6 research outputs found

    Application Adaptive Bandwidth Management Using Real-Time Network Monitoring.

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    Application adaptive bandwidth management is a strategy for ensuring secure and reliable network operation in the presence of undesirable applications competing for a network’s crucial bandwidth, covert channels of communication via non-standard traffic on well-known ports, and coordinated Denial of Service attacks. The study undertaken here explored the classification, analysis and management of the network traffic on the basis of ports and protocols used, type of applications, traffic direction and flow rates on the East Tennessee State University’s campus-wide network. Bandwidth measurements over a nine-month period indicated bandwidth abuse of less than 0.0001% of total network bandwidth. The conclusion suggests the use of the defense-in-depth approach in conjunction with the KHYATI (Knowledge, Host hardening, Yauld monitoring, Analysis, Tools and Implementation) paradigm to ensure effective information assurance

    Secure execution environment via program shepherding

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    Thesis (M.Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2003.Includes bibliographical references (p. 77-82).We present program shepherding, a method for monitoring control flow transfers during program execution in order to enforce a security policy. Program shepherding provides three basic techniques as building blocks for security policies. First, program shepherding can restrict execution privileges on the basis of code origins. This distinction can ensure that malicious code masquerading as data is never executed, thwarting a large class of security attacks. Second, shepherding can restrict control transfers based on instruction type, source, and target. Finally, shepherding guarantees that sandboxing checks around any program operation will never be bypassed. Security attacks use inevitable bugs in trusted binaries to coerce a program into performing actions that it was never intended to perform. We use static and dynamic analyses to automatically build a custom security policy for a target program, which specifies the program's execution model. An accurate execution model restricts control flow transfers only to the intended ones and can thwart attacker attempts to alter program execution. For example, shepherding will allow execution of shared library code only through declared entry points. Finer specifications can be extracted from high-level information present in programs' source code - for example, which values a function pointer may take. Program shepherding will allow indirect calls only to their known targets, and function returns only to known callers. These analyses build a strict enough policy to prevent all deviations from the program's control flow graph and nearly all violations of the calling convention. This technique renders most security vulnerabilities unexploitable and thwarts current and future security attacks. We present an efficient implementation of program shepherding's capabilities in the DynamoRIO [6, 7] runtime code modification system. The resulting system imposes minimal performance overhead, operates on unmodified binaries, and requires no special hardware or operating system support.by Vladimir L. Kiriansky.M.Eng

    Repeating the past experimental and empirical methods in system and software security

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    I propose a new method of analyzing intrusions: instead of analyzing evidence and deducing what must have happened, I find the intrusion-causing circumstances by a series of automatic experiments. I first capture process';s system calls, and when an intrusion has been detected, I use these system calls to replay some of the captured processes in order to find the intrusion-causing processes—the cause-effect chain that led to the intrusion. I extend this approach to find also the inputs to those processes that cause the intrusion—the attack signature. Intrusion analysis is a minimization problem—how to find a minimal set of circumstances that makes the intrusion happen. I develop several efficient minimization algorithms and show their theoretical properties, such as worst-case running times, as well as empirical evidence for a comparison of average running times. Our evaluations show that the approach is correct and practical; it finds the 3 processes out of 32 that are responsible for a proof-of-concept attack in about 5 minutes, and it finds the 72 out of 168 processes in a large, complicated, and difficult to detect multi-stage attack involving Apache and suidperl in about 2.5 hours. I also extract attack signatures in proof-of-concept attacks in reasonable time. I have also considered the problem of predicting before deployment which components in a software system are most likely to contain vulnerabilities. I present empirical evidence that vulnerabilities are connected to a component';s imports. In a case study on Mozilla, I correctly predicted one half of all vulnerable components, while more than two thirds of our predictions were correct.Ich stelle eine neue Methode der Einbruchsanalyse vor: Anstatt Spuren zu analysieren und daraus den Ereignisverlauf zu erschließen, finde ich die einbruchsverursachenden Umstände durch automatische Experimente. Zunächst zeichne ich die Systemaufrufe von Prozessen auf. Nachdem ein Einbruch entdeckt wird, benutze ich diese Systemaufrufe, um Prozesse teilweise wieder einzuspielen, so dass ich herausfinden kann, welche Prozesse den Einbruch verursacht haben —die Ursache-Wirkungs-Kette. Ich erweitere diesen Ansatz, um auch die einbruchsverursachenden Eingaben dieser Prozesse zu finden — die Angriffs-Signatur. Einbruchsanalyse ist ein Minimierungsproblem — wie findet man eine minimale Menge von Umständen, die den Einbruch passieren lassen? Ich entwickle einige effiziente Algorithmen und gebe sowohl theroretische Eigenschaften an, wie z.B. die Laufzeit im ungünstigsten Fall, als auch empirische Ergebnisse, die das mittlere Laufzeitverhalen beleuchten. Meine Evaluierung zeigt, dass unser Ansatz korrekt und praktikabel ist; er findet die 3 aus 32 Prozessen, die für einen konstruierten Angriff verantwortlich sind, in etwa 5 Minuten, und er findet die 72 von 168 Prozessen, die für einen echten, komplizierten, mehrstufigen und schwer zu analysierenden Angriff auf Apache und suidperl verantwortlich sind, in 2,5 Stunden. Ich kann ebenfalls Angriffs-Signaturen eines konstruierten Angriffs in vernünftiger Zeit erstellen. Ich habe mich auch mit dem Problem beschäftigt, vor der Auslieferung von Software diejenigen Komponenten vorherzusagen, die besonders anfällig für Schwachstellen sind. Ich bringe empirische Anhaltspunkte, dass Schwachstellen mit Importen korrelieren. In einer Fallstudie über Mozilla konnte ich die Hälfte aller fehlerhaften Komponenten korrekt vorhersagen, wobei etwa zwei Drittel aller Vorhersagen richtig war

