it, offering an agile development alternative in an increasingly competitive market. The objective of the present research is to analyze and to make a comparative between two tools based on a Model-Driven paradigm and to determine which of the two is more convenient for the use by the characteristics that it possesses, as well as by that well it complies the parameters to be considered a Model-Based tool. In the present study the comparison between two tools will be carried out in a given scenario, through the same one it is proposed to analyze the advantages and disadvantages that each tool has in the development of the different requirements of the initial problem. It will evaluate the versatility of the tool and the facilities that they present to the users for their correct implementation and likewise will evaluate the capacity of assimilation of the tool as the basis of a factor of productivity applied to a real field. There will be different regulations to satisfy based on the definition of the model Entity-Relationship, services, transactions, roles and user permissions, etc. We will evaluate how these requirements are handled in both tools, as well as the final product obtained with each of them.Dentro del análisis y desarrollo de software, se ha considerado un aspecto fundamental la implementación de estándares que nos permitan implementar, diseñar e integrar diferentes elementos para que una aplicación cumpla o se encuentre enmarcada dentro de diferentes características. Los requerimientos de los usuarios se han convertido con el pasar del tiempo en verdaderos retos a cumplir por parte de los desarrolladores de software y se ha buscado la necesidad de abaratar costos con el objetivo de masificar la producción de contenidos. Es por esta razón, que se ha incursionado en nuevas tecnologías que manejan este tipo de paradigmas con el objetivo de optimizar los recursos necesarios para implementación de proyectos tecnológicos, se han encontrado herramientas como Integranova, WebRatio, Genexus¿, que han adoptado el paradigma o parte de él, ofreciendo una alternativa de desarrollo ágil en un mercado cada vez más competitivo. El objetivo de la presente trabajo es analizar y realizar una comparativa entre dos herramientas basadas en un paradigma model-driven y determinar cuál de las dos es más conveniente para su uso por las características que posea, así como también por que tan bien cumpla los parámetros para ser considerada una herramienta basada en modelos. En el presente estudio se realizará la comparativa entre dos herramientas en un escenario determinado, mediante el mismo se plantea analizar las ventajas y desventajas que posee cada herramienta en el desarrollo de los diferentes requisitos del problema inicial. Se evaluará la versatilidad de la herramienta y las facilidades que presentan a los usuarios para su correcta implementación y de igual manera se evaluará la capacidad de asimilación de la herramienta como la base de un factor de productividad aplicada a un campo real. Habrá diferentes normativas que satisfacer partiendo de la definición del modelo entidad ¿ relación, servicios, transacciones, roles y permisos de usuario, etc. Se evaluarán como se manejan estos requisitos en ambas herramientas, así como el producto final obtenido con cada una de ellas.Pineda Álvarez, DF. (2017). Comparativa entre herramientas MDD enfocada en la versatilidad del lenguaje con respecto a la implementación de requerimientos. Caso práctico Integranova WebRatio. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/90237TFG

    Detecting and Repairing Inconsistencies across Heterogeneous Models

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