273 research outputs found

    Detecting land cover change using an extended Kalman filter on MODIS NDVI time-series data

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    A method for detecting land cover change using NDVI time series data derived from 500m MODIS satellite data is proposed. The algorithm acts as a per pixel change alarm and takes as input the NDVI time series of a 3x3 grid of MODIS pixels. The NDVI time series for each of these pixels was modeled as a triply (mean, phase and amplitude) modulated cosine function, and an extended Kalman Filter was used to estimate the parameters of the modulated cosine function through time. A spatial comparison between the center pixel of the the 3x3 grid and each of its neighboring pixel’s mean and amplitude parameter sequence was done to calculate a change metric which yields a change or no-change decision after thresholding. Although the development of new settlements is the most prevalent form of land cover change in South Africa, it is rarely mapped and known examples amounts to a limited number of changed MODIS pixels. Therefore simulated change data was generated and used for preliminary optimization of the change detection method. After optimization the method was evaluated on examples of known land cover change in the study area and experimental results indicate a 89% change detection accuracy, while a traditional annual NDVI differencing method could only achieve a 63% change detection accuracy.http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=885

    Advanced Processing of Multispectral Satellite Data for Detecting and Learning Knowledge-based Features of Planetary Surface Anomalies

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    abstract: The marked increase in the inflow of remotely sensed data from satellites have trans- formed the Earth and Space Sciences to a data rich domain creating a rich repository for domain experts to analyze. These observations shed light on a diverse array of disciplines ranging from monitoring Earth system components to planetary explo- ration by highlighting the expected trend and patterns in the data. However, the complexity of these patterns from local to global scales, coupled with the volume of this ever-growing repository necessitates advanced techniques to sequentially process the datasets to determine the underlying trends. Such techniques essentially model the observations to learn characteristic parameters of data-generating processes and highlight anomalous planetary surface observations to help domain scientists for making informed decisions. The primary challenge in defining such models arises due to the spatio-temporal variability of these processes. This dissertation introduces models of multispectral satellite observations that sequentially learn the expected trend from the data by extracting salient features of planetary surface observations. The main objectives are to learn the temporal variability for modeling dynamic processes and to build representations of features of interest that is learned over the lifespan of an instrument. The estimated model parameters are then exploited in detecting anomalies due to changes in land surface reflectance as well as novelties in planetary surface landforms. A model switching approach is proposed that allows the selection of the best matched representation given the observations that is designed to account for rate of time-variability in land surface. The estimated parameters are exploited to design a change detector, analyze the separability of change events, and form an expert-guided representation of planetary landforms for prioritizing the retrieval of scientifically relevant observations with both onboard and post-downlink applications.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Engineering 201

    Detecting land-cover change using Modis time-series data

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    Anthropogenic changes to forests, agriculture and hydrology are being driven by a need to provide water, food and shelter to more than six billion people. Unfortunately, these changes have a major impact on hydrology, biodiversity, climate, socio-economic stability and food security. The most pervasive form of land-cover change in South Africa is human settlement expansion. In many cases, new human settlements and settlement expansion are informal and occur in areas that are typically covered by natural vegetation. Settlements are infrequently mapped on an ad-hoc basis in South Africa which makes information on when and where new settlements form very difficult. Determining where and when new informal settlements occur is beneficial from not only an ecological but also a social development standpoint. The objective of this thesis is to make use of coarse resolution satellite data to infer the location of new settlement developments in an automated manner by making use of machine learning methods. The specific sensor that is considered in this thesis is the MODIS sensor on-board the Terra and Aqua satellites. By using samples taken at regular intervals (8 days), a hyper-temporal time-series is constructed and consequently used to detect new human settlement formations in South Africa. Two change detection methods are proposed in this thesis to achieve the goal of automated new settlement development detection using this high-temporal coarse resolution satellite time-series data.Thesis (PhD(Eng))--University of Pretoria, 2012.Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineeringunrestricte

    Local species assemblages are influenced more by past than current dissimilarities in photosynthetic activity

