15,130 research outputs found

    Mitigation of Through-Wall Distortions of Frontal Radar Images using Denoising Autoencoders

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    Radar images of humans and other concealed objects are considerably distorted by attenuation, refraction and multipath clutter in indoor through-wall environments. While several methods have been proposed for removing target independent static and dynamic clutter, there still remain considerable challenges in mitigating target dependent clutter especially when the knowledge of the exact propagation characteristics or analytical framework is unavailable. In this work we focus on mitigating wall effects using a machine learning based solution -- denoising autoencoders -- that does not require prior information of the wall parameters or room geometry. Instead, the method relies on the availability of a large volume of training radar images gathered in through-wall conditions and the corresponding clean images captured in line-of-sight conditions. During the training phase, the autoencoder learns how to denoise the corrupted through-wall images in order to resemble the free space images. We have validated the performance of the proposed solution for both static and dynamic human subjects. The frontal radar images of static targets are obtained by processing wideband planar array measurement data with two-dimensional array and range processing. The frontal radar images of dynamic targets are simulated using narrowband planar array data processed with two-dimensional array and Doppler processing. In both simulation and measurement processes, we incorporate considerable diversity in the target and propagation conditions. Our experimental results, from both simulation and measurement data, show that the denoised images are considerably more similar to the free-space images when compared to the original through-wall images

    One-Class Support Measure Machines for Group Anomaly Detection

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    We propose one-class support measure machines (OCSMMs) for group anomaly detection which aims at recognizing anomalous aggregate behaviors of data points. The OCSMMs generalize well-known one-class support vector machines (OCSVMs) to a space of probability measures. By formulating the problem as quantile estimation on distributions, we can establish an interesting connection to the OCSVMs and variable kernel density estimators (VKDEs) over the input space on which the distributions are defined, bridging the gap between large-margin methods and kernel density estimators. In particular, we show that various types of VKDEs can be considered as solutions to a class of regularization problems studied in this paper. Experiments on Sloan Digital Sky Survey dataset and High Energy Particle Physics dataset demonstrate the benefits of the proposed framework in real-world applications.Comment: Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI2013

    Learning Deep Representations of Appearance and Motion for Anomalous Event Detection

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    We present a novel unsupervised deep learning framework for anomalous event detection in complex video scenes. While most existing works merely use hand-crafted appearance and motion features, we propose Appearance and Motion DeepNet (AMDN) which utilizes deep neural networks to automatically learn feature representations. To exploit the complementary information of both appearance and motion patterns, we introduce a novel double fusion framework, combining both the benefits of traditional early fusion and late fusion strategies. Specifically, stacked denoising autoencoders are proposed to separately learn both appearance and motion features as well as a joint representation (early fusion). Based on the learned representations, multiple one-class SVM models are used to predict the anomaly scores of each input, which are then integrated with a late fusion strategy for final anomaly detection. We evaluate the proposed method on two publicly available video surveillance datasets, showing competitive performance with respect to state of the art approaches.Comment: Oral paper in BMVC 201

    Data Imputation through the Identification of Local Anomalies

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    We introduce a comprehensive and statistical framework in a model free setting for a complete treatment of localized data corruptions due to severe noise sources, e.g., an occluder in the case of a visual recording. Within this framework, we propose i) a novel algorithm to efficiently separate, i.e., detect and localize, possible corruptions from a given suspicious data instance and ii) a Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) estimator to impute the corrupted data. As a generalization to Euclidean distance, we also propose a novel distance measure, which is based on the ranked deviations among the data attributes and empirically shown to be superior in separating the corruptions. Our algorithm first splits the suspicious instance into parts through a binary partitioning tree in the space of data attributes and iteratively tests those parts to detect local anomalies using the nominal statistics extracted from an uncorrupted (clean) reference data set. Once each part is labeled as anomalous vs normal, the corresponding binary patterns over this tree that characterize corruptions are identified and the affected attributes are imputed. Under a certain conditional independency structure assumed for the binary patterns, we analytically show that the false alarm rate of the introduced algorithm in detecting the corruptions is independent of the data and can be directly set without any parameter tuning. The proposed framework is tested over several well-known machine learning data sets with synthetically generated corruptions; and experimentally shown to produce remarkable improvements in terms of classification purposes with strong corruption separation capabilities. Our experiments also indicate that the proposed algorithms outperform the typical approaches and are robust to varying training phase conditions