10,080 research outputs found

    Performance and Comparative Analysis of the Two Contrary Approaches for Detecting Near Duplicate Web Documents in Web Crawling

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    Recent years have witnessed the drastic development of World Wide Web (WWW). Information is being accessible at the finger tip anytime anywhere through the massive web repository. The performance and reliability of web engines thus face huge problems due to the presence of enormous amount of web data. The voluminous amount of web documents has resulted in problems for search engines leading to the fact that the search results are of less relevance to the user. In addition to this, the presence of duplicate and near-duplicate web documents has created an additional overhead for the search engines critically affecting their performance. The demand for integrating data from heterogeneous sources leads to the problem of near-duplicate web pages. The detection of near duplicate documents within a collection has recently become an area of great interest. In this research, we have presented an efficient approach for the detection of near duplicate web pages in web crawling which uses keywords and the distance measure. Besides that, G.S. Manku et al.’s fingerprint based approach proposed in 2007 was considered as one of the “state-of-the-art" algorithms for finding near-duplicate web pages. Then we have implemented both the approaches and conducted an extensive comparative study between our similarity score based approach and G.S. Manku et al.’s fingerprint based approach. We have analyzed our results in terms of time complexity, space complexity, Memory usage and the confusion matrix parameters. After taking into account the above mentioned performance factors for the two approaches, the comparison study clearly portrays our approach the better (less complex) of the two based on the factors considered.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v2i6.1746

    Extracting News Events from Microblogs

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    Twitter stream has become a large source of information for many people, but the magnitude of tweets and the noisy nature of its content have made harvesting the knowledge from Twitter a challenging task for researchers for a long time. Aiming at overcoming some of the main challenges of extracting the hidden information from tweet streams, this work proposes a new approach for real-time detection of news events from the Twitter stream. We divide our approach into three steps. The first step is to use a neural network or deep learning to detect news-relevant tweets from the stream. The second step is to apply a novel streaming data clustering algorithm to the detected news tweets to form news events. The third and final step is to rank the detected events based on the size of the event clusters and growth speed of the tweet frequencies. We evaluate the proposed system on a large, publicly available corpus of annotated news events from Twitter. As part of the evaluation, we compare our approach with a related state-of-the-art solution. Overall, our experiments and user-based evaluation show that our approach on detecting current (real) news events delivers a state-of-the-art performance

    A Survey to Fix the Threshold and Implementation for Detecting Duplicate Web Documents

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    The drastic development in the information accessible on the World Wide Web has made the employment of automated tools to locate the information resources of interest, and for tracking and analyzing the same a certainty. Web Mining is the branch of data mining that deals with the analysis of World Wide Web. The concepts from various areas such as Data Mining, Internet technology and World Wide Web, and recently, Semantic Web can be said as the origin of web mining. Web mining can be defined as the procedure of determining hidden yet potentially beneficial knowledge from the data accessible in the web. Web mining comprise the sub areas: web content mining, web structure mining, and web usage mining. Web content mining is the process of mining knowledge from the web pages besides other web objects. The process of mining knowledge about the link structure linking web pages and some other web objects is defined as Web structure mining. Web usage mining is defined as the process of mining the usage patterns created by the users accessing the web pages. The search engine technology has led to the development of World Wide. The search engines are the chief gateways for access of information in the web. The ability to locate contents of particular interest amidst a huge heap has turned businesses beneficial and productive. The search engines respond to the queries by employing the process of web crawling that populates an indexed repository of web pages. The programs construct a confined repository of the segment of the web that they visit by navigating the web graph and retrieving pages. There are two main types of crawling, namely, Generic and Focused crawling. Generic crawlers crawls documents and links of diverse topics. Focused crawlers limit the number of pages with the aid of some prior obtained specialized knowledge. The systems that index, mine, and otherwise analyze pages (such as, the search engines) are provided with inputs from the repositories of web pages built by the web crawlers. The drastic development of the Internet and the growing necessity to incorporate heterogeneous data is accompanied by the issue of the existence of near duplicate data. Even if the near duplicate data don’t exhibit bit wise identical nature they are remarkably similar. The duplicate and near duplicate web pages either increase the index storage space or slow down or increase the serving costs which annoy the users, thus causing huge problems for the web search engines. Hence it is inevitable to design algorithms to detect such pages

    Duplicate Question Retrieval and Confirmation Time Prediction in Software Communities

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    Community Question Answering (CQA) in different domains is growing at a large scale because of the availability of several platforms and huge shareable information among users. With the rapid growth of such online platforms, a massive amount of archived data makes it difficult for moderators to retrieve possible duplicates for a new question and identify and confirm existing question pairs as duplicates at the right time. This problem is even more critical in CQAs corresponding to large software systems like askubuntu where moderators need to be experts to comprehend something as a duplicate. Note that the prime challenge in such CQA platforms is that the moderators are themselves experts and are therefore usually extremely busy with their time being extraordinarily expensive. To facilitate the task of the moderators, in this work, we have tackled two significant issues for the askubuntu CQA platform: (1) retrieval of duplicate questions given a new question and (2) duplicate question confirmation time prediction. In the first task, we focus on retrieving duplicate questions from a question pool for a particular newly posted question. In the second task, we solve a regression problem to rank a pair of questions that could potentially take a long time to get confirmed as duplicates. For duplicate question retrieval, we propose a Siamese neural network based approach by exploiting both text and network-based features, which outperforms several state-of-the-art baseline techniques. Our method outperforms DupPredictor and DUPE by 5% and 7% respectively. For duplicate confirmation time prediction, we have used both the standard machine learning models and neural network along with the text and graph-based features. We obtain Spearman's rank correlation of 0.20 and 0.213 (statistically significant) for text and graph based features respectively.Comment: Full paper accepted at ASONAM 2023: The 2023 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Minin

    Linking Representations with Multimodal Contrastive Learning

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    Many applications require grouping instances contained in diverse document datasets into classes. Most widely used methods do not employ deep learning and do not exploit the inherently multimodal nature of documents. Notably, record linkage is typically conceptualized as a string-matching problem. This study develops CLIPPINGS, (Contrastively Linking Pooled Pre-trained Embeddings), a multimodal framework for record linkage. CLIPPINGS employs end-to-end training of symmetric vision and language bi-encoders, aligned through contrastive language-image pre-training, to learn a metric space where the pooled image-text representation for a given instance is close to representations in the same class and distant from representations in different classes. At inference time, instances can be linked by retrieving their nearest neighbor from an offline exemplar embedding index or by clustering their representations. The study examines two challenging applications: constructing comprehensive supply chains for mid-20th century Japan through linking firm level financial records - with each firm name represented by its crop in the document image and the corresponding OCR - and detecting which image-caption pairs in a massive corpus of historical U.S. newspapers came from the same underlying photo wire source. CLIPPINGS outperforms widely used string matching methods by a wide margin and also outperforms unimodal methods. Moreover, a purely self-supervised model trained on only image-OCR pairs also outperforms popular string-matching methods without requiring any labels
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