    Efficient, transparent, and comprehensive runtime code manipulation

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2004.Includes bibliographical references (p. 293-306).This thesis addresses the challenges of building a software system for general-purpose runtime code manipulation. Modern applications, with dynamically-loaded modules and dynamically-generated code, are assembled at runtime. While it was once feasible at compile time to observe and manipulate every instruction--which is critical for program analysis, instrumentation, trace gathering, optimization, and similar tools--it can now only be done at runtime. Existing runtime tools are successful at inserting instrumentation calls, but no general framework has been developed for fine-grained and comprehensive code observation and modification without high overheads. This thesis demonstrates the feasibility of building such a system in software. We present DynamoRIO, a fully-implemented runtime code manipulation system that supports code transformations on any part of a program, while it executes. DynamoRIO uses code caching technology to provide efficient, transparent, and comprehensive manipulation of an unmodified application running on a stock operating system and commodity hardware. DynamoRIO executes large, complex, modern applications with dynamically-loaded, generated, or even modified code. Despite the formidable obstacles inherent in the IA-32 architecture, DynamoRIO provides these capabilities efficiently, with zero to thirty percent time and memory overhead on both Windows and Linux. DynamoRIO exports an interface for building custom runtime code manipulation tools of all types. It has been used by many researchers, with several hundred downloads of our public release, and is being commercialized in a product for protection against remote security exploits, one of numerous applications of runtime code manipulation.by Derek L. Bruening.Ph.D

    Dependable compositions : a formal approach

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    Design processes for most engineering disciplines are based on component reuse. In much the same way as the need for customizable reuse of software fueled the growth and development of object-oriented programming languages over module-based languages, the same driving force for component-based solutions is leading to object-oriented languages being transcended by component-based composition languages. Existing declarative programming languages are ideally suited to the construction of software components, but are inappropriate for specifying compositions of components in a high level manner. Indeed several composition environments exist that are built on top of object-oriented languages though they fail to supply the level of abstraction required to specify compositions of components. This is particularly true when the components are black boxes. In order to reuse a black box component, an accurate and unambiguous description of the component's functionality must exist. It is doubtful that natural language can fulfil this requirement. This thesis advocates a formal approach to specifying a component and demonstrates that this approach will aid in the composition and verification of component based systems. The thesis presents a general solution to the problem by defining the formal semantics for a composition of components. Building on this work, a formal definition of exceptional component behaviour is provided along with a formal reasoning about component dependability. These then form the basis for the formal definition of a composition specification language and theoretical declarative compositional programming language. Such a language would afford the programmer the tools required to construct a dynamic composition of components.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo