4 research outputs found

    Automatically identifying vocal expressions for music transcription

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    ABSTRACT Music transcription has many uses ranging from music information retrieval to better education tools. An important component of automated transcription is the identification and labeling of different kinds of vocal expressions such as vibrato, glides, and riffs. In Indian Classical Music such expressions are particularly important since a raga is often established and identified by the correct use of these expressions. It is not only important to classify what the expression is, but also when it starts and ends in a vocal rendition. Some examples of such expressions that are key to Indian music are Meend (vocal glides) and Andolan (very slow vibrato). In this paper, we present an algorithm for the automatic transcription and expression identification of vocal renditions with specific application to North Indian Classical Music. Using expert human annotation as the ground truth, we evaluate this algorithm and compare it with two machinelearning approaches. Our results show that we correctly identify the expressions and transcribe vocal music with 85% accuracy. As a part of this effort, we have created a corpus of 35 voice recordings, of which 12 recordings are annotated by experts. The corpus is available for download 1

    On the Distributional Representation of Ragas: Experiments with Allied Raga Pairs

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    Raga grammar provides a theoretical framework that supports creativity and flexibility in improvisation while carefully maintaining the distinctiveness of each raga in the ears of a listener. A computational model for raga grammar can serve as a powerful tool to characterize grammaticality in performance. Like in other forms of tonal music, a distributional representation capturing tonal hierarchy has been found to be useful in characterizing a raga’s distinctiveness in performance. In the continuous-pitch melodic tradition, several choices arise for the defining attributes of a histogram representation of pitches. These can be resolved by referring to one of the main functions of the representation, namely to embody the raga grammar and therefore the technical boundary of a raga in performance. Based on the analyses of a representative dataset of audio performances in allied ragas by eminent Hindustani vocalists, we propose a computational representation of distributional information, and further apply it to obtain insights about how this aspect of raga distinctiveness is manifested in practice over different time scales by very creative performers

    Music Synchronization, Audio Matching, Pattern Detection, and User Interfaces for a Digital Music Library System

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    Over the last two decades, growing efforts to digitize our cultural heritage could be observed. Most of these digitization initiatives pursuit either one or both of the following goals: to conserve the documents - especially those threatened by decay - and to provide remote access on a grand scale. For music documents these trends are observable as well, and by now several digital music libraries are in existence. An important characteristic of these music libraries is an inherent multimodality resulting from the large variety of available digital music representations, such as scanned score, symbolic score, audio recordings, and videos. In addition, for each piece of music there exists not only one document of each type, but many. Considering and exploiting this multimodality and multiplicity, the DFG-funded digital library initiative PROBADO MUSIC aimed at developing a novel user-friendly interface for content-based retrieval, document access, navigation, and browsing in large music collections. The implementation of such a front end requires the multimodal linking and indexing of the music documents during preprocessing. As the considered music collections can be very large, the automated or at least semi-automated calculation of these structures would be recommendable. The field of music information retrieval (MIR) is particularly concerned with the development of suitable procedures, and it was the goal of PROBADO MUSIC to include existing and newly developed MIR techniques to realize the envisioned digital music library system. In this context, the present thesis discusses the following three MIR tasks: music synchronization, audio matching, and pattern detection. We are going to identify particular issues in these fields and provide algorithmic solutions as well as prototypical implementations. In Music synchronization, for each position in one representation of a piece of music the corresponding position in another representation is calculated. This thesis focuses on the task of aligning scanned score pages of orchestral music with audio recordings. Here, a previously unconsidered piece of information is the textual specification of transposing instruments provided in the score. Our evaluations show that the neglect of such information can result in a measurable loss of synchronization accuracy. Therefore, we propose an OCR-based approach for detecting and interpreting the transposition information in orchestral scores. For a given audio snippet, audio matching methods automatically calculate all musically similar excerpts within a collection of audio recordings. In this context, subsequence dynamic time warping (SSDTW) is a well-established approach as it allows for local and global tempo variations between the query and the retrieved matches. Moving to real-life digital music libraries with larger audio collections, however, the quadratic runtime of SSDTW results in untenable response times. To improve on the response time, this thesis introduces a novel index-based approach to SSDTW-based audio matching. We combine the idea of inverted file lists introduced by Kurth and Müller (Efficient index-based audio matching, 2008) with the shingling techniques often used in the audio identification scenario. In pattern detection, all repeating patterns within one piece of music are determined. Usually, pattern detection operates on symbolic score documents and is often used in the context of computer-aided motivic analysis. Envisioned as a new feature of the PROBADO MUSIC system, this thesis proposes a string-based approach to pattern detection and a novel interactive front end for result visualization and analysis