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    Most land on Earth has been changed by humans and past changes of land can have lasting influences on current species assemblages. Yet few globally representative studies explicitly consider such influences even though auxiliary data, such as from remote sensing, are readily available. Time series of satellite-derived data have been commonly used to quantify differences in land-surface attributes such as vegetation cover, which will among other things be influenced by anthropogenic land conversions and modifications. Here we quantify differences in current and past (up to five years before sampling) vegetation cover, and assess whether such differences differentially influence taxonomic and functional groups of species assemblages between spatial pairs of sites. Specifically, we correlated between-site dissimilarity in photosynthetic activity of vegetation (the Enhanced Vegetation Index) with the corresponding dissimilarity in local species assemblage composition from a global database using a common metric for both, the Bray-Curtis index. We found that dissimilarity in species assemblage composition was on average more influenced by dissimilarity in past than current photosynthetic activity, and that the influence of past dissimilarity increased when longer time periods were considered. Responses to past dissimilarity in photosynthetic activity also differed among taxonomic groups (plants, invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals), with reptiles being among the most influenced by more dissimilar past photosynthetic activity. Furthermore, we found that assemblages dominated by smaller and more vegetation-dependent species tended to be more influenced by dissimilarity in past photosynthetic activity than prey-dependent species. Overall, our results have implications for studies that investigate species responses to current environmental changes and highlight the importance of past changes continuing to influence local species assemblage composition. We demonstrate how local species assemblages and satellite-derived data can be linked and provide suggestions for future studies on how to assess the influence of past environmental changes on biodiversity

    Assimilation of NDVI data in a land surface – Vegetation model for leaf area index predictions in a tree-grass ecosystem

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    Periodic observations of vegetation index, such as the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), can be used for data assimilation in heterogenous ecosystems. Indeed, the new Sentinel 2 Multispectral instrument and Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager sensor data are available at such high temporal and spatial resolutions that can be used to detect the patches of the main vegetation components (grass and trees) of heterogenous ecosystems, and capture their dynamics. We demonstrate the possibility to merge grass and tree NDVI observations and models, to optimally provide robust predictions of grass and tree leaf area index. The proposed assimilation approach assimilates NDVI data through the Ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) and dynamically calibrates a key vegetation dynamic model parameter, the maintenance respiration coefficient (ma ). In the presence of large bias of the grass and tree ma base values, only the use of the proposed assimilation approach removes the large bias in the biomass balance, dynamically calibrating maintenance respiration coefficients, and corrects the model. The performance of a land surface - vegetation model was improved by assimilating observations of NDVI. The effective impact of the proposed assimilation approach on the evapotranspiration and CO2 uptake predictions in the heterogenous ecosystem is also demonstrated

    Meta-optimization of the Extended Kalman filter's parameters through the use of the Bias-Variance Equilibrium Point criterion

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    The extraction of information on land cover classes using unsupervised methods has always been of relevance to the remote sensing community. In this paper, a novel criterion is proposed, which extracts the inherent information in an unsupervised fashion from a time series. The criterion is used to fit a parametric model to a time series, derive the corresponding covariance matrices of the parameters for the model, and estimate the additive noise on the time series. The proposed criterion uses both spatial and temporal information when estimating the covariance matrices and can be extended to incorporate spectral information. The algorithm used to estimate the parameters for the model is the extended Kalman filter (EKF). An unsupervised search algorithm, specifically designed for this criterion, is proposed in conjunction with the criterion that is used to rapidly and efficiently estimate the variables. The search algorithm attempts to satisfy the criterion by employing density adaptation to the current candidate system. The application in this paper is the use of an EKF to model Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer time series with a triply modulated cosine function as the underlying model. The results show that the criterion improved the fit of the triply modulated cosine function by an order of magnitude on the time series over all seven spectral bands when compared with the other methods. The state space variables derived from the EKF are then used for both land cover classification and land cover change detection. The method was evaluated in the Gauteng province of South Africa where it was found to significantly improve on land cover classification and change detection accuracies when compared with other methods.http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=36hb201

    Particle Filter Approach for Real-Time Estimation of Crop Phenological States Using Time Series of NDVI Images

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    Knowing the current phenological state of an agricultural crop is a powerful tool for precision farming applications. In the past, it has been estimated with remote sensing data by exploiting time series of Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), but always at the end of the campaign and only providing results for some key states. In this work, a new dynamical framework is proposed to provide real-time estimates in a continuous range of states, for which NDVI images are combined with a prediction model in an optimal way using a particle filter. The methodology is tested over a set of 8 to 13 rice parcels during 2008–2013, achieving a high determination factor R2=0.93 ( n=379 ) for the complete phenological range. This method is also used to predict the end of season date, obtaining a high accuracy with an anticipation of around 40–60 days. Among the key advantages of this approach, phenology is estimated each time a new observation is available, hence enabling the potential detection of anomalies in real-time during the cultivation. In addition, the estimation procedure is robust in the case of noisy observations, and it is not limited to a few phenological stages.This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and EU FEDER under Projects TEC2011-28201-C02-02 and TIN2014-55413-C2-2-P
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