4 research outputs found

    Detecting Missing Dependencies and Notifiers in Puppet Programs

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    Puppet is a popular computer system configuration management tool. It provides abstractions that enable administrators to setup their computer systems declaratively. Its use suffers from two potential pitfalls. First, if ordering constraints are not specified whenever an abstraction depends on another, the non-deterministic application of abstractions can lead to race conditions. Second, if a service is not tied to its resources through notification constructs, the system may operate in a stale state whenever a resource gets modified. Such faults can degrade a computing infrastructure's availability and functionality. We have developed an approach that identifies these issues through the analysis of a Puppet program and its system call trace. Specifically, we present a formal model for traces, which allows us to capture the interactions of Puppet abstractions with the file system. By analyzing these interactions we identify (1) abstractions that are related to each other (e.g., operate on the same file), and (2) abstractions that should act as notifiers so that changes are correctly propagated. We then check the relationships from the trace's analysis against the program's dependency graph: a representation containing all the ordering constraints and notifications declared in the program. If a mismatch is detected, our system reports a potential fault. We have evaluated our method on a large set of Puppet modules, and discovered 57 previously unknown issues in 30 of them. Benchmarking further shows that our approach can analyze in minutes real-world configurations with a magnitude measured in thousands of lines and millions of system calls

    Concurrency Analysis in Javascript Programs Using Arrows

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    Concurrency errors are difficult to detect and correct in asynchronous programs such as those implemented in JavaScript. One reason is that it is often difficult to keep track of which parts of the program may execute in parallel and potentially share resources in unexpected, and perhaps unintended, ways. While programming constructs such as promises can help improve the readability of asynchronous JavaScript programs that were traditionally written using callbacks, there are no static tools to identify asynchronous functions that run in parallel, which may potentially cause concurrency errors. In this work, we present a solution for implementing JavaScript programs using a library based on the abstraction of arrows. We enhanced the previous implementation of the arrows library by enabling its use with Node.js and by adding parallel asynchronous path detection. Automated identification of which arrows may execute in parallel helps the programmer narrow down the possible sources of concurrency errors

    Detecting JavaScript races that matter

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    As JavaScript has become virtually omnipresent as the language for programming large and complex web applications in the last several years, we have seen an increase in interest in finding data races in client-side JavaScript. While JavaScript execution is single-threaded, there is still enough potential for data races, created largely by the non-determinism of the scheduler. Recently, several academic efforts have explored both static and run-time analysis approaches in an effort to find data races. However, despite this, we have not seen these analysis techniques deployed in practice and we have only seen scarce evidence that developers find and fix bugs related to data races in JavaScript. In this paper we argue for a different formulation of what it means to have a data race in a JavaScript application and distinguish between benign and harmful races, affecting persistent browser or server state. We further argue that while benign races — the subject of the majority of prior work — do exist, harmful races are exceedingly rare in practice (19 harmful vs. 621 benign). Our results shed a new light on the issues of data race prevalence and importance. To find races, we also propose a novel lightweight run-time symbolic exploration algorithm for finding races in traces of run-time execution. Our algorithm eschews schedule exploration in favor of smaller run-time overheads and thus can be used by beta testers or in crowd-sourced testing. In our experiments on 26 sites, we demonstrate that benign races are considerably more common than harmful ones

    Detecting JavaScript Races that Matter

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    Abstract As JavaScript has become virtually omnipresent as the language for programming large and complex web applications in the last several years, we have seen an increase in interest in finding data races in client-side JavaScript. While JavaScript execution is single-threaded, there is still enough potential for data races, created largely by the nondeterminism of the scheduler. Recently, several academic efforts have explored both static and runtime analysis approaches in an effort to find data races. However, despite this, we have not seen these analysis techniques deployed in practice and we have only seen scarce evidence that developers find and fix bugs related to data races in JavaScript. In this paper we argue for a different formulation of what it means to have a data race in a JavaScript application and distinguish between benign and harmful races, affecting persistent browser or server state. We further argue that while benign races -the subject of the majority of prior work -do exist, harmful races are exceedingly rare in practice (19 harmful vs. 621 benign). Our results shed a new light on the issues of data race prevalence and importance. To find races, we also propose a novel lightweight runtime symbolic exploration algorithm for finding races in traces of runtime execution. Our algorithm eschews schedule exploration in favor of smaller runtime overheads and thus can be used by beta testers or in crowd-sourced testing. In our experiments on 26 sites, we demonstrate that benign races are considerably more common than harmful ones