    Uloga mera sličnosti u analizi vremenskih serija

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    The subject of this dissertation encompasses a comprehensive overview and analysis of the impact of Sakoe-Chiba global constraint on the most commonly used elastic similarity measures in the field of time-series data mining with a focus on classification accuracy. The choice of similarity measure is one of the most significant aspects of time-series analysis  -  it should correctly reflect the resemblance between the data presented in the form of time series. Similarity measures represent a critical component of many tasks of mining time series, including: classification, clustering, prediction, anomaly detection, and others. The research covered by this dissertation is oriented on several issues: 1.  review of the effects of  global constraints on the performance of computing similarity measures, 2.  a detailed analysis of the influence of constraining the elastic similarity measures on the accuracy of classical classification techniques, 3.  an extensive study of the impact of different weighting schemes on the classification of time series, 4.  development of an open source library that integrates the main techniques and methods required for analysis and mining time series, and which is used for the realization of these experimentsPredmet istraživanja ove disertacije obuhvata detaljan pregled i analizu uticaja Sakoe-Chiba globalnog ograničenja na najčešće korišćene elastične mere sličnosti u oblasti data mining-a vremenskih serija sa naglaskom na tačnost klasifikacije. Izbor mere sličnosti jedan je od najvažnijih aspekata analize vremenskih serija  -  ona treba  verno reflektovati sličnost između podataka prikazanih u obliku vremenskih serija.  Mera sličnosti predstavlјa kritičnu komponentu mnogih zadataka  mining-a vremenskih serija, uklјučujući klasifikaciju, grupisanje (eng.  clustering), predviđanje, otkrivanje anomalija i drugih. Istraživanje obuhvaćeno ovom disertacijom usmereno je na nekoliko pravaca: 1.  pregled efekata globalnih ograničenja na performanse računanja mera sličnosti, 2.  detalјna analiza posledice ograničenja elastičnih mera sličnosti na tačnost klasifikacije klasičnih tehnika klasifikacije, 3.  opsežna studija uticaj različitih načina računanja težina (eng. weighting scheme) na klasifikaciju vremenskih serija, 4.  razvoj biblioteke otvorenog koda (Framework for Analysis and Prediction  -  FAP) koja će integrisati glavne tehnike i metode potrebne za analizu i mining  vremenskih serija i koja je korišćena za realizaciju ovih eksperimenata.Predmet istraživanja ove disertacije obuhvata detaljan pregled i analizu uticaja Sakoe-Chiba globalnog ograničenja na najčešće korišćene elastične mere sličnosti u oblasti data mining-a vremenskih serija sa naglaskom na tačnost klasifikacije. Izbor mere sličnosti jedan je od najvažnijih aspekata analize vremenskih serija  -  ona treba  verno reflektovati sličnost između podataka prikazanih u obliku vremenskih serija.  Mera sličnosti predstavlja kritičnu komponentu mnogih zadataka  mining-a vremenskih serija, uključujući klasifikaciju, grupisanje (eng.  clustering), predviđanje, otkrivanje anomalija i drugih. Istraživanje obuhvaćeno ovom disertacijom usmereno je na nekoliko pravaca: 1.  pregled efekata globalnih ograničenja na performanse računanja mera sličnosti, 2.  detaljna analiza posledice ograničenja elastičnih mera sličnosti na tačnost klasifikacije klasičnih tehnika klasifikacije, 3.  opsežna studija uticaj različitih načina računanja težina (eng. weighting scheme) na klasifikaciju vremenskih serija, 4.  razvoj biblioteke otvorenog koda (Framework for Analysis and Prediction  -  FAP) koja će integrisati glavne tehnike i metode potrebne za analizu i mining  vremenskih serija i koja je korišćena za realizaciju ovih eksperimenata